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any christians on the site?

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  • #46
    We should not bring religion in this site. This site is for martial arts n nothing more. Before problems start.


    • #47
      Jude 4

      Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
      Then how come so many christian priests are into that sort of thing?
      I say because some godless people have wormed their way in among you, and saying that God's forgiveness allows us to live immoral lives. The FATE of such people was determined long ago, for they have turned against our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. JUDE 4 (NLT) go 2

      Not everybody can keep themselves sexually pure. Thats why God new what He was doing when He blessed us with women (of course only when married). When left to your own imagination, you give room for the devil to put impure thoughts into our mind. Then the thoughts start to ponder. Pondering leads to the feeling that should be blocked with the sense of wrong. But pondering enough will lead to perversion. Now that the mind is held captive to I'll thinking; the individuals concsience normal response is invaild by the darking of the desire -desire is now armed and ready for its pray.

      Jesus was the last preist any way. A preist sacifices an animal. Instead of a animal Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice for the remission of sins. So there is no one who can claim an office of preist. When I go into a Catholic church-thier are no blood stains on those preistly garments. Jesus is our High Preist making intercession on our behalf at the right hand side of the Father.

      Those guys who do such things are not Christian, but people who have there own agenda-z. A Christian is one who follows and is disciplined in the doctrine of Christ Jesus the Lord - PERIOD.


      • #48
        What do ya think of other religions then, like Islam?


        • #49
          Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
          What do ya think of other religions then, like Islam?
          islam is pretty cool. jesus, john the baptist, abraham, moses, Lot, jonah, enoch, noah, aaron, mary, and many other prophets and people from christianity are a part of islam. islam believes that jesus, like muhammad, was just a prophet sent by god, not god himself which makes more sense to me. they believe in 1 all powerful god, not a trinity which is against the entire concept of monotheism and makes way more sense to me personally.


          • #50
            Nutter, I'll say it one more time... hope you're listening ... lol. Before Christ, there was a need for atonement(they used to slaughter the unblemished lamb and tranfer their sins over to it once a year to be forgiven by God). Now, with Christ, there is a permanent atonement. With that being said, the old law was pushed aside to a degree with this new found forgiveness. It is the word of God, and is still used as a guideline, but Jesus changed things. I'm not sure why you don't like Christianity... or why you try to get us going, but this doesn't work. If we were judged by the old testement law still... then we would have no need for Christ.


            • #51
              Originally posted by EmptyneSs
              islam is pretty cool. jesus, john the baptist, abraham, moses, Lot, jonah, enoch, noah, aaron, mary, and many other prophets and people from christianity are a part of islam. islam believes that jesus, like muhammad, was just a prophet sent by god, not god himself which makes more sense to me. they believe in 1 all powerful god, not a trinity which is against the entire concept of monotheism and makes way more sense to me personally.
              The trinity doesn't go against the concept of monotheism. It fits in perfectly. On top of that, Jesus cannot be a prophet sent by God, if the Quaran says that, then it is flawed in saying so. If you don't belive he is the son of God, then he must be some wild, lying, maniac. He not only claimed he was God(multiple times... no prophet sent from Allah would blaspheme him now would they?) Since that is flawed, if he isn't the Son of God, he must be a liar and a maniac, he led hundreds to thousands of people astray and to their deaths, preached against the religious leaders of his day, and died on a cross for no reason. So either he is the Son of God, or he is a wild man.


              • #52
                The Bible is also one of the most historically accurate documents there is, with the exception of the Jewish Torah, which is in the Bible. No other religion can boast a document with such credentials.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Jesus is Lord
                  I think thatz none of your business if I'm circumcised or not. Thats as far as I go with you on the subject. I'll leave this discussion with what it says in 2Timothy 2:16,17a-----AVOID GODLESS, FOOLISH DISCUSSIONS THAT LEAD TO MORE AND MORE UNGODLINESS. THIS KIND OF TALK SPREADS LIKE CANCER...(NEW LIVING TRANSLATION BIBILE) -PEACE-
                  Mate, if you believe that the bible is the word of God, and that it must be obeyed, you should be circumcised in the literal sense it's that simple innit. Your aloofness on this subject is clearly because you do not obey the word of God yet enact the hypocrisy of preaching to others.


                  • #54
                    everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. even Nutter and the Jesus freak.

                    just imagine for a second, though, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths right from the abdomen, and imagine everything dropping out of your life, starting with what you care about, things you've accomplished, people you've met, events, places, colors, taste, touch, until you reach breathing and nothing else. I'm not talking about the darkness you get when you close your eyes...PAST that...imagine nothingness, the absence of everything. Imagine the course of the world, everything that has lived prior to yourself, being of no consequence. Imagine you being of no consequence. Nothing you've done, nor will do, will extend your existence or memory on this earth, and even if it does, you'd never know. Imagine the hopelessness, and emptiness...knowing that no higher being, flying saucer, or eternal plan exists to bail your ass out. Now it's just you in this lifeless, sightless, soundless, taxtileless terrain. Now stop thinking about everything...stop thinking about thinking, stop being aware. You're dead. Scary huh? That's all folks, ashe zu ashe.

                    See how people can not believe in God. And don't try to scare me with the "you go to hell if you don't believe..." because I would like to hope for that over the type of non-life I foresee being the end.

                    Now for a bubble bath and a beer. Talk to you fools tonight.


                    • #55
                      I hope this filled your emptyness

                      [QUOTE=EmptyneSs]islam is pretty cool. jesus, john the baptist, abraham, moses, Lot, jonah, enoch, noah, aaron, mary, and many other prophets and people from christianity are a part of islam. islam believes that jesus, like muhammad, was just a prophet sent by god, not god himself which makes more sense to me. they believe in 1 all powerful god, not a trinity which is against the entire concept of monotheism and makes way more sense to me personally.[/QUOte EMPTYNESS
                      Christianity is not poltheistic. It still holds the belief in the ONE God who works in three distinct personalties. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separated but unitied in action. Jesus Christ came from eternities past then after the cross He went back - as I hope we all know (I do)! Jesus is the embodied HEART and MIND Of God the Father. He is the Word of God. John 1:1,14 we read; "In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and He was God. He was in the beginning with God....So the Word became human and lived here on earth with us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father". Another scripture to look at is John 14:6,7 and it says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know him and have seen Him." Plus you are who your father is. Doesn't nature itself tell us that; when we marry the wife gets the husbands last name. Joseph had to look like the earthly father to Jesus because Mary was a virgin and chosen vessel to carry the seed of the Lord. The power of God that formed and fertilized the seed was God the Holy Spirit and nothing of human origin could bring Him in to the world but the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Holy meaning: a set apart one unto the glory of God the Father. All this to say you are what your father is; and His father is God=making Him the Son of God. Joseph seed is the currupt seed of Adam. Jesus is the second Adam which brings forth the new birth, which is spiritaul. Mary gave God the flesh + what came from the spiritual = now is made tangible. (God is One) Read the whole 2Corinthians chapter 15.


                      • #56
                        JIL, there is no proof to suggest that Jesus was the son of God. There is definetly no proof there is a God, since their is so many. A God doesnt actually exist, but God exists in the minds and hearts who choose to believe in him. Jesus Christ, wasnt divine in any way or had any connection to God(doesnt exist in reality, only in thyself), JC was a man who wanted people to believe in his ideas and follow him, he opposed the Romans and he became a Martyr. He wasnt a maniac, because his intentions were good, he just lied and made people(his apostles or followers) think he was the son of God, when in reality, he was a normal human being who just wanted to make a difference in life. Many cults leaders today are trying to do what Jesus did, but they cant because their intentions are bad, and even if their intentions are good, people dont see it that way. Jesus was a cult leader, because he did start a cult which stood the test of time and evolved into a full scale religion. To devote your life to God or Jesus Christ is sooooo stupid, JC was just one person who was just like you and me, until his followers turned him into something else...


                        • #57

                          Originally posted by nutter
                          Mate, if you believe that the bible is the word of God, and that it must be obeyed, you should be circumcised in the literal sense it's that simple innit. Your aloofness on this subject is clearly because you do not obey the word of God yet enact the hypocrisy of preaching to others.
                          Circumcised in the literal sense or not isn't the issue. I don't like speaking on certain parts the bodies anatomy. Like I said before it is something propehtic starting from the time of Abraham, until Jesus came cutting away the old nature of Adam. And I don't mean to fuel you with ill thoughts - so forgive me if what I said was harsh in any way. But I can't compromise myself with questions that doesn't bring edification to my Lord and His church (body of believers). Yes I'm circumcised in heart in the literal sense to answer your question. -PEACE-


                          • #58
                            Couldn't have said it better -PEACE-


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by J-Luck
                              no prophet sent from Allah would blaspheme him now would they?)
                              well, thats why according to the quran, jesus himself will testify against those who claimed he was god. this is what it says in the quran.

                              “And behold! God will say: "O Isa the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship God, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.“ (5:116-117)

                              Originally posted by J-Luck
                              So either he is the Son of God, or he is a wild man.
                              no...... theres another option as well, cause he could have been a prophet as well. you dont know that.

                              either way, i think jesus was an awesome person and he had a good message, regardless of how people after may have misinterpreted him.

                              if u care, take a look at this article about the muslim perspective of jesus(prophet isa). its interesting inmop to get another persective, regardless of wether u belive it or not.


                              • #60
                                wha' sup

                                [QUOTE=EmptyneSs]well, thats why according to the quran, jesus himself will testify against those who claimed he was god. this is what it says in the quran.

                                “And behold! God will say: "O Isa the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship God, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.“ (5:116-117)
                                Qu'ran and the Bible are contradicting accounts of Jesus life and ministry. You chose the Qu'ran for your view point and I for my view the Bible. So this conversation would more so go into a debate on who has the true revelation of Jesus nature. Is He God? Or is He just a Prophet? From your perpective I believe whole heartedly that He is a good and great man without contradicting mine own beliefs that He is God in the flesh. Prophet of God and Son of God, one in the same to me according to bilblical teaching. In thought we are at a 50-50 stand still but are different on how we acknowledge the King of kings. I myself use to get down with the Qu'ran in my search for truth. But know and I don't mean to offend - but its the truth Jesus Is lord and my Qu'ran went in the trash. When you search for truth you'll always find Jesus there! Read John 14th-16th chapter with John14:6,7
                                being the key scriptures.

                                An I don't put Mary in of my prayers. She was just a chosen vessel who birthed the Lord into the world. Other than that she has no dealings with the trinue Godhead. (Read Matthew 12:46-50 and draw your own conclusion on Mary the mother of God with special attention on verse 50.) -PEACE-

