Hello my people-z of the martial art world. My feild which I trained in is Angloa Capoeira (and soon maybe Aikido). There isn't any real belt system in which we go by even though there is such a system. The philosphy of the system I engaged in is very simple: a teacher learns from who he teaches; especially when stepping in the roda (Circle, pronounced Ho-da). So when we teach one of God's souls we have to nurture it with love and prepare it for societies ills. A hot headed teacher with no control will teach a student (him\her) and reflect there image to society. An a teacher who has a sound mind will teach according to socities ills and counter it with good conduct, and instill him/her with virtuous teachings. Its simple. Dis-eased mental mind states are the seeds that evil has planted in the ground of this world, and we're the cause of it taking root. If you want to uproot this evil we do so by going all way back to creation when everything was in perfect order, but because of mankind (Adam) being curious to know the knowledge of good and evil; we eventually reaped what we sowed. And by God's righteous judgement all shall die because sin which we are born into and shaped in iniquity separates us from the Holiness of God our Most High God. Thats why we go to hell. But thier is a loop hole to the madness; accept Jesus Christ's mercy with the pardoning of sins instead of God's judgement and eternal separation. Jesus gave His life for us, but before all of that took place He was beat beyond recognition , spit upon, crown of thorns were pushed down inches into His head out of mockery, nailed to a cross hand and foot, hanging on the cross taking (while dying) verbal abuse - and all this so you and I can have a tangilbe hope for the future in Heaven and not hell. After everything was said and done Jesus rose and the third day proveing His credentials. If you want eternal life and you want the pardoning of your sins than say this simple prayer: "Lord I acknowledge I am a sinner in need of your mercy - forgive me for everything that I have done in your sight - I accept you in my heart and I believe you died on the cross an settled the score with sin in my life - transfering me from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light - I also believe you rose up on the third day to be in glory as I will at your second coming for all those who believe and have faith in you." If you mean what you read or got questions please contact me at the-great-commission@hotmail.com and I'll get back with you soon as I can (Peace And Blessings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus)
