Hello Brian,
My name is Rich Riccardi, I am also new to the forum. If you are just getting started in the martial arts, you are doing the right thing by shopping around. Looking for what might interest you. If you are looking at judo try it, even though it might be 2 hours away. If Aikido interests you try it. The Gumdo , I think it's Kumdo , this is from what I know the Korean Art of the sword. In Japan its Kendo. I myself have been in the arts now 21 years and I teach and train in Karate , Jiu Jitsu and the Filipino Martial Arts.
Any way I hope this helps you find what you are looking for.
My name is Rich Riccardi, I am also new to the forum. If you are just getting started in the martial arts, you are doing the right thing by shopping around. Looking for what might interest you. If you are looking at judo try it, even though it might be 2 hours away. If Aikido interests you try it. The Gumdo , I think it's Kumdo , this is from what I know the Korean Art of the sword. In Japan its Kendo. I myself have been in the arts now 21 years and I teach and train in Karate , Jiu Jitsu and the Filipino Martial Arts.
Any way I hope this helps you find what you are looking for.