When trying to help somebody or give some advice, others come in,flame, disrespect, say they are the best, and then cap on the people actually addressing the issues at hand. Now, is it just me, or is that completely uncalled for or what? I mean, im trying to be nice, answer the question that has been asked, and then some guy with alot of posts comes in, and just insults either the person who asked the question or others making an honest attempt to answer the person's question???? And their excuse is that either they don't believe in anything your saying or they just dont' answer and give some stupid smart alic remark instead.(I think they really don't know what they are talking about and just like flaming)
Now whether these people are actual martial artists or not, people should be more respectful instead of being so full of hate and misplaced disrespect. It's getting rediculous around here. Martial artists are supposed to be of a different breed of humans. We should be trying to bring out the best in everybody, not bring them down and kick them there.
I believe the saying goes
" If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"
but i will put it in disrespectful "martial artists" terms
" If ur gonna be disrespectful,shut the **** up cause us real martial artists don't to hear the crap that makes it's way out from your mouths"
look, this is supposed to be a friendly place, i hate to have said what i just did, but i think others will aggree that it was needed
Now whether these people are actual martial artists or not, people should be more respectful instead of being so full of hate and misplaced disrespect. It's getting rediculous around here. Martial artists are supposed to be of a different breed of humans. We should be trying to bring out the best in everybody, not bring them down and kick them there.
I believe the saying goes
" If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"
but i will put it in disrespectful "martial artists" terms
" If ur gonna be disrespectful,shut the **** up cause us real martial artists don't to hear the crap that makes it's way out from your mouths"
look, this is supposed to be a friendly place, i hate to have said what i just did, but i think others will aggree that it was needed