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Terri Shiavo, your opinion

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  • Terri Shiavo, your opinion

    Hi guys 'n gals,

    I would like to know your opinion about this.
    Do you think the judges are right, or do you agree with the parents and George Doubleyou that she should be kept fed artificially

    I myself think it is ridiculous that a sspecial law was made up in the hope the federal judges would rule in favour of the parents
    I think the ruling was correct, after 15 years in coma, even if she would come out, she wouldn't have a life worth living

    What amazes me most is that a lot of the people who are in favour of forcefeeding, are also totally against artificial insemmination because it is unnatural ( if god doesn't want you to get kid, you should accept it)

    I am almost expectin a ruling of congress that Jeb Bush should be the next judge to rule (as it looks now, the only way to get a ruling in favour of the parents)

  • #2
    interesting...she should have had a living will...but, I'll tell you this, if she were a poor woman of an ethinic background and no insurance, nobody would give a ****.
    How sad is that. Bush is getting rid of Medicare, and he sees one person in trouble like this and decides to "help" for what??? Promote his own agenda, fo real.

    The main problem is that there is the conflict between the parents and the spouse. I know plenty of people who wouldn't want to live like that if, god forbid, anything should happen to them. If she had truly expressed that to her husband, it is only right that he abide by her wishes. What does he have to gain from her death...

    The way that they take away her food and water is fucked. The policy of "benign neglect" is horrible...painful drawn-out death. I say they should just get it over with quickly.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Garland
      interesting...she should have had a living will...but, I'll tell you this, if she were a poor woman of an ethinic background and no insurance, nobody would give a ****.
      How sad is that. Bush is getting rid of Medicare, and he sees one person in trouble like this and decides to "help" for what??? Promote his own agenda, fo real.

      The main problem is that there is the conflict between the parents and the spouse. I know plenty of people who wouldn't want to live like that if, god forbid, anything should happen to them. If she had truly expressed that to her husband, it is only right that he abide by her wishes. What does he have to gain from her death...

      The way that they take away her food and water is fucked. The policy of "benign neglect" is horrible...painful drawn-out death. I say they should just get it over with quickly.
      Agree with you on the first two parts as for the third, she is braindead, therefore won't feel any pain
      But I understand what you're aiming at (hey, I'm from the Netherlands, euthanasia countrry)


      • #4
        And braindead therefore will not feel any painBut he or she understand what you are aiming at hey he or she is from the Netherlands euthanasia countrry is Agree with you on the first two parts as for the third she.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sensei Saki
          And braindead therefore will not feel any painBut he or she understand what you are aiming at hey he or she is from the Netherlands euthanasia countrry is Agree with you on the first two parts as for the third she.
          what happened here, some submit that got crossed???


          • #6
            Well now the family tries to force Jeb Bush to act
            somehow these people think the governor can rule contra the law and should act like a king would in the 17th century

            Why doesn't the family see that god is trying to get Terri to heaven but they keep on tying to prevent that
            Now her soul is hanging in limbo because they can't say goodby to the body


            • #7
              Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
              Agree with you on the first two parts as for the third, she is braindead, therefore won't feel any pain
              But I understand what you're aiming at (hey, I'm from the Netherlands, euthanasia countrry)
              theoreticly won't feel pain. Having to waste away and fall into renal failure sounds like an awful ass way to go.

              By the way...met some kids from the Netherlands while I was in Delphi, Greece on a school trip...spent the rest of the night slamming Alpha beer and Ouzo with them crazy cats screaming **** BUSH and breaking shit...henceforth, I have had mad love for yo countrymen.


              • #8
                If the parent really wanted their child to live like this, they would take her into their home and feed her themselves and give her physical therapy. They want her to live, but dont want to take any responsibility.

                Shit happens, they should be glad that they had time to see her before she died, and they should let her go. I agree with much of what you guys have said here. If the parents are not willing to move Terri into their home and take responsibility for her, they should move on. On the other side, Terris husband could just divorce terri and be done with it.

                Have you checked out their website? Check the videos, shes not as braindead as many people think. She still responds and such. She hasnt had physical therapy since 1991, so of course she cant move the rest of her body. But it doesnt take nurses to do that, family should be there to make sure she's getting her therapy.

                Terri responds to stimuli, tries to communicate verbally, follows limited commands, laughs or cries in interaction with loved ones, physically distances herself from irritating or painful stimulation and watches loved ones as they move around her. None of these behaviors are simple reflexes and are, instead, voluntary and cognitive. Though Terri has limitations, she does interact purposefully with her environment


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                  Well now the family tries to force Jeb Bush to act
                  somehow these people think the governor can rule contra the law and should act like a king would in the 17th century

                  Why doesn't the family see that god is trying to get Terri to heaven but they keep on tying to prevent that
                  Now her soul is hanging in limbo because they can't say goodby to the body
                  The Bush brothers are doing anything they can to prolong her life.
                  I know you or anybody might be religious, thats fine.

                  I dont believe in god. After death-its over. no more-nothing.


                  • #10
                    You aren't pronounced braindead just like that, the family likes everyone to think that and even the media follow that line of thinking, but a couple of test with a CT scan will show if she was really braindead or not

                    Reaction to stimuli most of the time isn't processed by the brain anyway

                    And now all of a sudden she was trying to say "I want to live"
                    And as far as a divorce goes, that would only if his motive was to marry again, which it isn't
                    If someone I love would tell me that they wouldn't want to be kept alive this way for more than a year or 2 maybe 3, then I would try to get her wish fulfilled

                    every time I see the family on TV they are playing the media, so their website isn't much of a refference


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                      Hi guys 'n gals,

                      I would like to know your opinion about this.
                      Do you think the judges are right, or do you agree with the parents and George Doubleyou that she should be kept fed artificially

                      I myself think it is ridiculous that a sspecial law was made up in the hope the federal judges would rule in favour of the parents
                      I think the ruling was correct, after 15 years in coma, even if she would come out, she wouldn't have a life worth living

                      What amazes me most is that a lot of the people who are in favour of forcefeeding, are also totally against artificial insemmination because it is unnatural ( if god doesn't want you to get kid, you should accept it)

                      I am almost expectin a ruling of congress that Jeb Bush should be the next judge to rule (as it looks now, the only way to get a ruling in favour of the parents)
                      Well, it's impossible to make a realistic judgment without knowing all the details and being involved in the situation.

                      I would assume, though, that the judges have taken everything they can into consideration when making their decision. The people saying that the judges are imposing their personal beliefs on the situation ... I don't know that I can buy it. As many judges as have been involved in it - and all came to the same decision - it ends up being just another conspiracy theory.

                      The people who say, "It's wrong to let her die by starvation and dehydration" don't take into account the fact that she's a vegetable. I heard a doctor being interviewed on NPR who said that there would be no suffering for her. Also, he said that the courts decided that it was legal and humane to remove food & water from someone in her state - that decision was 100 years ago and has been upheld ever since.

                      As I said at the beginning, it's impossible to really make a judgment from where I'm sittinng. However, I can probably relate to Terry's situation much better than a lot of people can. My aunt was hit by a drunk driver and wound up in a coma. According to the doctors she only had a 10% chance of ever coming out of the coma and if she did she would be a vegetable - 100%. There'd been too much damage to her spine and brain. My uncle (they'd only been married for about 3 months) told the doctors to take her off life support. She wouldn't want to live like that. Her parents fought it. Sound familiar? It went on for, if memory serves, about 2 months until my uncle took matters into his own hands. I'm not sure of the exact details (I was only 9 or 10 at the time). But, as you can guess, that event was a regular topic of discussion in our family for quite a while and I'm pretty sure that I heard every argument possible for both sides of the issue over the years following the situation.

                      Based on what I've heard about the case in Florida, it seems to me that the parents really just want to keep her alive for their own reasons - they're not ready to let her go yet - and, all retaionalizations aside, it really has nothing to do with Terry's welfare. Of course, I could be wrong - as I said, it's impossible to know from where I'm sitting.



                      • #12
                        Terry Shiavo has now passed away. May her soul rest in peace.


                        • #13
                          I just think it is so sad. I am really glad I did not have to make a decision in regards to her, I just think it is really really sad.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                            Why doesn't the family see that god is trying to get Terri to heaven but they keep on tying to prevent that
                            Now her soul is hanging in limbo because they can't say goodby to the body
                            What makes you think that she is going to heaven? Did she come to Christ when she was more able? Did she acknowledge that she could never live the life that God had intended? Did she realize that she needed to call on Christ to take her sins with him when he went on the cross and nullify them when he conquered death through his ressurection? Is there evidence of this in her life? I have heard of none. I hate to be blunt, but more than likely, she is experiencing hell.

                            This modern notion that one gets to heaven just by being good is ridiculous and it is the greatest deception. There is nothing in ANY religion that I have encountered to support this.



                            • #15
                              Hmm . . that was interesting Hikage

                              IMO - I'm glad its over - the nation wasted too much of there resources to debate something so trivial when there are a lot of more important issues that our nation needs to address. Sorry to be cold but many other healthy people die everyday and nobody even blinks.

