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any christians on the site?

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  • #31
    All the martial arts in the world can't work techniques on angels; who awaits the sentencing of those not found written in the book of life. People who bad mouth God's order will see judgement if your perspective on Jesus Chirst's plan for your life doesn't change in do time. Salvation is now while there is still God's wind in your body. Salvation in the Christian sense means: to perserve one from coming judgement. This Jugdement is coming from the Father of all thats in creation. People from BC to AC told us of this coming wrath of God to this world, because of all the wickedness in His sight. Jesus sole purpose for coming into the world was to be a sacrifice of himself for all the sins of mankind in our place, and take the wrath of God for all thoughs who will have faith in His name and turn away from sin. Learn of Him and His righteous messege to mankind. His teachings are simply life and death - both are ETERNAL. At the end you'll know why your in heaven or hell! Answer is because of what and who we chose to follow. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life by saying; Lord I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness, cleanse me of all my sins. Thank you for dying on the cross and taking my punishment. From this day forward I will acknowledge you as Lord of my life and I will learn of you and your righteous ways. AMEN (So be it) If you said that prayer from your heart than E-mail at Take it easy and "God Bless YOU".


    • #32
      God Bless all that you do in the name of the Lord my friend in Christ Jesus


      • #33
        Hi Jesus is Lord mate. Do you believe that the bible is the word of god and must be obeyed?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jesus is Lord
          All the martial arts in the world can't work techniques on angels; who awaits the sentencing of those not found written in the book of life. People who bad mouth God's order will see judgement if your perspective on Jesus Chirst's plan for your life doesn't change in do time. Salvation is now while there is still God's wind in your body. Salvation in the Christian sense means: to perserve one from coming judgement. This Jugdement is coming from the Father of all thats in creation. People from BC to AC told us of this coming wrath of God to this world, because of all the wickedness in His sight. Jesus sole purpose for coming into the world was to be a sacrifice of himself for all the sins of mankind in our place, and take the wrath of God for all thoughs who will have faith in His name and turn away from sin. Learn of Him and His righteous messege to mankind. His teachings are simply life and death - both are ETERNAL. At the end you'll know why your in heaven or hell! Answer is because of what and who we chose to follow. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life by saying; Lord I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness, cleanse me of all my sins. Thank you for dying on the cross and taking my punishment. From this day forward I will acknowledge you as Lord of my life and I will learn of you and your righteous ways. AMEN (So be it) If you said that prayer from your heart than E-mail at Take it easy and "God Bless YOU".
          Amen! The only thing I would add is that Christians tell it like it is in love. We want everyone to spend eternity in heaven and not in hell. People who bash Christians are bashing the very ones who care enough to be ridiculed when they tell the truth.


          • #35
            "Yes I do"

            Originally posted by nutter
            Hi Jesus is Lord mate. Do you believe that the bible is the word of god and must be obeyed?
            To answer your question yes I do believe the bible is the word of GOD. It says in the scriptures of 2Timothy 3:16,17 that ...All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. The only way one can think that the Word of God isn't true and shouldn't be obeyed is because, they are filled up in there ways and every thought is continually wicked. When we accept Jesus we also accept His death. We die to our flesh and our own way of thinking. God lives within the believer by the baptistism of His Holy Spirit.
            You are a cup full of dirt and the Holy Spirit pours into you until the bottom of the cup has no-more dirt. This dirt symbolizes the unrighteous nature of man. After the nature of the old man is no-more, then theirs a renewing of the man God intends for you to be. In Romans 12:1,2 it says, "I beseech you therefore, brethern, by the mercies of God, that ye presnt your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Once this takes place - then you will know whats real and what not real. Your mind needs to be free from the pollutons of this world's system and Jesus Christ the Lord (Master/Teacher) will do just that. (If you need a brake down on scriptures given or anymore Question - contact me at PEACE AND BLESSINGS IN THE NAME OF JESUS - JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND SAVIOR OF MANKIND ONLY WHEN MAN ACKNOWLEGDE HIM AS SO (AMEN)


            • #36
              Where is the respect for God in this world. Where is the sold out Christian. Where are the ones who hold up the flag and set the standard for holiness. Where are my soldiers in the LORD Jesus. He is coming back for those who live right before the All-Knowing God. These are the days of Noah before he got into the ark. Violence and the aroma of wickedness stenches the air; and justice must be served in the earth. We all turn on the news and we see it. Do you think the MOST HIGH GOD IN HEAVEN is going to let everyone get away with this? Most assuredly not! Turn from your wicked ways and come into the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are also the days of Sodom and Gomorrah which is sybolic of the decline in morality. Men with men and woman with woman are an abomination unto the Lord; than for them to be married - "God help us"! All of what is here you can find in the
              B-i-b-l-e (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth). Get saved and stay saved. *GOD BLESS AMEN*


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jesus is Lord
                To answer your question yes I do believe the bible is the word of GOD.


                The only way one can think that the Word of God isn't true and shouldn't be obeyed is because, they are filled up in there ways and every thought is continually wicked.
                So you are circumcised as ordered by God in Leviticus 12.3?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by nutter
                  So you are circumcised as ordered by God in Leviticus 12.3?
                  And he cant have sex with women so he molests little boys!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                    And he cant have sex with women so he molests little boys!
                    Which bit of the bible directs that mate? The bible puts the death penalty in sodomy, homosexual interaction and stuff like that right.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by nutter
                      Which bit of the bible directs that mate? The bible puts the death penalty in sodomy, homosexual interaction and stuff like that right.
                      Then how come so many christian priests are into that sort of thing?


                      • #41
                        Well they are unholy I guess. They should be put to death according to the Bible mate.


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by nutter
                          So you are circumcised as ordered by God in Leviticus 12.3?
                          I'm circumcised in the heart. The cutting away of fleshly desires, and now having the power to cast down imagination with my obedience made full in Christ Jesus. Circumcision was prophetic in what the promised Messiah Jesus would do. So yes! I am circumcised. Casting down the Devil and his cohorts agenda short by casting my cares on Christ Jesus my Lord. I hope that anwsers your question. (PEACE)


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Jesus is Lord
                            I'm circumcised in the heart. The cutting away of fleshly desires, and now having the power to cast down imagination with my obedience made full in Christ Jesus. Circumcision was prophetic in what the promised Messiah Jesus would do. So yes! I am circumcised. Casting down the Devil and his cohorts agenda short by casting my cares on Christ Jesus my Lord. I hope that anwsers your question. (PEACE)
                            So you are NOT circumcised.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Hikage
                              You know, the largest reason for atheism today is other Chrisitians. Many of our pulpits are filled with weak men, and women, who don't have the first clue about how to lead. They leave out some of the most important details about Christianity, such as sin, in favor of a more "non-offensive" Gospel. When you remove sin from the Gospel, you remove the necessity of a saviour. When you remove the saviour, you find that Christ died needlessly.

                              Another aspect that is not taught is a proper Christian Wordview. By this, I mean how do we as Christians view the world around us. What does the Bible say about particuluar issues, and not just the big ones. Where does God fit into our lives? Is he to be compartmentalized (as some churches enable), or present in every decision? How does a Christian worldview fit into how we view our careers and families?

                              This being said, in accordance with a Christian worldview, we are not taught how to discern that which we are taught. Furthermore, there are certain dogmatic principles which are essential to Christianity and are prevelant throughout the Bible. I admit, I must disagree with the notion that Catholicism and Christianity are one in the same. I have two major points of dissagreement, but I'll lend you my views on the Madonna worship as well.

                              As far as praying to Mary, I would like to know by which Scripture do you practice this? No where througout any of the Gospels, Acts, or the Epistles do we see this. No where does it say that we can communicate with the deceased, regardless of how pure and holy they were on Earth. We practice Baptism because it is an ordained institution throughout the Old and New Testaments. We continue to marry for the same reasons. We confess (although not to a priest) because the New Testament adamently says to and is backed up in the Old through repentance of sins. I hate to admit it, but to give Mary, or any other Saint any power beyond what power they were given on Earth by God is satanic. Very narrow is the path upon which we walk (very well illustrated in John Bunyan's work, Pilgram's Progress) and it is so easy to think you're following a parallel path. This always leads to disaster.

                              When Martin Luther seperated from the RC Church, he had two main points (prevelant throughout all his however many tennants). That of Sola Fide and that of Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide is faith alone, meaning that it is by faith alone that salvation is attained. Catholics believe in a merging of Christ's death, with the necessity of relying on works to further along your salvation. They use the following Scripture as a base for this belief, but you'll see that in itself it is defeating:

                              In the last lines, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,"[e] and he was called God's friend. 24You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone. We see that the first step is to believe, and then the works (or deeds) are seen. What is not shown is the power of Christ to tranform a life and make them want to perform these works.

                              2 Corinthians 5:17 (Whole Chapter)
                              Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

                              Romans 4:2 (Whole Chapter)
                              If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God.

                              The Scripture teaches that Sola Fide, or faith alone is the true way to salvation. The first step in salvation is realizing that you are imperfect, have sinned, and need someone to take you from that life.

                              Romans 3:23 (Whole Chapter)
                              for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

                              Romans 5:12 (Whole Chapter)
                              [ Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ ] Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned—

                              Romans 6:23 (Whole Chapter)
                              For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in [ Or through] Christ Jesus our Lord.

                              Furthermore, this is all that we can do for salvation, nothing further, as taught by the New Testament. This is the most common passage referring to this, there are more.

                              8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

                              Once again, we see here the grace and salvation come first, then God cultivates in us the desire to do his works. Works are not a necessary element to salvation. One more time, look at the line "so that no one can boast." The one thing that will be absent from heaven will be boasting about how we got there.

                              No one will stand before God and say "you should let me in because I was a decent guy." That would be boasting.

                              Isaiah 64:6 (Whole Chapter)
                              All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

                              As for Sola Scriptura. The RC Church preaches that the Pope is the mouth piece of God and has an equal place in the church as the Scriptures. Christ himself teaches the following:

                              Matthew 5:18 (Whole Chapter)
                              I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

                              This applies to the Pope's ability to add to, take away from, and re-define Scripture. In addition, Paul teaches that Scripture itself is sufficient:

                              2 Timothy 3:16 (Whole Chapter)
                              All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

                              Unfortunately, I don't feel that I have explained myself well. My little boy has a fever of 104, and he's my current focus. I wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is a large dogmatic divide between Catholicism and Christianity and to encourage you, if you are Christian, to pursue a Christian worldview and strive to be blameless. There is no excuse for someone who claims Christ to swear on a board such as this or to post sexual pictures. These are easily avoidable contradictions and actually serve to promote atheism. Ghandi said that he liked Christianity's God, but hated the Christians.


                              PS> I apologize, no time to proofread.

                              Wow, good post.


                              • #45
                                Be Cool

                                Originally posted by nutter
                                So you are NOT circumcised.
                                I think thatz none of your business if I'm circumcised or not. Thats as far as I go with you on the subject. I'll leave this discussion with what it says in 2Timothy 2:16,17a-----AVOID GODLESS, FOOLISH DISCUSSIONS THAT LEAD TO MORE AND MORE UNGODLINESS. THIS KIND OF TALK SPREADS LIKE CANCER...(NEW LIVING TRANSLATION BIBILE) -PEACE-

