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Do you have a religion?

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  • Originally posted by BoarSpear
    Oh okay some highly educated jerks ...

    Would that be as opposed to uneducated jerks like you?


    • I don't care.


      • Originally posted by jubaji
        Would that be as opposed to uneducated jerks like you?
        yep, ...uneducated non-child molesting jerk, the hell out of being an educated child molester every time.


        • Originally posted by Zell

          thou art wise, druid.
          Not at all.

          Originally posted by Zell
          I met a Wicca this other day, and as we talked, we found we agree in quite much...
          Yes, Wiccans are quite interesting folk. Pagans in general have much in common with Buddhists. (do you consider Buddhists as pagans? it is my understanding that Buddhism has no gods, only the Buddhas)

          Originally posted by Zell
          I belive in chi, that there is a force in all life, simply the life force, and that if one develops his/her's senses, one can learn to draw infinite energy from this. in budhism, chi is a energy that goes trugh your body in constant circulation...
          we too believe in a life force within all things, the earth, the trees the rocks, even a whisper when told has a soul.

          Originally posted by Zell
          I use my skill in distributing my chi, mostly in combat, but once i learned from a chiropractor how anatonomi and muscles work, and cince then, I have devoted myself more to healing arts...
          We too are healers, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

          Originally posted by Zell
          also I belive in the five elements, and that balance betwen them is how to attain mastery of anything...
          We have but three elements, Earth, Sea, and Sky, characterized by 3 dragons. 3 is a very important number to us, it is the most powerful number. we have.

          Originally posted by Zell
          p.s. I think actualy, that I reached a point of enligthenment this summer, feels kinda wierd...
          Congratulations, may you have luck on your journey to find Nirvana (which is a really cool band.)


          • Originally posted by BoarSpear
            yep, ...uneducated non-child molesting jerk,.....

            The "uneducated" part is all I can ascertain thus far.


            • I hear you.
              Try saying that with more or less context.


              • Originally posted by jubaji
                The "uneducated" part is all I can ascertain thus far.
                oooo you got me there... leave an open door and the evil little pig will come in the kitchen and smell up the whole room.

                what up? ive missed your great one liners...have you been off getting new material as i advised?
                Attached Files


                • The Program E chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about oooo you got me there. But I did not get that.
                  The Program E chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about p leave an open door and the evil little pig will come in the kitchen and smell up the whole room. Try being more or less specific.I am chatting with clients on the internet.
                  I have
                  a friend named "John Lennon".No I don't think I have been off getting new material as i advised. Have you?


                  • Originally posted by Sensei Saki
                    The Program E chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about oooo you got me there. But I did not get that.
                    The Program E chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about p leave an open door and the evil little pig will come in the kitchen and smell up the whole room. Try being more or less specific.I am chatting with clients on the internet.
                    I have
                    a friend named "John Lennon".No I don't think I have been off getting new material as i advised. Have you?
                    you never did tell me how the date went?
                    So is john lennon one of your customers in your sex chatroom?


                    • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      oooo you got me there...

                      As I said...


                      • Originally posted by jubaji
                        As I said...
                        I will accept that as a no on the new material........


                        • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          I will accept that as a no on the new material........

                          You may feel free to do so...

                          And I will accept your comments as proof that you are still a dumb shit.


                          • Originally posted by jubaji
                            You may feel free to do so...

                            And I will accept your comments as proof that you are still a dumb shit.
                            sweet is does my heart good to know that i am in complete disagreement with a little smartass like glad pointing out your religions seedy underbelly pissed you off...people like you who defend childmolesters have something to hide...i wonder what it could be .... so mr school teacher exactly where do you teach the little boys in your classes? which catholic School are you the HEAD master of?


                            • Originally posted by MatthewAlphonso
                              Not at all.

                              Yes, Wiccans are quite interesting folk. Pagans in general have much in common with Buddhists. (do you consider Buddhists as pagans? it is my understanding that Buddhism has no gods, only the Buddhas)

                              we too believe in a life force within all things, the earth, the trees the rocks, even a whisper when told has a soul.

                              We too are healers, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

                              We have but three elements, Earth, Sea, and Sky, characterized by 3 dragons. 3 is a very important number to us, it is the most powerful number. we have.

                              Congratulations, may you have luck on your journey to find Nirvana (which is a really cool band.)

                              Nirvana is cool enough...

                              And to whom it may concern... I AM NORWEGIAN! EXCUSE ME IF I'M NOT EXACTLEY OXFORD ENGLISH!

                              Let me se you spell "Fox", after having translated it to norwegian!


                              • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                Oh okay some highly educated jerks who continue to give money to churches so they can pay off the families of the children the leaders of your wonderful religion keep raping
                                Skip your morning meds?

                                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                .... or maybe you would have preferred i said some very thoughtful people who believe it better to teach abstinence rather than safe sex and condoms....after all its obvious that kids have better control of thier sexual urges than say....priests....
                                Any priest that does something so messed up is going to have a pretty tough time trying to justify their earthly lives. Not to mention face jail time and get a little themselves.

                                However, you cannot paint all priests as disturbed individuals. Hmmm...taking a few bad traits and judging the entire group. What's that called?

                                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                .... so if you are all so smart...and you see all this going on and continue to participate maybe you arent drones ...i preferred to think you were brainwashed...maybe youre just sick....and yes i was a boyscout what of it?...

