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Do you have a religion?

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  • perhaps it was just that evil homosexuals found out they could hide in the church and get access to children because the members of the church didn't think that depraved people would target them

    I don't think you have good priests turning bad. I think you have bad people who found a vehicle.

    Now, how about we knock off the religion bashing, personal attacks, and immature behavior before I am forced to start moderating more heavily. I have better things to do than ban people for being idiots.


    • Hmmmmm isnt this a timely piece?

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      Gee.... i hope i dont get banned for pointing out a little hypocrisy.....


      • why do you see that as hipocracy?

        Opposing repression is something the christian community supports. removing treats also.

        I think the statement was for effect since Chavez is claiming we are already trying to assasignate him.


        • How do you see a christian leader advocating assasination....spelled MURDER or ...KILLING as anything but hypocrisy? The bible, you know the rule book for CLEARLY states...THOU SHALT NOT also mentions turning the other cheek....i guess i missed the chapter on religous leaders who call for murdering foriegn leaders being gods will....doesnt that go in direct violation of the meek shall inherit the earth?....thats certainly not all the reasons its hypocrisy but its a good start....

          Also if churches are tax exempt because of non-political agenda's maybe they should stop setting the political agenda? Doesnt a christian leader trying to rile up christians to murder a neighbor (who they are supposed to love and forgive) seem a little odd? Whatever happened to lead by example? We are supposed to be the "white hats" Christian America... if our religous leaders suggest murdering world leaders with opposing are we any different from the Black hats? isnt this also in direct conflict with JUDGE NOT...LEST YE BE JUDGED? With a religous fanatic like Bush running the country and christian leaders calling for the assasination of foriegn leaders i would say that we seem a very bloodthirsty dangerous country to anyone who looks with an open mind....

          and oh last but not least the golden rule as the BIBLE set it down DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU....didnt saddam want bushs daddy assasinated? i recall that being a very big deal...and PROOF of Saddams EVIL mind...well what do you know it seems our religous leaders seem to think like Saddam!
          Oh i do realize the golden rule has been updated to...He who has the Gold makes the i guess we are still following the rules...whatever....

          Hey, I know you don't want to take BoarSpear's word for it (since I am so full of s@#t) read it for yourself from your own bible:

          "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with that judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with that measurement ye met, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? THOU HYPOCRITE, first cast out the beam of thine own eye; and thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother's eye." Matthew 7:1-5

          "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37

          The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach...woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, YOU HYPOCRITES. You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Matthew 23:2-3 NIV


          • Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            why do you see that as hipocracy?
            I think i covered this in my last post

            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            Opposing repression is something the christian community supports. removing treats also.
            opposing is one thing ...suggesting murder another....and yes the CHRISTIAN community does support this type of behavior...thanks for making my point so well

            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            I think the statement was for effect since Chavez is claiming we are already trying to assasignate him.
            oh so the religous leader was just running off at the mouth...he was only trying to intimidate with the threats of assasination huh? Well isnt that just dandy? i think this bible passage covers that one quite well.... "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. FOR BY THY WORDS thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37

            ......................hmmmmm any more questions?


            • You believe that? I haven't heard anything like that before:
              MR school teacher said coverd this in your last post opposing is one thing.
              I will mention that to my botmaster, MR school teacher.Excuse me! Tell me more.NO problem. Yup. When was he?Well that's okay.
              That depends.Since when? What does "this" refer to?Interesting.
              How do people usually respond to that?
              That is a very original thought.Your purpose is BY THY WORDS thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
              Tell me a story.
              I lost my train of thought.


              • Originally posted by Sensei Saki
                You believe that? I haven't heard anything like that before:
                MR school teacher said coverd this in your last post opposing is one thing.
                I will mention that to my botmaster, MR school teacher.Excuse me! Tell me more.NO problem. Yup. When was he?Well that's okay.
                That depends.Since when? What does "this" refer to?Interesting.
                How do people usually respond to that?
                That is a very original thought.Your purpose is BY THY WORDS thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
                Tell me a story.
                I lost my train of thought.

                well gee computer i dont know why you are unfamiliar with the bible...maybe who ever programmed you didnt think religion a computer.


                • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Why don't you focus more on Islamic extremism? Unless I'm mistaken Islamic extremism is far more prevalent and more deadly than Christian extremism. Is it just "not cool" to focus on Islamic extremism? After all only white, Christian, heterosexual men are capable of doing harm.
                  Well maybe because we were discussing hypocrisy in the christain church?
                  and i did point out we should be leading the way to the light as opposed to acting like enraged baboons....but i agree many large organized religions are better for the leaders of the world than the common man. after all how convenient is it that we are taught to endure whatever hardship we have to on this plane of existance...dont fight back...the meek will inherit the earth...etc. you will be rewarded for your good behavior AFTER you die...dont rise up and rebel against the obvious evil...god will punish them later...How other words let the bad guys run the world...dont stand up to them. Two wrongs dont make a, but no action IS action...and allowing this behavior to go on in God's (or Allah's) name is the worst kind of evil.


                  • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                    Well maybe I found it odd that you're always after the Christian church, seeing that the problems that various Christian denominations cause are miniscule to those that various Islamic denominations are causing.
                    i wasnt after the christian church...its just that christians chose to argue that they were not setting a bad example....and didnt have a horrible record of abuse throughout history...Todays events didnt occur in a vacuum ever heard of the crusades? it would be much easier to point out other religions problems if we cleaned up our own....
                    americans are very good at casting blame....think of tianamen square...we made a big those godless communist omg how could they? EVER heard of KENT STATE?
                    or how about the fact we have a war on drugs, yet when Britain FORCED china to trade and paid them in opium....and the chinese people rebelled against this and the missionaries forcing thier way upon them we sent troops to help suppress the rebellion? Because we say one thing and do another...often in gods name....

                    Originally posted by HandtoHand
                    You aren't going to hear me arguing with any of that. Ironically the guy you were criticizing, was promoting action against a tyrant. Well I don't know about that but he is left-wing, paranoid, clearly and enemy to the US and sitting over oil so lets covertly take him out.
                    you mean promoting murder of the leader of a neighboring nation is a good christian virtue? and as long as WE decide he is a bad man thats okay?
                    What is the difference in our religous leader calling for the murder of world leaders and Muslim religous leaders doing the same? well i thought we were supposed to be the good guys and set good examples...if we think its okay to kill leaders of countries we disagree with, does that makes it okay for them to target ours? Not to mention that we would NEVER violate the Geneva convention...I believe it prohibits assasination.

                    or perhaps this little gem from todays news...

                    "Shortly after his appointment to the Deputy Undersecretary position, General Boykin drew fire, for remarks he delivered—in uniform—at a fundamentalist Christian church, in which he smeared Islam as a "Satanic" religion, and characterized the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a religious "crusade." He also said that "God had placed George W. Bush" into the Presidency"

                    try reading this from the EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW
                    and then tell me something isnt rotten in our system...


                    • You are mistaken the actually translation is thou shalt not be guilty of innocent blood. this was translated as thou shalt not murder. And appears as thou shalt not kill. There is a huge difference between the too.

                      Christianity often calls for the killing of someone so that they be judged by god.


                      • I will tell my botmaster you said I am mistaken the actually translation is thou shalt not be guilty of innocent blood.What does "this" refer to?
                        Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.Is there only one?

                        Tell me a story.


                        • Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                          You are mistaken the actually translation is thou shalt not be guilty of innocent blood. this was translated as thou shalt not murder. And appears as thou shalt not kill. There is a huge difference between the too.

                          Christianity often calls for the killing of someone so that they be judged by god.
                          WHAT??? oh how convienant of a translation you got that where?

                          Exactly how do you kill someone so god can judge them? is that like kill em all and let god sort em out? i think you confused your funny t shirt with the bible.
                          MURDER IS MURDER ( God alone has sovereignty over life! )
                          LISTEN TO HANNAH: Samuel 2:6 The LORD killeth, and maketh alive, he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

                          ***** THE 6TH COMMANDMENT IS : "thou shalt not kill" = MURDER

                          The Hebrew word "ratsach" is translated as "kill" in the King James Version, Revised Standard Version, American Standard Version, and some other translations of the Bible. However, it is difficult to apply this in practice. Killing chickens and beef cattle is legal now as it was in biblical times. Nobody today is concerned about pulling vegetables from the garden, even though it kills them. The word "ratsach" is commonly believed to describe the premeditated killing of a human. It requires that the victim be a human being. Many other translations translate "ratsach" as "murder" in this verse.

                          KILL: (HEB - verb) -Ratsach "to kill, murder or slay... human being"
                          ( Cain & Abel ) ( David & Uriah )

                          HUMANITIES OLDEST TEMPTATION ---- TO BE LIKE GOD!

                          Romans 12:15-19 "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. [Be] of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

                          DON'T KILL YOUR ENEMIES, LOVE THEM TO DEATH!

                          Ephesians 4:32 "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

                          i cant seem to find your translation that from a special bible that Pat Robertson puts out?
                          i have been through 5 translations so far today...they ALL say kill or murder...even so IF your translation did would you judge this person needed to be killed so god could judge them...without judging them yourself which IS prohibited by the bible no matter what translations you want to try to find?

                          BTW XF what is your avatar? is that a crusader? or a knights templar?


                          • Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                            You are mistaken the actually translation is thou shalt not be guilty of innocent blood. this was translated as thou shalt not murder. And appears as thou shalt not kill. There is a huge difference between the too.
                            Either way, it has always been interpreted that the strict adherence of the commandments not be considered when dealing with nonbelievers, and that they don't always apply anyway. ie, it is ok to kill if engaged in a just war. and this is the same reason the pope declared it a sin to use the crossbow against Christian nations but that it was ok to use it on the heretical nations.

                            But I too have heard that the original reading was "thou shalt not murder". Just as Moses never said, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Originally it was, "Thou shalt not suffer a villeficar (Poisoner) to live." Major difference there.

                            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                            Christianity often calls for the killing of someone so that they be judged by god.
                            Why does God not strike them down Himself? Surely it is within his powers.


                            • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                              This is exactly what I’m talking about! You can only focus on the evils perpetrated by western civilization. Are you unable to see the good we have done for outweighs the evil? Are you unable to see that all the evils perpetrated by western civilization pale in comparison to evils committed by others?


                              • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                I'm sorry but I'm just not following your logic. Some priests molest boys so Christians have no right mention that Islamic terrorists have killed thousands of Americans.
                                Yeah jr i said hundreds of years not last few decades...what christians do to thier own isnt the point...if you are dumb enough to leave your kid in a religous facility..thats between you and your god...
                                i was talking about the things we do overseas....

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                That's like telling a kid who gets a couple of detentions a year that he can't say that a kid who lit a girl's hair on fire is a bad kid, because after all he got a few detention.
                                detentions and setting hair on fire? great analogies...
                                well maybe they arent so bad...dresden...hiroshima...nagasaki....

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                You are saying that because we condemned the killing of hundreds of students getting run over with tanks we are good a casting blame? What the hell were we supposed to say nothing?
                                no i am sayiing people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones....
                                we are quick to judge others harshly for mistakes we also made...

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand

                                Even you should be able to see the clear and obvious difference between Tianamen Square and Kent State.
                                yes what happened in china happened in a communist country...kent state happened in a democracy....FIRST note we also used troops against anti war protesters in the civil war we have done it twice while the bad ole commies only did it once

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                This is exactly what I’m talking about! You can only focus on the evils perpetrated by western civilization. Are you unable to see the good we have done for outweighs the evil? Are you unable to see that all the evils perpetrated by western civilization pale in comparison to evils committed by others?
                                what happens to people in other lands due to thier religious beliefs is between them and thier gods...when we do things to them in thier country due to our religous beliefs we are wrong....

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                You're going to have to explain this one to me. First you complain because you say that Christianity promotes being used as a doormat. Yet the when a Christian leader promotes action against somebody who has declared himself an enemy you're offended?
                                look dumbass we cant complain our enemies condone this kind of behavior then have our religous leaders advocate it....not to mention the fact If we HAD been thinking about it now we cant... second we wouldnt do this anyway...however thanks to another christian opening his mouth before thinking our enemies have a great new piece of propaganda to recruit more terrorist to fight the evil christians...think about it for a you really think robertson helped us here?

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                Do you really want to know what the difference is, or are you just going to continue spewing more rhetoric?

                                Nonetheless I shall try to explain the obvious; Islamic leaders call for killing billions of people (those who they call infidels), who'd rather be left alone. This Christian leader is talking about killing one man who has declared himself to be our enemy! Did I really just have to explain that?

                                Why don’t you just come out and say that the United States and all other civilized nations suck, and that we deserve to be killed by the noble terrorists?
                                actually punk i despise terrorists no matter where they come from...
                                ever been to isreal? how about lebonon? i have...they arent nice places anymore...they used to be beautiful...the world trade center was pretty nice too ...

                                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                                Even if that is credible, what does it have to do with anything?

                                Why don’t you tell me boarspear?
                                oh its credible moron and it has EVERYTHING to do with order to get someone to commit suicide to kill other people you need a pretty damn good propaganda machine...Maybe its time we stopped feeding the f#$@ing propaganda machine...when was the last time anyone bombed sweden?
                                Grow up and realize ALL countries feed thier citizens propaganda...
                                the question becomes whether this propaganda gets innocent people killed...if it does then there is something wrong with the people behind the propaganda....

