Originally posted by gregimotis
I am not attracted to men sexually, but I just love the male physique. I love bodybuilding in that sense. Having that look. That is what drives bodybuilders to become what they are. They LOVE that look of the male physique and they say, "I wanna look like that." But most people are narrow-minded and won't understand a guy if he words that as, "I love the beauty of the male physique." It just doesn't sound right I guess.
My point was in reference to people being uptight though over nude pictures showing the beauty of the human form, overall, not people being uptight over pictures showing stuff like a girl bent over. If you wanna show the butt, just take pictures of the girl from the back. Then people think, "Wow, that woman has a nice form." (if you photograph it right). But if you take a picture of the woman bent over, sticking her butt at the camera, that purely implies raw dirty sex.
Now, I mean, if you love porn, FINE, look at it, but it should not be forced on people. And I can understand I guess why some people would hate seeing porn on display, because of what it represents in people. Nude pictures showing the beauty of the female physique or male physique I don't think should be forced on people either because some people are just strongly opposed to any form of nudity and America is about people's rights. My gripe is, with the pictures that display physical beauty, I just don't understand WHY people would get so uptight over that. There's a big difference between porn pictures and pictures meant to display the beauty of the human figure. I can understnad people hating porn pics, but I don't get why anyone would hate the artistic pics. Like you said Gregimotis, a lot of people probably don't, and just knew that that guy's pics were sort of porn-like. But a LOT of people are opposed to any nudity at all (like my grandmother haha).