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    Taking greg's lead.........ALIEN vs. PREDATOR is coming out this summer. Two different species....superior hunters.....don't know if they have been altered for this movie but try to remember their strengths and weaknesses. Write a 12 page report comparing and contrasting the two , I'll expect your papers before 3 p.m. the day prior to spring break!

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Predators rock, but there are so many aliens. Wonder if the acid blood will affect those big, invisible dudes...


    • #3

      Just saw Dawn of the Dead.

      Great movie for scifi-horror fans. That first scene with that guys daughter shows how biting can be great self-defense....even though she was biting offensively.....see the movie, get a puke bag and tell me what you think.


      • #4
        Predator will have no chance of seeing the aliens comming with that busted ass vision it has!


        • #5
          If you had ever watched the movie, you would realize that they are capable of changing their vision (infrared, light, etc.). Speaking of not seeing anything, I would remind you that Predators can become invisible. That, and they have kick-ass weapons. Let's put it this way: it took Arnold Schwarzenegger to deal with a predator. A gaggle of aliens went down to Sigourney Weaver. Case closed .


          • #6
            Originally posted by ryanhall
            If you had ever watched the movie, you would realize that they are capable of changing their vision (infrared, light, etc.). Speaking of not seeing anything, I would remind you that Predators can become invisible. That, and they have kick-ass weapons. Let's put it this way: it took Arnold Schwarzenegger to deal with a predator. A gaggle of aliens went down to Sigourney Weaver. Case closed .
            Yes you are right, they have a bunch of different vision modes. About the Arnold vs pred thing, they are 2 different types of movies, aliens was horror, predator was action so the movies are made differently, also Weaver had weapons at her disposal, Arnold didn't. In up close fighting the aliens would waste anything living really, and since theres so many they ARE gonna get close and fast lol, there would be so many aliens i think the preds would get wasted after awhile. Keep in mind that aliens can see preds when invisible because they see the phermones (dunno if i spelled that right) from anything living, which is why you can't hide in the dark from them as well...
            But i think it would be a good fight, they both have advantages and disadvantages that counteract each other, it really depends on where they are fighting, in close quarters like in buildings and stuff, aliens will rule, in open areas preds will because of their weapons...


            • #7
              I think the important question is HOW MANY of each. Obviously one predator could kill one alien - heck Ripley's marine squad killed dozens of them with that one auto-cannon they put in the hallway outside the hospital room.

              I mean predator got laser guns and invisible mode and they jump like twenty feet high AND they can do surgery on themselves - heck they've even got mini-nuclear bombs in their backpacks! What's aliens got? acid blood and scary teeth with little mini-teeth inside, That's it... unless there are four jillion of them climbing around everywhere... then somebody better call The Punisher.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gregimotis
                I think the important question is HOW MANY of each. Obviously one predator could kill one alien - heck Ripley's marine squad killed dozens of them with that one auto-cannon they put in the hallway outside the hospital room.

                I mean predator got laser guns and invisible mode and they jump like twenty feet high AND they can do surgery on themselves - heck they've even got mini-nuclear bombs in their backpacks! What's aliens got? acid blood and scary teeth with little mini-teeth inside, That's it... unless there are four jillion of them climbing around everywhere... then somebody better call The Punisher.
                Well ya but i mean the number of predators on their home planet is even less than humans, aliens can multiply so fast there would be tons before anyone even knows, so ya im talking more of a realistic scenario so there would be lots of aliens around before most of them even know, but in combat it really depends on the environment, remember pred won't really use there plasma gun in inclosed areas because it makes lots of explosive damage so they can kill or hurt themselves...but ya preds are alot more advanced so they probably have some tricks up their sleeves for those aliens lol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gregimotis
                  What's aliens got? acid blood and scary teeth with little mini-teeth inside, That's it... unless there are four jillion of them climbing around everywhere... .
                  ....and don't forget those little face hugger buggers....predator would make a great host and carrier...


                  • #10
                    Predator, hands down. Tom Yum, just say dawn of the dead today, very kickass movie!!! About as good as 28 days later, loved that movie also!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tap4Me
                      Predator, hands down. Tom Yum, just say dawn of the dead today, very kickass movie!!! About as good as 28 days later, loved that movie also!!
                      Yeah it was! The movie knew how to make things scary, whether by getting you with knee jerk reactions, gory situations and even scarier - the imagination. Like that scene where the nurse is driving to get the heck out of town and you see the shadows of those two people holding down that lady on the public transit, biting on her...imaginative and gory.

                      And the ending scene during the credits. You can't really tell whom got away and whom didn't; kindof left you hanging. We want more! We want more!

                      All these great horror movies being remade. I'd like to see a remake of the 80's version of the blob. That thing is creepy.


                      • #12
                        Ending scene during the credits?!?! I saw the boobs thats about it, didnt really stay for the rest.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tap4Me
                          Ending scene during the credits?!?! I saw the boobs thats about it, didnt really stay for the rest.
                          Hey! Hey!!! Tap4me...stick to the poll topic!!!!


                          • #14
                            Look, i admit that the aliens have got speed and aggressiveness, and some pretty cool physiology/reproduction techniques. But theyre stupid.

                            I seen that predator film! That guy was a cool, calm killer, he evaded their traps (they only caught a pig). He can jump mega high, he can see anything, hear anything, heal himself (which is gonne be very important if he splashes acid on himself), also maybe he can use his surgery stuff to get the aleins out of him... in fact, dont pred hunters wear face masks? Though it depends on the hardness (lets not forget the way the guy in Alien 1 got a face hugger go through his helmet).

                            OK, this is a big debate with many vairiables but the preds are intelligent, advanced and arent afraid to fight. Theyll just pick the best location to fight, relax and set up some kick ass ranged weaponry.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lizard
                              Look, i admit that the aliens have got speed and aggressiveness, and some pretty cool physiology/reproduction techniques. But theyre stupid.

                              I seen that predator film! That guy was a cool, calm killer, he evaded their traps (they only caught a pig). He can jump mega high, he can see anything, hear anything, heal himself (which is gonne be very important if he splashes acid on himself), also maybe he can use his surgery stuff to get the aleins out of him... in fact, dont pred hunters wear face masks? Though it depends on the hardness (lets not forget the way the guy in Alien 1 got a face hugger go through his helmet).

                              OK, this is a big debate with many vairiables but the preds are intelligent, advanced and arent afraid to fight. Theyll just pick the best location to fight, relax and set up some kick ass ranged weaponry.
                              Good points, but a few things more to consider.

                              You said"Look, i admit that the aliens have got speed and aggressiveness, and some pretty cool physiology/reproduction techniques. But theyre stupid."

                              Those qualities may be so evolved, because their I.Q is lacking. It is their primitiveness in that respect that makes them so aggressive and gives them a will to survive, much like a virus.
                              You said"I seen that predator film! That guy was a cool, calm killer, he evaded their traps (they only caught a pig). He can jump mega high, he can see anything, hear anything, heal himself (which is gonne be very important if he splashes acid on himself), also maybe he can use his surgery stuff to get the aleins out of him... "

                              ....a cool guy, calm killer.....much like man. With all that man has at his disposal, think about it, we are the only animals that hunt for sport. As we evolved in some areas, we also sacrificed in others, making us vulnerable, just as Predator is advanced, is vulnerable, and also hunts for sport. I think what will wipe us of this planet will be an aggressive biological a virus,that one could liken Alien to ...and the earth will shake us off like a bad cold. Even Predator could see the parallels between himself and man....when Arnie asked him"what the hell are you? Predator responded with the same question...not just to mimic him, but say to "I could ask the same of you?"

                              This why I believe that Predator will be decimated.

