Hi all im new in here , i have been involved w/ martial arts most of my life I started when i was 5 in italy ,my unckle was a national judo champ. When i came to U.S.A. at the age of 7 i took some kung fu and go ju karate and then at 14 yrs old started in tae kwon do until present time ,i am 34 yrs old .I have a school ,and i am a master instructer, i also cross train w/ other instructers in jujitsu and hapkido ,this looks like a great place !!
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Hi All
Hello Dragon! Where is your school, do you have a web site?
very nice!! i am thinking of doing a self defence class ,i do have it in my regular teachings, but i would like to start a seperate one a crash cource program for those who dont have time for the full martial arts program and just want to learn to defend them selfs .Something like a 3 month thing and also a cardio kick class for those who just want to get in shape.As martial artists we need to diversify, and target all people
best regards,dragonlou.......