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New Girl

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  • New Girl

    Hi - I've been lurking for a while and now I'm coming out of the shadows. I was taught different styles of martial arts (mauy thai, grappling) from my father but I've not been involved in classes for several years. I hope to get involved again soon.

    -shook dii

  • #2
    Say, its that guy from

    Dude, you've confirmed what alot of us poor bastards figured out the


    • #3
      I read your reply four times and I just don't get it.

      If this is because I'm a new member and a girl, that's kinda lame. Weren't you the new guy once or are you secretly Tim Mousel?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shook Dii
        I read your reply four times and I just don't get it.?
        Its a joke, fella. We cut up now and then.

        Originally posted by Shook Dii
        If this is because I'm a new member and a girl, that's kinda lame. Weren't you the new guy once or are you secretly Tim Mousel?
        No, but I am your secret admirer...jj.


        • #5
          Shook Dii, don't worry - sometimes Tom can be a bit obscure

          Seriously, I read the post four times, and I didn't get it either...


          • #6
            I don't get it either. Tom is a pretty positive force round here, though, so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

            (Although he may be kinda dumb - we're aren't sure)


            • #7
              Originally posted by gregimotis
              I don't get it either. Tom is a pretty positive force round here, though, so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
              No way. I'm a mean jerk and it makes me strong. Can't you tell?

              (no sarcasme here )

              Originally posted by gregimotis
              (Although he may be kinda dumb - we're aren't sure)
              I ain't just dumb...I'm stoopid...


              • #8
                Anyways, welcome to the zoo - I mean forum.


                • #9
                  Street Defense For Women Men

                  If you are serious about learning Self Defense . Why not join a Krav Maga School they teach you how to defend yourself in street situations against both armed and unarmed attackers.
                  I wish you luck in finding a good School.
                  Other good Martial Arts Geared towards Self Defence:
                  Ukidokan, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Kyokushinkai Karate, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Wado ryu Karate, Hapkido, Hwarangdo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Sambo Wrestling.
                  Avoid Tae Kwon Do it will get you killed in the street.
                  The best defense is getting your carry conceal licence join a gun club and do The Firearms safety course then take up a Close Quarter Battle Firearms Course & practice target shooting regularly. Alternatively take a Mace Class or buy pepper spray.
                  Remember in the street its a life or death situation. It will take you at least 6 to 8 months to become competent in any Martial Arts System provided you train twice a week as well as train in the gym with weights & cardio for body conditioning. You must learn to spar & get your body tough to be able to take impact. I think knowledge in striking grappling & disarming techniques is the way to go. Lots of school teach bullshit ineffective techniques that would get you killed in a street situation.
                  Last edited by LatinoHeat; 07-05-2005, 11:29 PM. Reason: Links dont work

