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Is it just me or does this make you upset as well?

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  • #16
    As far as hte example of the "which forms" thread, I still like to gte my little dig in. That way people can ask why I think they are bad. If no one takes up the conversation, then what harm does it do.

    And flaming? Well..... thats just for fun. Let's talk fighting, yes. But lets not be too sensitive about our lickul feelings......


    • #17
      Originally posted by m.artist

      and english is my best subject.

      English is your best subject?

      I don't want to know how you are doing in the others.


      • #18
        Originally posted by m.artist
        i now know that jubaji is not a martial artist. i have yet to see a post related to the martial arts in any way.

        You're right. I don't paint or draw very well. And you apparently don't read very well.


        • #19
          Originally posted by HandtoHand
          Well jubs after looking at your last 200 posts none of them had anything to do with the martail arts, fighting, or selfdefense, psychology or fighting, they're all insults. It does seam that the sole reason that you're hear is to be an ass.

          Seriously, what is your native language?

          If you could actually read you might have noted that I (I am proud to say ) was a constructive and polite part of perhaps the longest non-flame thread this board has ever seen! It's largely that damn fool KI-boy that brings out the predator in me.


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by HandtoHand
              Must you always fall back on spelling and grammar whenever you have been cornered? Now granted when it gets to the point that somebody is incoherant there's a problem, but that isnt the case hear with me or martist. You clearly were able to proof read with ease, so you could understand the message. I can understand if your objective is to help us improve spelling but it isnt, your objective is to rip into people peroid, and spelling is one of your means of doing that.
              i've noticed that as well. he get's corrected, and his defense is to fall back on grammar. hmmm...i guess you were right handtohand. his insults are getting pathetic. and amusing at the same time. hikage, i think we can all see when jubaji is done talking. now we can all see jubaji before he even get's there.


              • #22
                Originally posted by m.artist
                i've noticed that as well. he get's corrected, and his defense is to fall back on grammar.
                You could both take that option away from me, couldn't you? Or are you just too damn lazy?


                • #23

                  I fail to see how this link helps your case that you've been insightful and added anything intelligent to the discussion. Perhaps you were "polite" by your standards, but that's about it. Re-read your first few responses again. You're definitely grabbing at straws now. Trying to prove yourself as a contributing member of society really isn't fitting you. Really, we all expect so much more from you. ...

                  Then you'll really get your ass kicked. Just do your best. Show some athleticism and stay off your back.

                  Those guys must have been pretty awful

                  Take whatever works whenever it works, I guess.

                  So, your plan is to lose and get your ass kicked? Good plan.

                  It's nice to see how people just throw random info in to demonstrate their 'expertise' on threads like this.

                  Coulda used that quote to begin with, eh? Only 8 posts ago!

                  Such a polite boy!

                  Ya hear that . . . ? That's the sound of your own words speaking for themselves...



                  • #24
                    Maybe you equate your cartoon ninja-boy training with your daily affirmation and group hug. Maybe wrestlers are not pussies like you and can take some direct talk without breaking into tears. Stick with your no-touch KI training, miss.


                    • #25
                      your just making us think less and less of you the more you do this
                      just stop already.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by m.artist
                        your just making us think less and less of you the more you do this
                        just stop already.
                        This statement assumes (all evidence to the contrary) that I give half a shit what you think of me. Get over yourself boy.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          martist, we've made our point completely, if he wants to go off and sputter let him, he's just making an ass of himself, so please dont join him. Why corner somebody unless you want to go in for the kill, and honestly why bother with this dork.

                          OH! Burned again! You guys are too much!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by HandtoHand
                            martist, we've made our point completely, if he wants to go off and sputter let him, he's just making an ass of himself, so please dont join him. Why corner somebody unless you want to go in for the kill, and honestly why bother with this dork.
                            your right.
                            but like i said in another post, i have some pride issues with this guy, and i like arguing. but i don't want to be where he is, so i will stop.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by m.artist
                              your right.
                              but like i said in another post, i have some pride issues with this guy,

                              But you don't have enough pride to take the slightest care with your writing?


                              • #30
                                You guys realize that your doin it again!Honestly if you encorage it it will continue.Just Ingnore this garbage.

