I can understand certain forms of nudity maybe not being liked, ones that are a little too explicit, but what is wrong with nudity at all?? This country seems nuts about it. Now the government I hear is even working to try and ban all forms of porn (good luck with that). What the heck is wrong with nudity that appreciates the beauty of the human form, though??? I see nothing wrong with that at all.
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It's not the nudity, it's the durty nasty little thoughts in yer mind that make it wrong.
In Hellenic Greece athletes, fighters and acrobats were expected to walk around nude in the streets. Their bodies were considered a form of art.
BTW - Why is this topic on the Women's Counter-Offensive Forum? Are you trying to talk somebody into something?
Yes; I mean like nudity in the form of pictures and such though, not like walking around nude in public. But anyways, as to why I posted this, I just got curious on people's opinions, mainly from some of the discussion that happened on other threads in here that I read.
I thought you western guys thinks nudity is normal? After all you brought the idea that nudity is fine and not immoral. The exotic club, porn sites, and playboy magazines came from you, even christianity. And let me thank you to that!
Originally posted by yentaoI thought you western guys thinks nudity is normal? After all you brought the idea that nudity is fine and not immoral. The exotic club, porn sites, and playboy magazines came from you, even christianity. And let me thank you to that!
Oh, believe me, pornography and strip clubs are much older than The United States. Older than Christianity even.
You can find ancient artifacts with a variety of hardcore, sexual images. Threesomes, oral, homosexual and bisexual. All the good and nasty stuff.
The only thing America did was create a mass media.
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by HandtoHandBut do you really want to a 400 pound woman, or a 70 year woman nude?
Not necessarily. I know a site (if anyone is crazy enough to want it; if I can remember it, I've tried to forget it) that shows a 400 pound woman, naked. And believe me, while I can get it up fine, I am forever haunted by that image. It was a site that shows crazy things. And I had to stumble upon that picture.
In other news, haha, anyways, you know in this one culture it is standard procedure, as part of becoming a man, to give your father a blowjob. It is just normal in that society, and I am not kidding (it is a tribal society though). But in their initiation to become men, the boys have to all give their fathers blowjobs.
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by HandtoHandExactly my point. You'd be visually violated on a regular basis and would be so scarred for life that you could never get it up again.
There is a site called "Body in Mind" I think that emphasizes pictures of nude females. But it shows nothing pornographic or explicit. Not like girls with their legs spread open or anything like that. It is all about the beauty of the female body. They show naked women against beautiful backdrops and amongst nature, etc.....it is a very good site I think.
Originally posted by thunder_bunnyOh, believe me, pornography and strip clubs are much older than The United States. Older than Christianity even.
You can find ancient artifacts with a variety of hardcore, sexual images. Threesomes, oral, homosexual and bisexual. All the good and nasty stuff.
The only thing America did was create a mass media.
Originally posted by HandtoHandNow you of course are admiring the foliage and determining the species of the trees in the background, right? Or is it something along the lines of you dont get bombarded with popups and they've got alot of pictures.