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any christians on the site?

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  • any christians on the site?

    yo what up party people?!!!
    just wondering if there are any christians on the site.
    get at me!
    talk to ya lata ya'll.


  • #2
    I'm a Christian.


    • #3
      Im Roman Catholic. I heard that that falls under the Christian Category. Does that count?


      • #4
        Yes. Catholics are Christians too.


        • #5
          Yeah Catholics(Papists) are Christians, but chill with the Mary worship; you're only supposed to hail the Saviour...


          • #6
            Oh... uh... Yay?


            • #7
              Originally posted by CS J0ker
              Oh... uh... Yay?
              CS J0ker = Catholic School J0ker....


              • #8
                heil the savior? if by savior you mean HITLER.
                seig seig.
                savor the flavor.

                shit...I kiid I kiid.

                Really, you guys...stop with the Jesus shit, stop stroking your bishops, and chill. Leave God out of school, work, play...and church...and leave him for when you need him, don't bug the bastard until your on your deathbed.

                I'm a recovering Catholic, born and bred...was actually nominated by my classmates (assholes) to become an Obelite order priest. Big mistake.

                In nomine de padre, del taco, y de spititu sancti, AMEN.

                In nomen des wasser und des lager und der heilegen gheistes, achmed.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Garland

                  I'm a recovering Catholic, born and bred...was actually nominated by my classmates (assholes) to become an Obelite order priest. Big mistake.
                  Maybe they heard your jokes about making 12 year old girls look like 8 year old boys....that would cause me to assume you were either headed for a position in the church or a bjj class sup homaplata...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    Maybe they heard your jokes about making 12 year old girls look like 8 year old boys....that would cause me to assume you were either headed for a position in the church or a bjj class sup homaplata...
                    so the problem was I actually LIKED girls (underage or not)?

                    ...go figure!
                    oh well, there's a mystery solved, eh?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Garland
                      so the problem was I actually LIKED girls (underage or not)?

                      ...go figure!
                      oh well, there's a mystery solved, eh?
                      heheheh yep sherlock, looks like you solved another mystery...


                      • #12
                        I coudn't do it witout you, Grommit...I mean...Watkins.
                        Watkins, right?
                        shit. Screw drivers kick ass. J


                        • #13
                          Another Christian here. I don't have a fish on my car, not because I'm ashamed of the Lord, but of my witness for him sometimes. Especially true when someone cuts me off.


                          • #14
                            I'm one too

                            Probably a non-denominational one though, went to R.C. school from k-6 th grade. Could we please put the denomination v.s. demnomination thing to rest via, the mary worship thing we are asking mary to interceed on our behalf we are not worshiping Mary, by that logic if you ask a friend to pray for you you are doing the same thing again I guess. And quit with the we worship idols thing(someone on tv) because we don't do that either. a statue is merely a symbol that reminds us of god. Do protestants pray to the cross no they pray to jesus and the cross is a symbol of him. This my sect of christianity is the only right one stuff is what make non-christians think we're a bunch a hyopracritcs. It's too bad the Orthadox church the R.C. church and the portestant church couldn't all come back together then this type of foolishness would stop. I'm sorry to sound judgemental but it just buggs me to no end.


                            • #15

                              Why is it the Papists always have to whine?? J/K, LOL

                              As long as you're not a Mormon its all good in the hood....because Mormons are not Christians, lol...

