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Quick and Dirty IQ test

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  • Quick and Dirty IQ test

    Your IQ Is 130

    Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

    Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

    Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

    Your General Knowledge is Above Average

    A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

  • #2

    Your IQ Is 140

    Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

    Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

    Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

    Your General Knowledge is Genius


    • #3
      Your IQ Is 120

      Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

      Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

      Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

      Your General Knowledge is Average

      A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

      Anyway can anyone tell me the answers to these:
      Of the four languages below, which is the least widely spoken?

      Which of the following countries was not part of the Allies in World War II?

      Which of these US presidents did not serve in the 20th century?
      Dwight Eisenhower
      Theodore Roosevelt
      George W. Bush
      John F. Kennedy


      • #4
        Your IQ Is 120

        Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

        Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

        Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

        Your General Knowledge is Above Average

        A Quick and Dirty IQ Test


        • #5
          Your IQ Is 120

          Your Logical Intelligence is Average

          Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

          Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average

          Your General Knowledge is Exceptional

          A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

          Haven't had my cup o coffee yet


          • #6
            Gregimotis IQ = 572


            • #7
              Your IQ Is 572

              Your Logical Intelligence has a Laser-like focus

              Your Verbal Intelligence is Abounding

              Your Mathematical Intelligence is Godlike

              Your General Knowledge is Breathtaking

              A Quick and Dirty IQ Test


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                Gregimotis IQ = 572

                Gosh, How'd you guess?

                By the way, I'm surprised just how many genius's there are on a board largely dedicated to the best ways to hit each other in the face.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gregimotis
                  Gosh, How'd you guess?
                  By the way, I'm surprised just how many genius's there are on a board largely dedicated to the best ways to hit each other in the face.
                  Hittin' tha face!!!....ahhww man sometimes, you got, to hit the body 2 wear down yer opponent or kick his leg to slow em down.....then you can hit tha phace.

                  Hay, got 2 run now...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tom Yum
                    Hittin' tha face!!!....ahhww man sometimes, you got, to hit the body 2 wear down yer opponent or kick his leg to slow em down.....then you can hit tha phace.

                    Hay, got 2 run now...
                    Ya misspeld "man", mayn!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gregimotis
                      By the way, I'm surprised just how many genius's there are on a board largely dedicated to the best ways to hit each other in the face.
                      Geniuses do the hitting, everyone else gets hit;
                      makes sense to me


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gregimotis
                        By the way, I'm surprised just how many genius's there are on a board largely dedicated to the best ways to hit each other in the face.

                        perhaps you should focus more on not getting hit in the face, than on hitting the other guy in his, if he cant hit you, then hitting him is much easier


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tom Yum
                          Hittin' tha face!!!....ahhww man sometimes, you got, to hit the body 2 wear down yer opponent or kick his leg to slow em down.....then you can hit tha phace.

                          Hay, got 2 run now...
                          Dood!!!111 gettin hit is teh suxxors!!11 LOL!!1


                          • #14
                            okay...let's look at some logical reasons for putting incorrect answers;
                            2. okay, dur, they're the all manner of practicality...the dimes are worth much more, because who the **** pays for shit in nickles.
                            4. increase his productivity by 24 percent to get a raise, 6 days in a week, 24/6=4 dur. BUT, what boss would give a raise for him meeting the bare minimum to get a raise. In todays highly competitive work force, that poor bastard better bust his ass that 6 percent more...or else his micromanaging Napoleon complex boss ain't given him shit.
                            5. Okay...Utilitarian could be an answer, so long as it's not in the sense of Mills...who's a pussy...maybe not even Epicurus...but the other Greek asshole whom they named hedonism after probably would kife the guys chair and nail him in the head with it, if it increased his subjective happieness...or "utility"
                            Could even be an iconoclast since he's disrupting the status quo. Ursurper is the obvious answer for this type of standardized bullshit test, though.
                            6. gregarious means the motherfucker is loud and boisterous, and generally can't keep his big mouth ingenious is the word for somebody who respects and understands the power of SILENCE...and as a side note, anybody who uses stilted ass words like that in everyday speech is a prentenious and contrived twit who needs to be hit with a brick and forced to huff gas. the opposite, is taciturn.

                            ...IF the bitch pays up on her ticket, it doesn't necessarily follow that she won't go to jail for all the other shit she's up to...i.e. prostiution, possession, and being a skank*. (*which should be a capital offense.) If anyone wants to see how these b.s. logic problems really work, check out any Lewis Carrol can "prove" anything with logic. (although you can NEVER disprove anything...scary huh? Well...**** that, I don't give a rats ass about this type of logic, I'm an empiricist, and I hate they can shove it, right up they're gaping pink socks)

                            Moslems the world over have to read the original qu'ran in arabic...chinese own the stock market if they cut the yuan loose, and many people are in India right now...but I kept messing with the test anyway, and they say Hindi is the right answer...cock smokers.

                            And I really couldn't care less about dead presidents unless they're the ones lining my wallet.

                            Holla, bitches.

                   the way, they gave me a retarded score for logic...can you believe that? ME...ILLOGICAL...ha!

                            At least I still gots my


                            • #15
                              You're An Alcoholic

                              Time to go back to step one.

                              What Kind of Drunk Are You?

                              wrong again, punks...
                              alchoholics go to meetings.
                              I'm a drunk.

