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What about self defense equipment?

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  • What about self defense equipment?

    What do you think about self defense equipment?
    Is it something you would be interested in?
    Personaly I like such items as the projectile stun gun.. stop an attacker before he gets you! with non-lethal force yet powerfull!
    Personally I think everyone should carry a palm stun gun atleast!

    If you are interested in self defense equipment check this out

  • #2
    Of course you like those, your peddling your product on here. Have you ever been tagged by the stun gun? Or tried to shoot someone bent on pounding you with a taser?

    The only truth to the actual intended purpose of the stun gun is it can scare a less than motivated bad guy. Best use; hold in hand as normal and do hammer fist motions with followup under the chin.

    Taser's, work great when you can manually place the prongs on the bad guy. Not so great trying to hit a moving target with loose clothing that could prohibit cohesion. A female officer in New Albany, In recieved a knife in her shoulder and neck when here taser gun jammed.

    they can be decent tools, but don't try to pass them off and an 'end all be all'.


    • #3
      Yeah, what he said.


      • #4
        I don't know if we have any police officers on here, maybe Bri, but I'll say "Hell Yeah" for them. We can think all the ignorant 'bleeding hearts' in our society for that. Everybody wants the police to be there when there house is being broken into, but when the robber attacks the police and they have to use extreme force people want to jump up and say they used unnecessary force.

        When the 15yr criminal attacked the officer, her partner fired on him and she shot him twice. They news interviewed the mother, and she said on camera that her son uses crack and was running the streets with a big knife, and then she had the nerve to say that the police didn't have to kill her son and she doesn't pay her taxes for them to kill people.

        We live in a mad house because our system lets whacked out activist tell our government and society how things should be done.


        • #5

          [QUOTE=glock12g]What do you think about self defense equipment?
          Is it something you would be interested in?
          Personaly I like such items as the projectile stun gun.. stop an attacker before he gets you! with non-lethal force yet powerfull!
          Personally I think everyone should carry a palm stun gun atleast!

          Steel dirks are great. Natural punch move. Puts holes anywhere on the body.
          Guns are great but lots of trouble. Stun guns no good in winter time I'm told by guy that sells them. Darts don't go through heavy clothing and lots of layers. Guys falls down to bang his head and dies it's serious trouble too. Heart attack maybe too.


          • #6
            Yeah i have shot the model M-18L very nice... lifetime waranty these thing are good if mine ever brakes i can send it back... if it breaks... and also i try for 10feet away with the 15ft cord and it is pretty powerfull when it goes in.. the closer you are the harder it hits... also plus IT HAS A LASER site!!! very nice for nite time use! This is a great item for House Protection... the m-18L ocmes with 4 air cartridges so you can shoot multipe times... we also provide cartridge holsters.... as well as the model M-18L holster.....
            And yes i have 1 of these of my own for home protection... along with a good ol 12guage... but id rather not splatter a person so much as i would wanna take em down un arm them and beat the holly crap out of them...


            • #7
              please go to EBAY with this.
              I don't come to forums to be advertised.
              I come to discuss martial arts.
              oh, and for the people who have real contributions to this thread, I go to the police acadamy in June/July.
              I can't wait!


              • #8
                Originally posted by glock12g
                [B]Personally I think everyone should carry a palm stun gun atleast!
                A palm stun gun?!? You mean like this thing?

                Cause I can tell you right now, from personal experience, those things don't work too good for self-defense.


                • #9

                  I am not selling this item or anything. I just found it on ebay wasting time.
                  I thought that it looked like something that woman would actually want to carry around, and would be really effective. They also dont really look like weapons, but you can see the purpose is obvious. I dont know. Just thought I'd post the link.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by glock12g
                    we also provide cartridge holsters....

                    oops... you blew it.



                    • #11
                      Hey Jubaji!
                      I really love things like Stun gun. It is very interested. Thank you for giving this link that actually i wanted. I had just tried with taser gun. It really help to place manually the prongs on the bad attacker.


                      • #12
                        [note to self - remember to check thread date before reading....]

                        At least the spammers subdomain has long been deleted.

                        Although an old thread, if I ever felt the need to protect myself, I would start with armor rather than weapons. A box, slash/stab proof vest, a good solid pair of boots. What more does a man need?


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by jonbey View Post
                          [note to self - remember to check thread date before reading....]

                          At least the spammers subdomain has long been deleted.

                          Although an old thread, if I ever felt the need to protect myself, I would start with armor rather than weapons. A box, slash/stab proof vest, a good solid pair of boots. What more does a man need?

                          At least the URL's in your sig line are relevant...


                          • #14
                            I prefer pepper spray myself. Never had to use it but long range is better than hand to hand if possible


