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Originally posted by HandtoHandWhy don’t you tell me boarspear?
exactly what purpose aside from looking cool did that serve? i would prefer a leader who believed in walking quietly and carrying a big stick, than a moron taunting the world with a military who has its hands full....Have you seen our recruitment figures? they suck...guess what, the bads guys recruitment is up...so yeah loud mouthed christians need to stop inflaming passion around the globe...if any enemy state was paying attention and understood Sun Tzu they might decide that our military is tired, undermanned and busy overseas...(count the number of places...there are quite a few)...and decide now was a good time to oh, retake taiwan...or the north koreans or iranians might decide to step up "nukular" (in bush speak) weapon production....long drawn out military campaigns weaken a military and its host country....think about it. hell little countries might get mouthy and start causing trouble as well... oh wait that IS happening... what do you know....
hmmm it seems im not alone in wondering WTF!!!
did anyone else see the political comics? no not Bush and Dick ....hmm maybe i oughta word this differently...anyone else see the political cartoons?
Originally posted by BoarSpearso Mr H2H have you ever been in the service? if you had you might appreciate that some asshole telling the terrorists to "bring it on" or posing for "mission accomplished" photo ops (when its far from over) isnt on your side...
Then why is it that the majority of service personnel (including former personnel) voted for Bush over Kerry?
And are you currently in the service? How do they feel about your Barbie braids?
Originally posted by jubajiThen why is it that the majority of service personnel (including former personnel) voted for Bush over Kerry?
And are you currently in the service? How do they feel about your Barbie braids?
now imagine having your X.O. come up to you read off your name and hand you your ballot wait on you to fill it out and hand it back...yeah i am real surprised that bush is still in officenot to mention the fact kerry was a lying weannie as well...may as well stick with the evil you know...it was such a great accomplishment beating? gore and Kerry.
as for my braid , all the soldiers i know are big enough men not to be intimidated by a man with long hair, and many vets happen to have long hair once they get out of the service...except the old marines that stay strac till they die. why do you always ask about my hair? are you really a hair dresser? or is it the fact that the kids in your english class make fun of your toupee?
Originally posted by BoarSpearwhen i was in the service and bush sr was running for V.P i believe the lecture we recieved while standing at attention waiting on our absentee balots ...went like this Mr Reagan is a friend to the military, he is proposing a pay increase for the military as well as budget increases for natl defense...its our duty to show our support to this true patriot...or words to that effect, its been awhile so i dont remember precise words but i never forgotten the feeling it gave me.
Ah, so you're saying that everyone in the military is forced to vote a certain way. You sure you want to stick with that story?
Originally posted by BoarSpear
as for my braid , all the soldiers i know are big enough men not to be intimidated by a man with long hair
hahaaaahahaahaaa That must make it so much easier for you to sport your 'feminine' style! Good for you dear. I suppose that in the 'special' clubs you frequent its pretty common indeed!
Originally posted by jubajiAh, so you're saying that everyone in the military is forced to vote a certain way. You sure you want to stick with that story?and since it happened yeah im sticking by it...i am not afraid to take flak for the truth...if you dont like it put your fingers back in your ears....better yet follow me around like a bored little puppy looking for attention making stupid comments.
Originally posted by jubajihahaaaahahaahaaa That must make it so much easier for you to sport your 'feminine' style! Good for you dear. I suppose that in the 'special' clubs you frequent its pretty common indeed!
Originally posted by jubajiNo, I have not. That's why you haven't seen me making claims that I have been.
Originally posted by jubajiOh, I see. But you were in for around 20 years or so?
Originally posted by BoarSpearno sir i didnt say everyone and i didnt say forced..it was "suggested" if you had ever been in the military you might understand how that worksand since it happened yeah im sticking by it...i am not afraid to take flak for the truth....
And the truth is that you were intimidated into voting a certain way and were too much of a pussy to do anything about it? I see.
I wonder if all of the other folks who have served in the military were similarly forced to vote a certain way? None of the military people I know ever mentioned such a thing. Maybe its just a personal problem for you that you are spineless. Just a "suggestion".