mens rea; the accompanying intention to committ a crime or pursue a wrongful aim that makes the act a crime.
normative theory; A theory that attempts to specify conditions under which an act is morally right or wrong.
moral equivalence; the idea that everyone's ultimate moral views are as plausible as everyone else's.
normative subjectivism; the view that ethical judgements can be true of false, but that their truth depends entirely upon whether or not they accurately report the sentiments of those who issue the judgements.
how do you know the actions you condemn or tote highly are what you percieve them to be?
Are we products of our culture...relying on our senses and our rationalizations, of what we are taught and what we experience....OR are we all on the same page as far as innate and universal morality...?
What, if nothing is absolute or universal....and under an assumption that you never had religion, ethics, morality, or the concept of "right vs. wrong" thrust upon you....would you be capable of? Incapable of???
Play with me, here....
normative theory; A theory that attempts to specify conditions under which an act is morally right or wrong.
moral equivalence; the idea that everyone's ultimate moral views are as plausible as everyone else's.
normative subjectivism; the view that ethical judgements can be true of false, but that their truth depends entirely upon whether or not they accurately report the sentiments of those who issue the judgements.
how do you know the actions you condemn or tote highly are what you percieve them to be?
Are we products of our culture...relying on our senses and our rationalizations, of what we are taught and what we experience....OR are we all on the same page as far as innate and universal morality...?
What, if nothing is absolute or universal....and under an assumption that you never had religion, ethics, morality, or the concept of "right vs. wrong" thrust upon you....would you be capable of? Incapable of???
Play with me, here....