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Hammer vs Fencers orThrusters Grip (psst..Jim and Rick)

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  • Hammer vs Fencers orThrusters Grip (psst..Jim and Rick)

    When it comes to knife sparring, what do you prefer? I like a fencers grip because it gives me more mobility and I feel a quicker reaction time along with range(an inch...oh so important!), though I notice against a certain type of fighter, ice pick can draw a straight efficient line to the target with damage.

    Jim McRae, how's it going. Haven't seen you in a while. I moved(to the building right next to where I lived) different number. How's your stickfighting going. I hope you've hooked up there with Rick Neil(holla!), he's got a nice feel with the stick and knife.

    Rick, how's it going! I haven't had a comp for a while and was dealing with some personal issues, but James, Leroy, and myself have been fighting at the park on Sundays again, also on Wednesday nights I have a community center in my building.

    Anyways you guys, please e-mail me at , talk laterz.

  • #2
    during the fluidity of combat optimal hand postion depends on your position. If you are unable to draw and end up on the ground a firm icepick grip works well in grappling range. Many grips have use and are situational. What grip do you use if you are bleeding? Guro Dan says blood is like motor oil. What grip is hardest to disarm, what do you do if the other person has a flak jacket? explore the possibilities. check this out, left lead icepick.


    • #3
      Knife form...

      We practise a double knife(twin sided) form that is mostly ice-pick fachion.

      You can grab with it, slice with it and stab with it this way.
      I would say it's mobility is greatest in this position.


      • #4
        G'day all,

        I train under Raymond Floro, who features in the above clip. Though Ray can show you how to use the knife in pretty much any grip, he is a big supporter of the ice-pick grip (edge-in). Briefly, you don't actually loose any range by taking this grip, but it is easier to hit harder and more accurately at the upper body (neck etc). Also, the grip has the added benefit for self defence that you can hit behind in case you're blind-sided. That being said, I enjoy training with a variety of grips, but I'll usually come back to i/p.




        • #5
          bali-song knife


          • #6
            Depends on the blade but for the part reverse grip blade in, on anything less than 5 inches is a pretty good rule.


            • #7
              you know, "SOMEONE" showed me why sticks can be pretty useless!!!

              I personally always have been a loyal folder fan, i have been one of ernie and derricks good customers, but "SOMEONE" really showed me the advantages to just a straight blade that changed alot of my thinking about folders that being good for anything more than utility is about it...carry acouple of both!

              its not the ones that they do see...its the ones that they "DONT" see!


              • #8
                Originally posted by velcroninja
                you know, "SOMEONE" showed me why sticks can be pretty useless!!!

                I personally always have been a loyal folder fan, i have been one of ernie and derricks good customers, but "SOMEONE" really showed me the advantages to just a straight blade that changed alot of my thinking about folders that being good for anything more than utility is about it...carry acouple of both!

                its not the ones that they do see...its the ones that they "DONT" see!
                Welcome home, shake all the sand out of your boots before you come over though...

