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Another member, another ignored thread

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  • Another member, another ignored thread

    Well if you actually clicked this thread then I am totally surprised because I never click these kinds of threads. If you replied Im even more surprised because not only did you take the time to read what I wrote, but actually responded so... Thats cool.

    Anyway a little about me.

    I am a 14 year old Mexican/American male living in a small South Western town in Arizona. I have black spikey hair with dark brown eyes. I am roughly around 5'6" and in the 8th grade. I will be moving to 9th this year though. I have tan skin and wear glasses.

    I came to this website after I googled "Martial Art Forums" and this was the 5th thing to come up so I clicked it. Others I had to pay and, eh... Ya get me dont ya?

    Anyway, my martial arts background isnt really long... I studied karate when I was around seven years old and quit a year later because I was scared of breaking boards. (yes I admit it, I was scared of breaking wood. You could get a splinter!) I later joined karate again at the age of 13 in my 8th grade teachers karate class.

    My sensei studied under Master Kise in Okinawa Japan and they have their own website too. . Its an All Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kenshin Kan Karatedo and Kobudo Federation.

    I am currently a one striped white belt which under my sensei's eyes means I am a yellow belt. I know more than I should though.

    The karate school I attend emphesizes in katas rather than actual sparring against one another. So far I only know 7 katas and 1 that involves a Bo , making it 8 in total.

    Well I guess thats it, I dont really feal like explaining more since I have a feeling that nobody will actually read this, let alone respond to this. Incase you do want to know more stuff about me because your a stalker, cop, or just plain interested feel free to PM me.

  • #2
    Keep training. It's good to start martial arts at a young age. You may be a grandmaster one day. Study hard and practice daily; if time allows.


    • #3
      you'd be surprised what people around here will read.

      Welcome to the forum.


      • #4
        Holyness... two people replied. I feel special :P. Thanks for the invite eXcessiveForce. elliotNess, that is actually one of my goals. Well not to be a grandmaster but I want to be a martial arts instructor when I grow up. That and a wrestler, an airforce pilot, a hacker, a ninja, and all at the same time a rich billionare . Yes, I know, I have an active imagination. But eh, didnt we all when you were my age?


        • #5
          reminds me of me when I was younger,

          eyesight was too bad for fighter pilot,
          Wrestling didn't hold my interest

          Worked on hacking and got caught. Still think about it sometimes though

          Ninja, not exactly, but crazy power martial artist yes.

          Ended up an martial arts instructor a bit on accident.

          And I'm working on the billionaire thing.


          • #6

            Airforce thing is only if I get drafted for the military. I want to work in the Airforce.

            Ninjas always interested me like hacking

            Wrestling held my interest since I was round 8 and I wrestle to this day. If I become a wrestler i'll be a billionaire if I go in the WWE and all that stuff. I can already hear the pplz reading this, "but its fake. WWE sucks. WWE , whats that?"



            • #7
              Welcome to the forum.
              I took enjoyed hacking.. I was never caught but I never did something severe. I was like a comp wiz when i was 9-10. Long time ago.. hehe
              I'm interested by ninjas too in some way, I like being stealthy, swift and I like their uniforms! I also like the ninja stars (Shuriukens?)

              Wrestling isn't exactly what I like but I love grappling in general I'm thinking about studying physical education or something to do with it. I just don't if the jobs in that career pay well to become a billionaire :P(Everyone wants to be a billionaire)

              Btw XF, how do you become a martial arts instructor by mistake.. ?


              • #8
                well, you find out something about the school you are at and report it. The school gets closed down and if you want to train you have to open your own school and try to get as many of the members of the other school to join as possible.

                That's the short version of a very long story.


                • #9
                  Yea but what I forgot to mention is that the reason I like wrestling is because I like grappling. When I wrestle my friends or dad I get them in holds which are known in BJJ, and thats why I want to take BJJ along with Muay Thai (SP?). Anyway, since I like grappling and money I cant see a better way than becoming a pro wrestler. I know part of it is being a good actor and I can learn cant I?


                  • #10
                    Actually most of the pro wrestlers are some of the worst actors I've seen in my life. Its more about looking like a dumbass(IMO), no disrespect intended. Look at some of the responses they do when they fall on their back, if it actually hurts they would just lay there instead of jumping around acting like they are getting hurt. However, they do get pain to some extent but it isn't as severe as it looks. I could go on and on about pro wrestling but I'm working on a project which is killing me


                    • #11
                      Yea I know what you mean blitz. They over exagerate a bit too much. They should do it like in Mexico. In Mexico in the AAA or CMLL (mexican wrestling federations) they really connect with the moves. And I just noticed this, there isnt a spelling correction button in here is there?


                      • #12
                        Yeah there is. The button that says -ABC "tick"-


                        • #13
                          If you want to be a wrestler(not a WWE jack*ss), then join your highschool wrestling team. Out of my experiance with MA, wrestling was the toughest, and most rewarding, and it also taught me more about TKD and Karate. When ever I spar in Karate now, I clinch and take my partners down for fun. Also, wrestling conditioned and strenthened me alot more, so I have stepped my Karate game up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CS J0ker

                            Airforce thing is only if I get drafted for the military. I want to work in the Airforce.

                            Ninjas always interested me like hacking

                            Wrestling held my interest since I was round 8 and I wrestle to this day. If I become a wrestler i'll be a billionaire if I go in the WWE and all that stuff. I can already hear the pplz reading this, "but its fake. WWE sucks. WWE , whats that?"

                            if you go to the airforce you can be like guile from street fighter. you can learn boxing there too, like guile did.

                            and being in the wwe isnt bad either. you can do tons of roids, cocain, and groupies while making tons of cash and getting famous. the only thing is you have to be on the road yearlong, so you wont see your family much anymore. but its ok, you have women like stacy keibler and trish stratus to keep you company instead.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                              you'd be surprised what people around here will read.

                              Welcome to the forum.
                              Ditto ........

