Allright, many of you have figured out what my forum name means. I like to eat. I also like to cook my own things and have even forced my cooking on unsuspecting friends....bwahahahah....actually, I've gotten a few kudos.
Anyhow, here's a recipe that I'll throwdown if you wanna save $$$ and not get takeout chinese.
Prepare a sauce:
1-2 chopped garlic cloves
1-2 tbsp oyster sauce
cooking wine
brown sugar
star-aniseed (1 or 2 stars - very strong!)
Black pepper
1-2 tbsp corn starch (for thickening)
You may dilute with water according to preference. I like mine with alot of black pepper.
1. Slice Beef into thin strips. Marinate with 1/2 sauce for atleast 2 hours. Overnight is even better.
2. Heat a pan or wok with enough olive oil to slightly coat pan surface. Medium heat ~ 3-5 min.
3. Pour 1/4 of sauce into heated pan (watch out for splattering).
4. Sprinkle some black pepper on beef. Place beef strips into heated pan. You should get an aroma in your kitchen.
5. Allow beef to get slightly browned ~3-5 minutes.
6. Pour remaining sauce on beef after browining. Cook until beef is well done.
7. You can add steamed vegetables on top of the beef when its done cooking. You can add asparagus, carrots or brocolli.
8. Serve on a bed of rice.
Anyhow, here's a recipe that I'll throwdown if you wanna save $$$ and not get takeout chinese.
Prepare a sauce:
1-2 chopped garlic cloves
1-2 tbsp oyster sauce
cooking wine
brown sugar
star-aniseed (1 or 2 stars - very strong!)
Black pepper
1-2 tbsp corn starch (for thickening)
You may dilute with water according to preference. I like mine with alot of black pepper.
1. Slice Beef into thin strips. Marinate with 1/2 sauce for atleast 2 hours. Overnight is even better.
2. Heat a pan or wok with enough olive oil to slightly coat pan surface. Medium heat ~ 3-5 min.
3. Pour 1/4 of sauce into heated pan (watch out for splattering).
4. Sprinkle some black pepper on beef. Place beef strips into heated pan. You should get an aroma in your kitchen.
5. Allow beef to get slightly browned ~3-5 minutes.
6. Pour remaining sauce on beef after browining. Cook until beef is well done.
7. You can add steamed vegetables on top of the beef when its done cooking. You can add asparagus, carrots or brocolli.
8. Serve on a bed of rice.