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  • Hi

    I'm richard, 32 years old and need help to learn how to defend myself and be able to knock people out so I dont have to spend anymore time than I have to having to fight people who start trouble on me for no reason.

  • #2
    have you started learning a style of fighting yet?


    • #3
      No i'm starting classes in march. I'm saving for a car so I can get about at the moment so I can actually see my children cos I cant see them due to no transport, b ut as soon as i've got my car i'm gonna start classes.


      • #4
        sounds good, but while your waighting, are you doing some sort of toning exercises?


        • #5
          I'm starting to do toning excercises like stretching my ham strings and other tendons to make them more supple and i'll be able to stretch my legs further apart making it easier to do roundhouse kicks etc... And i'm doing press ups on my knuckles on concrete and laminate flooring that I have in my studio. Plus i'm doing sit ups to strengthen adominal muscles to. I go for 2 jogs every night of the week each consisting of 1,118 metres each which I space 30 minutes apart, so 2,236 metres in total with both little jogs. So in a week I run a total of about 9.7 miles. I measured these jogs by way of the fact that I run up and down an alleyway right near my house, which I measured at 43 metres each way, so 86 metres back and fourth. I do it this way instead of just going for a jog out normally cos this way I can just add another lap every week which means every week I jog 86 metres further.

          Its easy as hell this way for me to keep track of how much progress i'm making towards making me fitter and its so easy to keep track on how far i'm actually jogging.

          Maybe you think i'm weird by doing it this way I dont know but its a lot easier doing that way due to me just simply adding on another 86 metres a week onto the total distance I jog. Seeing as i'm a 32 year old male, who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't do drugs (but I use to very heavily in the 1990s), do you think 9.7 miles a week is ok? Or is it crap?


          • #6
            sounds like you have a pretty descant start.
            Usually need to have 2 to 3 miles a day, then when you get used to that, change out of couple of the days for sprint days.


            • #7
              Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
              I'm richard, 32 years old and need help to learn how to defend myself and be able to knock people out so I dont have to spend anymore time than I have to having to fight people who start trouble on me for no reason.
              Sounds like you're going to have to spend more time and effort on legal bills and talking to police if your soul intention is to "knock people out".
              Self defense is hard to justify in most situations...if people talk shit, they talk shit. Justifying physical force and violence is going to be much more time consuming than talking or walking your way out of a bad situation...and has the potential to make things MUCH worse for you.

              I'd suggest learning conversational and conflict avoiding skills before attempting to learn how to justifiably defend yourself.


              • #8
                Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                I'm starting to do toning excercises like stretching my ham strings and other tendons to make them more supple and i'll be able to stretch my legs further apart making it easier to do roundhouse kicks etc... And i'm doing press ups on my knuckles on concrete and laminate flooring that I have in my studio. Plus i'm doing sit ups to strengthen adominal muscles to. I go for 2 jogs every night of the week each consisting of 1,118 metres each which I space 30 minutes apart, so 2,236 metres in total with both little jogs. So in a week I run a total of about 9.7 miles. I measured these jogs by way of the fact that I run up and down an alleyway right near my house, which I measured at 43 metres each way, so 86 metres back and fourth. I do it this way instead of just going for a jog out normally cos this way I can just add another lap every week which means every week I jog 86 metres further.

                Its easy as hell this way for me to keep track of how much progress i'm making towards making me fitter and its so easy to keep track on how far i'm actually jogging.

                Maybe you think i'm weird by doing it this way I dont know but its a lot easier doing that way due to me just simply adding on another 86 metres a week onto the total distance I jog. Seeing as i'm a 32 year old male, who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't do drugs (but I use to very heavily in the 1990s), do you think 9.7 miles a week is ok? Or is it crap?
                ~10 miles a week is a good start for a new runner or someone in off-season. When running its easier to use round numbers: 100 meters, 500 meters, 1500 meters. Some people can't run 1 mile a week because their body can't handle the pressure, so that's a great start.

                Keep capitalizing your 'I' as well.

                You can do it.

                Yes you can.
                Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-06-2007, 11:10 PM.


                • #9
                  Thanks tom. Its good to know i'm getting fitter all the time. I mean all of the people I know do drugs, drink a lot of beer and eat totally crap food day in day out. They all have trouble running 100 metres without getting out of breath. I know i need to be able to run the 1.5 miles a day that i do in 1 long jog rather 2 seperate jogs but that will come as I get fitter, i'm working up towards to carrying on doing what i'm doing now and maybe working up to 2 jogs like now but each of a mile or 2.

                  I know I can run 30 mph cos my friend tested me when he was on his motorbike. I sprinted next to him and he looked at the speedo which read 30 pmh so I dont if thats any good. The key is sprinting on your toes not that soles of your feet. But even more than the getting fitter for learning jujitsu thing, i'm helping to keep my heart healthy and keep cholestorol levels down.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                    I know I can run 30 mph cos my friend tested me when he was on his motorbike. I sprinted next to him and he looked at the speedo which read 30 pmh so I dont if thats any good. The key is sprinting on your toes not that soles of your feet. But even more than the getting fitter for learning jujitsu thing, i'm helping to keep my heart healthy and keep cholestorol levels down.
                    Good point.

                    You actually want to sprint on the balls of your feet, no the soles. Good point.


                    • #11
                      Thanks and I feel I can get the fastest speed when sprinting when only my toes touch the floor when running.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                        Thanks tom. Its good to know i'm getting fitter all the time. I mean all of the people I know do drugs, drink a lot of beer and eat totally crap food day in day out. They all have trouble running 100 metres without getting out of breath. I know i need to be able to run the 1.5 miles a day that i do in 1 long jog rather 2 seperate jogs but that will come as I get fitter, i'm working up towards to carrying on doing what i'm doing now and maybe working up to 2 jogs like now but each of a mile or 2.
                        I completed a 13 mile jog last year. It was tough.


                        • #13
                          Well i'm certainly not that fit. I did do a 7 mile walk when i was 12 and use to go to cub scouts

