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Introducing TJ Wing Chun

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  • Introducing TJ Wing Chun

    My name is Trevor Jefferson, hence the TJ, but there are some Chinese calligraphy that resembles a 'TJ' and it means YOU. I teach how I understand 'MY' Wing Chun so that 'YOU' can understand yours!

    I am at the moment developing an information site the new one is still under construction but my old site is still running until it is superceded.

    Was drawn to this forum while researching what had become of my old Wing Chun 'brothers' older and younger the name Dave Carnell brought me here, well to the JKD section, where his name cropped up.

    I first met Dave and Kevin Frost, along with other of Samuel Kwok's instructors, Brian hook, Martin Brierly and Bob Deakin, back in 1983 when Dave and Kevin were the most senior of Sifu's students.

    I am still in the Samuel Kwok Martial Arts Association and have for some time now been the most senior active instructor.

    What I am after are questions about Wing Chun, to do with the technical aspects, I stay out of the politics and leave the history to others more interested in that side!

    I am a scientist who views Wing Chun as simply the understanding of personal body mechanics in relation to violent confrontations.

    My way of thinking means that Wing Chun can be applied to any martial/fighting art, from Karate to boxing, Ju Jitsu to Tae Kwon Do, hence its relevance to JKD, as well as MMA and NHB.

    So just a quick introduction I will be putting this forum on my list of 'visits' so any questions I can answer as quickly as possible.

    Take care out there and keep smiling

  • #2
    Welcome Trevor.

    Look forward to your input on the board.
    Our resident expert on Wing Chun, 'Thai Bri' will no doubt greet you in his own manner.


    • #3
      Looks like we were around at about the same time, you old fellah you.

      I trained with Dave Carnell and another guy called "Kevin" (probably Kevin Frost) back at a club in Burslem, Stoke on Trent.

      Here's a technical question - why so much weight on the back leg in your lineage. Movement was awkward and severely hindered, and other lineages have a more even weight split between the feet. So why?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
        Welcome Trevor.

        Look forward to your input on the board.
        Our resident expert on Wing Chun, 'Thai Bri' will no doubt greet you in his own manner.
        Cheers, I have already come across one of his posts, it is what brought me here as I was googling for information on old training 'brothers' and Dave Carnell came up and he mentioned a rat looking Kevin but could not remember it was Kevin Frost, the book he mentioned "Path to Wing Chun" I wrote the words for my Sifu Samuel Kwok, I am trying to get it revised as I did that in 1984 and it seriously need updating.

        I was furious with both Dave and Kevin at the time as they made a couple of errors in the photos and they had to be retaken, when they were, Dave had mysteriously developed a moustache and Kevin a Cockatoo style haircut which f'ed the continuity up rather, lol.

        So I await Thai Bri's comments, we might have met at some point depending when he was part of the Impact set-up.

        One more thanks for the greeting and daresay will catch up again


        • #5

          It is rude to talk about someone as if they're not here.

          By the way, cockatoo haircut? That's the guy.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
            Looks like we were around at about the same time, you old fellah you.

            I trained with Dave Carnell and another guy called "Kevin" (probably Kevin Frost) back at a club in Burslem, Stoke on Trent.

            Here's a technical question - why so much weight on the back leg in your lineage. Movement was awkward and severely hindered, and other lineages have a more even weight split between the feet. So why?
            When teaching Chum Kiu 100% on the heels, when understanding using the forms, initially 50-50 distribution when not moving, then 100% again when moving.

            All the weight on the back leg strengthens it via the form, using the legs means that from a stationary position, ie your basic stance but with the feet not pointing in (more \--/ than /--\ , you are best with 50-50 distribution to allow maximum flexibilty of movement , once you decide to move either in responce to an attack or initiating an entry technique then all you weight must go onto one leg to utilise the muscle groups involved, once used the other leg will automatically be loaded to be used.

            The answers to better understanding of the stances are in appreciating the forms are for training not application, a stance indicates being stationary, if you are stationary you are waiting to be hit, a stance allows you to isolate the leg and understand the specific muscle groups application practice shows you the dynamics of how you will interact with an aggressor.

            Difficult to put in a few words but will leave it here until it gets more specific.


            • #7
              I understand that a "stance" implies a stationary pose, whilst we actually move when fighting.

              But Kevin and Dave hopped about like one legged chickens when applying the stuff, not just when doing forms. Were they doing it wrong?


              • #8
                Thai Bri.
                This is the mans 'intro' thread.

                Now if you were to start a thread in the CMA section about it, we could really focus on these questions for you.

                I'll even suggest some thread titles for you.
                How about;

                'Things I should have learned about WC in a year but didnt.'


                'I've been a loud mouth dick about WC. Lets all start again please!'


                • #9
                  Afraid you would have to ask them, but in my opinion yes it is wrong to do the 'chicken hop' as when you contact your opponent your structure needs to be strong to survive the collision energies.

                  I would imagine Dave has progressed since then, what I try to do is to get people to understand the dynamics of application, then take it back into the form to see where it came from so that you can isolate the muscle groups involved to develop their specific use. This allows you to use these muscle groups in everything you do rather than one single application that you are never likely to experience on the streets.

                  Abstract and exaggerated movements allow you to become aware of your body structures, specific application allows you to analyse how your body reacts in collisions, showing weaknesses and strengths


                  • #10
                    Troll Vrius

                    Now now. I don't think you have the right to tell TJ where he wants people to post his questions. Nor do you have the right to turn his serious thread into another low level shite fest.

                    This is seriously getting my interest. It's like a straight blast from the past ( ha ha). I found Kevin and Dave very inapproachable at the time, with all the macho biullshit going around in their club. Now I can get some serious answers to serious questions.

                    If you want to seriously discuss his art, stick around. If you want to keep playing the "TB has upset me but I'm putting a brave face on it and tryiong to pretend I'm superior" game, fook off to another thread.

                    TJ - Dave has indeed progressed. Even at that time (mid 80s) he was getting into JKD, and the drills became more Thai oriented for example. I know you can't answer this for him, but I wonder why that was? My own interpetation is that he found WC lacking.

                    Now why do you think the MMA guys do not use these WC structures. Yes, I know it is a sport. But they are getting subjected to collisions more than the rest of us, yes?
                    Last edited by Thai Bri; 09-13-2006, 07:43 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                      Thai Bri.
                      This is the mans 'intro' thread.

                      Now if you were to start a thread in the CMA section about it, we could really focus on these questions for you.

                      I'll even suggest some thread titles for you.
                      How about;

                      'Things I should have learned about WC in a year but didnt.'


                      'I've been a loud mouth dick about WC. Lets all start again please!'
                      Gather thats a "Get your ass out of here and in the right place" comment

                      will start up a thread there and see how it goes


                      • #12
                        TJ - I am glad you have turned up here. I really am. If you read my offensive posts in other threads thoroughly you will note that they are all in response to posts from anus heads like this Troll Virsu guy.

                        And no, despite you also being from the WC family, I will not hold you accountable for some of the ridiculous claims made on WC's behalf over here like, for example, how a 14 year old WC practitioner "easiy beat" an Olympic boxer........

                        I await your reply.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                          Now now. I don't think you have the right to tell TJ where he wants people to post his questions. Nor do you have the right to turn his serious thread into another low level shite fest.

                          This is seriously getting my interest. It's like a straight blast from the past ( ha ha). I found Kevin and Dave very inapproachable at the time, with all the macho biullshit going around in their club. Now I can get some serious answers to serious questions.

                          If you want to seriously discuss his art, stick around. If you want to keep playing the "TB has upset me but I'm putting a brave face on it and tryiong to pretend I'm superior" game, fook off to another thread.

                          Over to you TJ.
                          If you look back, you'll find I tried to engage you in serious discussion several times.

                          You backed down and tried to get everyone to discuss farmyard animals.

                          So yes, can we please have a proper discussion without comparing dicks.


                          • #14
                            How can we compare what you haven't got?

                            OK - let's get serious discussion about WC going. I have a great many points that need answering. If you can.


                            • #15
                              And farm yard animals are a serious topic of discussion, but not in this thread......

