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Do you have a religion?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by EmptyneSs
    the truth hurts doesnt it jumanji ?

    If so, you are sure to remain pain-free!


    • #62
      Originally posted by jubaji
      If so, you are sure to remain pain-free!
      yup, thats cause i didnt buy into a bs religion like u did


      • #63
        Al, you have a very warped view of religion and it's objectives.


        • #64
          Originally posted by EmptyneSs
          yup, thats cause i didnt buy into a bs religion like u did

          Oh, yes you most certainly have.


          • #65

            I was in the assumptions that creationist were those who believed in a 6 day creation where none of the days were longer

            A question for those believing in an intervening god: do you think god will intervene in the reseach done to extend human life beyond 120-150 years?
            (a biblebelt president prohibiting research won't help since there's more than one country doing research)
            Or will religious people just say that a year in noah's time was much longer?


            • #66
              Try to read the book "The Hiram Key"...


              • #67
                Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                A question for those believing in an intervening god: do you think god will intervene in the reseach done to extend human life beyond 120-150 years?
                (a biblebelt president prohibiting research won't help since there's more than one country doing research)
                Or will religious people just say that a year in noah's time was much longer?
                I don't know, Todiy. I've heard that South Korea is strongly supporting stem cell research - they will probably be very successfull. I have also heard that South Korea is publishing more and more research papers with more recognizable quality.

                I don't fully understand how God intervenes, but he does. I can't put words in someone else's mouth and most of what is said comes from the Bible. And if I knew when God was going to intervene, I probably wouldn't be here.


                • #68
                  Would you like to know?
                  We have never talked about it before.
                  Tell me a little about why you are in south Korea is strongly supporting stem cell research - they will probably be very successfull. Who said that?
                  Tell me a little about why you are in south Korea is publishing more and more research papers with more recognizable quality. Who said that?
                  Oh you don't, do you?Why can't you do put words in someone else's mouth?Try it.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Sensei Saki
                    Why can't you do put words in someone else's mouth?Try it.
                    Sensei Saki, I'm really glad that you enjoy making me cheeseburgers and cajun fries!


                    • #70
                      Speaking of evolution & creation...

                      The tsunami in Thailand as so strong, it washed up organisms living in the deep ocean floor.

                      Check it out!

                      Funny videos, fail videos, funny pictures, funny galleries, funny links, flash games, jokes, caption contests, photoshop contests


                      • #71
                        Here they are.
                        Attached Files


                        • #72
                          It's true about the research coming out of South Korea, and I take responsiblity for the increase in the quality of the papers coming out of there... Because I am a scientific editor, and most of my clients are in South Korea.


                          • #73

                            Look at Fish no. 3.

                            It's eyes look allmost human...


                            • #74
                              RE: Erie

                              Sorry my eye is not attached right now.Three what?I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are you sure
                              eyes look allmost human is?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                                I don't know, Todiy. I've heard that South Korea is strongly supporting stem cell research - they will probably be very successfull. I have also heard that South Korea is publishing more and more research papers with more recognizable quality.

                                I don't fully understand how God intervenes, but he does. I can't put words in someone else's mouth and most of what is said comes from the Bible. And if I knew when God was going to intervene, I probably wouldn't be here.
                                Then won't your religion be at jepardy if/when scientist manage to produce something to fix the divisionliimit of cells? (Seeing that god told Noah, man would become no older than 120 years
                                But as long as there aren't any results, you could say god is intervening already

