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Is it just me or does this make you upset as well?

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  • Is it just me or does this make you upset as well?

    When trying to help somebody or give some advice, others come in,flame, disrespect, say they are the best, and then cap on the people actually addressing the issues at hand. Now, is it just me, or is that completely uncalled for or what? I mean, im trying to be nice, answer the question that has been asked, and then some guy with alot of posts comes in, and just insults either the person who asked the question or others making an honest attempt to answer the person's question???? And their excuse is that either they don't believe in anything your saying or they just dont' answer and give some stupid smart alic remark instead.(I think they really don't know what they are talking about and just like flaming)
    Now whether these people are actual martial artists or not, people should be more respectful instead of being so full of hate and misplaced disrespect. It's getting rediculous around here. Martial artists are supposed to be of a different breed of humans. We should be trying to bring out the best in everybody, not bring them down and kick them there.
    I believe the saying goes
    " If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"
    but i will put it in disrespectful "martial artists" terms
    " If ur gonna be disrespectful,shut the **** up cause us real martial artists don't to hear the crap that makes it's way out from your mouths"
    look, this is supposed to be a friendly place, i hate to have said what i just did, but i think others will aggree that it was needed

  • #2
    totally agree with you.

    its good that you made this post, cause there are alot of people who fit into the categories you stated.

    I too am fed up with it.


    • #3
      ur not anywhere near as bad as others. you do post alot of actual useful info. so it's cool as long as not half of your posts are useless. but there a few posters here who seem to fall into this category really well
      and thx for kung fu jeremey. i try to let people know that this needs to stop.


      • #4
        eh......yeeah....riiight...well ya...that's always a good


        • #5
          Oh man I hope im not one of them.I get a bit pissed of sometimes with people here though.This is supposed to be somewhere you can go to get info and different insights into things but I have not visited lately because it has been well plain CRAP! All this bullshit of I can kick this persons arse and my art is the best and all others suck is gettin a bit tired!


          • #6
            Some people seem to have to react whenever there is a specific word in the topic
            A topic like "Have you ever used kung fu in real life?" will be invaded by these people to say that you can't use it, it is useless etc etc
            On top of that when someone tells he used it in the street he is called a liar
            Or a Topic like "What forms do you like?" is invaded by people wanting to tell us that forms are useless for learning how to what, that wasn't the question


            • #7
              My ears are burning.

              Personally I think we should actively encourage martial ars myths. That way newbies can clearly see that they CAN learn to kill an opponent from 40 feet away; that they CAN wave their arms about in thin air to guarantee their safety; that they CAN learn how to defeat 20 people at once; that they CAN learn to live until they are 150 years of age; they CAN play a game of tag that wil prepare them in a fight for their lives etc. etc.

              If this was a forum talking about cars, and people came on recommending the new "Air Car" that didn't need petrol, and it had been "proven" to work in secret tests, and would only fail if you hadn't paid enough money for it, then you would all be in a frenzy. No, that's not true. Some of you would believe it......

              But the fighting arts are even more important than cars. People's lives can depend on them. If and when I see shite advice I will call it as such. Some of you may have heard my arguments before. But so what? It only "takes over" a thread if you give your own often heard arguments back. Just ignore it if you don't want to go down that line.

              But I would prefer not to see people make the same mistakes that I did. After all, they cost me nearly 20 years. I'm not stopping you training any way you want to. I'm only stopping you promote silly ideas unchallenged.


              • #8
                hey that's fine and all, but when it get's to the point of just straight flaming, or insults, then something is wrong. telling someone what you feel is great! that's what these forums are for, but when you tell someone to completely disregard what might actually be useful to that person, all that does is completely miss the point. that's exactly what we are NOT supposed to do. i agree with making your statement and providing evidence, but i said.
                insults and flames are not needed on a respectful martial arts website
                respectful martial artists are what's needed.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by m.artist
                  When trying to help somebody or give some advice, others come in,flame, disrespect, say they are the best, and then cap on the people actually addressing the issues at hand. Now, is it just me, or is that completely uncalled for or what? I mean, im trying to be nice, answer the question that has been asked, and then some guy with alot of posts comes in, and just insults either the person who asked the question or others making an honest attempt to answer the person's question???? And their excuse is that either they don't believe in anything your saying or they just dont' answer and give some stupid smart alic remark instead.(I think they really don't know what they are talking about and just like flaming)
                  What a stupid question!
                  I don't believe you.
                  I'm not going to answer.


                  • #10
                    purposely proving my point eh? well, thx, you saved me the trouble of having to read a ligit one


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by m.artist
                      purposely proving my point eh? well, thx, you saved me the trouble of having to read a ligit one

                      No problem. You should save your time for reading the dictionary!

                      Have you ever considered learning English?


                      • #12
                        And here we go again!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thai Bri
                          But the fighting arts are even more important than cars. People's lives can depend on them. If and when I see shite advice I will call it as such. Some of you may have heard my arguments before. But so what? It only "takes over" a thread if you give your own often heard arguments back. Just ignore it if you don't want to go down that line.
                          I umm.. can't agree here Bri. I risk coming off as a hypocrite because I'm known for getting into jawing matches with the same person over 3 or 4 threads at the same time, but bear with me one moment...

                          As m.artist stated, if there is a thread about "what forms are best", the idea is not to come in and to bash it saying that all forms are bad. Just because you feel self-righteous in saying that all forms are bad (not knowing if that's your opinion or not, i'm putting words in your mouth for the sake of argument) doesn't give you free liscence to turn the forum into a question of the validity of forms. Just because forms, a certain style, technique, etc. does not work for you, remember, there are plenty of people for whom it does work. Just because that style doesn't win K1, UFC or whatever, doesn't mean it's crap. You're not superman, you're not going to be witheld from heaven for keeping your mouth shut. If you positively cannot, then start a new thread ...

                          "in response to the forum about 'what forms are best', I propose the theory that they are all crap." And Bri, I'm not just picking on you. I'm writing this to you because you wrote the origonal message but there are many who hold to your thinking, including myself. It's a trap we are all tempted to fall into.

                          I say good call m.artist for bringing this to the forefront and we should be diligent to respect others' questions on here, especially those who are beginners seeking help. What do we teach them by rearing our egos and demonstrating our self-righteousness?

                          Amen m.artist, we should be a world apart. I fear that character is something that it too often left out of dojo talk because sensei's don't wish to "offend" people. Rather they want them to hang around so they can make more money. How many times have we heard on here that tradition and respect are crap?



                          • #14
                            your absolutely right Hikage. i don't understand why some people persist on insulting others for no reason at all. it completely bewilders me as to why some people who claim to be ma'ist can act the way they do. and i now know that jubaji is not a martial artist. i have yet to see a post related to the martial arts in any way. maybe if he stopped being so mean, and actually spent time making a valuable and intelligent post we may have not needed this topic.

                            and english is my best subject.
                            but on a computer, i write what's comfortable.
                            if you don't like it then you can either live with it, or live without it
                            (which in lamens terms means "leave")

                            unfortunately Hikage, respect and honor are many of the best parts of the martial arts that are leaving today.


                            • #15
                              I suppose that I put my last thread in the wrong place. I wrote it before I saw yours...

                              English is fine.. no one cares as long as we can read it.

                              Don't let him get to ya...


