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Do you have a religion?

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  • #91
    What would make you stop believe in God? I believe He is with us when we speak of Him.Where are they?Have you studied a lot of science?One what?Have you studied a lot of science?


    • #92
      Originally posted by m.artist
      Well, it seems to me that the only person reading and writing in this thread with an open mind is Tom Yum. Keep it up man. You're doing great.
      Thanks, m.artist.

      Lemme say that living my life according to the Bible is hard (understatement) and you might spend a life-time ironing out your flaws and stumble while trying to be like Jesus, but the journey and the gradual progress is well worth it. I might also add that I have friends from other religions whom I've grown to appreciate dearly as well.

      People often cast religious people as goody-two-shoes. Yeah, there's some of that but how about those who become religious who:

      - Have served their country in battle?
      - Fought in wars in their own backyards and neighborhoods?
      - Have lived tough lives?

      Have you ever met someone who saw battle upclose in WW2? or some kid younger than you with bullet scars?

      When they turn their lives over to God, they do so because in all their life experience, the Bible begins to hit home.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Tom Yum
        I still believe in God and have done so for most of my life. You get into phases like where Garland or Emptyness are, but you also get out.
        what phase? just because i dont believe in your religion u dismiss my beliefs as a phase? u dont even know what i do or dont beleive in. but then again, thats what most self righteous christians like to do, dismiss others beliefs and hold themselves above those who dont believe in their religion yet talk about how the respect others and everyone is equal.

        i went to catholic school all my life. however, im from middle eastern heritage and my grandfather is a muslim. i seen different sides of the whole religion thing, and it aint for me. i dont know if there is or isnt something greater, however im open to whatever that answer may be, unlike most religeous people who cling on to their ideals and beliefs and see all others as wrong. i dont need to do that.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Sensei Saki
          What would make you stop believe in God? I believe He is with us when we speak of Him.Where are they?Have you studied a lot of science?One what?Have you studied a lot of science?
          He is. This is something that is both tangible and intangible, Saki.

          I've studied a little science. What little science that I've studied, I try to come up with different ways of applying it.

          Whaddya know, its like martial arts.


          • #95
            Originally posted by m.artist
            Well, it seems to me that the only person reading and writing in this thread with an open mind is Tom Yum.

            Keep it up man. You're doing great.
            Originally Posted by Lizard
            "I dont beleive in god. But I used to, and I was happier when I did."

            [QUOTE=DimMak]This tells me Lizard (as one other than Tom Yum) was more positive (=happier) when he believed in God. I don't see how you can deny the pessimism or negativity associated with most of the non spiritual posts. Maybe you disagree with my comments? If so maybe you would elaborate and give your reasons? Also my post stated nothing about an "open mind" as you imply.

            It appears that m.artist was just caught taking very weak pot shots at a moving target...[QUOTE]

            Apologies m.artist for my post response to you directly under this one...I have been mostly on the defense in these forums for awhile from a few of the veteran posters and thought you were another coming from out of the woodwork (so to speak) to hammer away. I misconstrued that your comments were sarcastically directed at me implying my neck would break if Tom Yum made a fast turn. My bad...


            • #96
              Originally posted by EmptyneSs
              what phase? just because i dont believe in your religion u dismiss my beliefs as a phase? u dont even know what i do or dont beleive in. but then again, thats what most self righteous christians like to do, dismiss others beliefs and hold themselves above those who dont believe in their religion yet talk about how the respect others and everyone is equal. .
              Emptyness, I don't hold myself above you. Hell, I've got as many imperfections as the next but you have to admit that you're a pessimistic fella for a reason that only you know.

              I really don't know you, E - you're right. And if I met you without even knowing you, I wouldn't try to trick you or chastise you into reading the Bible. I may mention some little things now and then that I think are cool, but I ain't gonna make you feel like crap and damn you to hell.

              But if we were friends and you were hurting and had a serious problem, I would probably try to use the Bible to help you better understand human nature, life and how the principles stand the test of time.

              And if you told me to shut the f@^# up, I'd probably grab my cooler stacked with brew and throw one in your direction (grab one for myself) and wait until you're ready to talk...LOL.

              Originally posted by EmptyneSs
              i went to catholic school all my life. however, im from middle eastern heritage and my grandfather is a muslim. i seen different sides of the whole religion thing, and it aint for me.
              You've got that Constitutional right.


              • #97
                Originally Posted by DimMak
                I don't see how you can deny the pessimism or negativity associated with most of the non spiritual posts.

                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                There are people who are not religious or non spiritual whom are happy in their lives.
                I agree and know several...this is why I said most of the non spiritual posters within this thread. Garland, EmpyneSs, Zhorner all appear to have more negativity within their posts...while Ferdie and your posts appeared to be more positive in nature overall. The discussion with MathewA was very interesting.

                One thing within your posts I noticed was your comment of the wisdom of the Bible. Out of curiosity what would you say to one who claimed the Bible has many errors as it was told by God to man, who is prone to make many mistakes?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by DimMak
                  Originally Posted by DimMak
                  One thing within your posts I noticed was your comment of the wisdom of the Bible. Out of curiosity what would you say to one who claimed the Bible has many errors as it was told by God to man, who is prone to make many mistakes?
                  I think the 'meat' of what most Christians believe in is unified. You will find that most Christians believe that God is the creator, man grew away from God, that he sent Jesus to spread God's word and to act as a sacrifice for man's sins.

                  You will find different interpretations about how to worship, prey, taking communion - but the bulk of what Christians believe comes from the Bible (obvious, but important).

                  If I were a hard core Bible scholar, I could probably better answer your question, DM.

                  Errors as in translation errors over the years? or interpretation errors from different Christians?

                  Please explain. It'll help me learn as well.


                  • #99
                    Since when? What is your real name?What makes you say that I will find that most Christians believe that God is the creator and that he sent Jesus to spread God's word and to act as a sacrifice for man's sins.What makes you say that I will find different interpretations about how to worship prey taking communion - but the bulk of what Christians believe comes from the Bible obvious but important.Try it.
                    I will mention that to my botmaster, .
                    My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.Thanks for asking politely.

                    There is no more information to clarify.
                    The Program E chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about It'll help me learn as well. Try being more or less specific.


                    • Originally posted by Tom Yum

                      Errors as in translation errors over the years? or interpretation errors from different Christians?

                      Please explain. It'll help me learn as well.
                      As in the Bible was told from God to man, therefore man could have misinterpreted what God was telling him to write due to man being prone to make mistakes and errors.


                      • Originally posted by DimMak
                        As in the Bible was told from God to man, therefore man could have misinterpreted what God was telling him to write due to man being prone to make mistakes and errors.
                        Or possibly I have the history of the way the Bible was created and written wrong?


                        • Originally posted by DimMak
                          As in the Bible was told from God to man, therefore man could have misinterpreted what God was telling him to write due to man being prone to make mistakes and errors.
                          Error could exist, but if there is error it is probably in translation or through misinterpretation. Most Christians believe in the same thing, with different interpretations on the external practices. I suppose if you studied archealogical finds that show older versions of the Bible and could get an expert in the area of ancient languages, you could see for yourself.

                          Jesus's life reinforces what God says, because he is God in the form of a man. Some believe that he is the son of God, regardless he elaborates more about how to live one's life in the New Testament.

                          DM, I wish I was more qualified to answer your questions, but you are better off writing them down and visiting a preacher or someone who has studied at the seminary. That way you can ask very deep questions and discuss with someone who knows the Bible extremely well.


                          • the topic seems to be shifting from spirituality to dogma, and theology.
                            I doubt that the origins of the bible, from any historiographical school of thought, be it the Catholic church, or any Christian denomination/and or "scientific" front (every histoiographer has their own take on events, so I wouldn't even call it a science.) has any bearing in our original conversation.


                            • Garland, you were once studying to become a Catholic priest, what does the Bible say about the possibility of God making a mistake in communicating to man?

                              I could probably pull up verses with relevant context in Genesis or the life of Moses, but better to hear from someone who has studied it in greater depth.


                              • Originally posted by DimMak
                                One thing within your posts I noticed was your comment of the wisdom of the Bible. Out of curiosity what would you say to one who claimed the Bible has many errors as it was told by God to man, who is prone to make many mistakes?
                                This is a pretty interesting topic on its own. There are a few different ways to approach this question, from the point of view of a hard-core Catholic, from a more laid back christian approach (untiarian...i.e. communist, I kid I kid, I luv you guys, or Episcipalion, God I know I spelled that wrong) view...or from the view of an agnostic or atheist.

                                1) hard-core catholic; the bible was written via divine intervention...God directed the evangelists in what they must write...but a few different catch 22's...mankind is fallable, the divine is not...but the bible is the living word of, therefore IT is divine.

                                2) less fundamentalist christian faith; the bible is a guide book from God to help us live our lives in a way befitting a child of Christ...however, not everything in it should be taken completely seriously, or at face value.

                                3) atheist, agnostic, or non-christian faiths: can look upon the bible for fables and stories that can be useful insipiration in their own paths toward spirituality, or just in daily life, even though the bible may not be in any way divine, instead written by human hands from older oral traditions that probably changed everytime that they were heard.

                                Now if you would like to talk new testament scripture...lets talk about the differences between the gnostic gospels (Mathew, Mark, and Luke) versus John...this would greatly help me illustrate the point for people's point of view in #3...although it is one of many contradictions/contraindications present within the bible.

