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    Allright, many of you have figured out what my forum name means. I like to eat. I also like to cook my own things and have even forced my cooking on unsuspecting friends....bwahahahah....actually, I've gotten a few kudos.

    Anyhow, here's a recipe that I'll throwdown if you wanna save $$$ and not get takeout chinese.

    Prepare a sauce:
    1-2 chopped garlic cloves
    1-2 tbsp oyster sauce
    cooking wine
    brown sugar
    star-aniseed (1 or 2 stars - very strong!)
    Black pepper
    1-2 tbsp corn starch (for thickening)

    You may dilute with water according to preference. I like mine with alot of black pepper.

    1. Slice Beef into thin strips. Marinate with 1/2 sauce for atleast 2 hours. Overnight is even better.

    2. Heat a pan or wok with enough olive oil to slightly coat pan surface. Medium heat ~ 3-5 min.

    3. Pour 1/4 of sauce into heated pan (watch out for splattering).

    4. Sprinkle some black pepper on beef. Place beef strips into heated pan. You should get an aroma in your kitchen.

    5. Allow beef to get slightly browned ~3-5 minutes.

    6. Pour remaining sauce on beef after browining. Cook until beef is well done.

    7. You can add steamed vegetables on top of the beef when its done cooking. You can add asparagus, carrots or brocolli.

    8. Serve on a bed of rice.

  • #2
    Pad Krapao Moo

    If you can find Thai basil and chilies, Try this. You can substitute any meat.

    Pad Krapao Moo (Stir-fried pork with Thai basil)

    ½ pound ground or shredded pork
    handful of fresh holy basil (aka Thai basil) leaves pulled from stems
    8-10 small red chilies (Thai chilies) (sliced, seeds removed if you’re a wuss)
    ¼ cup of fish sauce (nampla, patis, nuoc mam)
    1 tablespoon (or more) palm sugar (brown sugar is okay)
    1 cup Chinese long beans (or green beans), sliced into very small pieces
    3 or 4 cloves of garlic, minced
    2 shallots, minced

    - In a wok or pan, heat 2 tablespoons of oil, add garlic and shallots, stir-fry for one minute.

    -Add chilies. Stir-fry for one minute.

    -Add the pork, stir-fry until fully cooked.

    -Add fish sauce and sugar, to taste

    -Add beans, stir-fry for one minute, then add the basil, stir-fry for another minute.

    Serve with rice.


    • #3
      Aseepish, you use the exact same ingredients that I use when I cook Thai food! I never cook from a recipe book, I usually make according to taste.

      Do you use lemon grass? It adds tons of flavor to soups and meat!!

      Its a cold day. I'm gonna try an old recipe for chilli con carne.....


      • #4
        I like to throw a couple of stalks of lemongrass in the rice-cooker. It's good stuff.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tom Yum
          Aseepish, you use the exact same ingredients that I use when I cook Thai food! I never cook from a recipe book, I usually make according to taste.

          Do you use lemon grass? It adds tons of flavor to soups and meat!!

          Its a cold day. I'm gonna try an old recipe for chilli con carne.....
          HEB has tubes of prepared (mashed up) lemon grass in the fresh herbs section of the produce department. Keeps longer than the freh stuff.


          • #6
            I made a killer sweet and sour sauce the other day. I think it was tamari soy sauce, brown rice vinegar, hot sauce (I use Frontera chipotle hot sauce) and honey. Oh yeah and mustard. I like Dijon but I used Stoneground this time.) MMMM soo goood.


            • #7
              Chicken Parmesan

              Ok, I am by no means a chef. I concocted this way of making chicken parmesan one day when I didn't even have any parmesan cheese. This is more of a bachelor's (even though I'm married, with kid and another on the way) budget for cooking. Easy....

              3-4 boneless chicken breasts
              Chicken breading (shake and bake even works)
              Vegetable oil
              Spagetti or other pasta
              Tomato sauce (works best when meatless with all sorts of added veggies)
              2 eggs
              Fresh Shredded Mozarella cheese

              1. Set up for breading
              a. Place plate for raw chicken on left
              b. Bowl with 2 scambled – uncooked eggs in next
              c. Bowl full of breading
              d. Plate for finished chicken on right
              2. Fill a large pan 1/3 full with vege oil
              a. Start warming oil
              3. Fill another large pan with water for pasta and bring to boil
              4. Slice chicken breasts so they are half as thin.
              5. Dip them in the egg bowl, coating the chicken completely
              6. Coat breasts in crumbs completely
              7. Place 2 or 3 breasts in vege oil (deep fry it) until at least 165 F.
              8. Place on rack to drain
              9. Shred moz cheese over warm chicken. Allow time for cheese to melt.
              10. While chicken is frying, cook pasta in water and drain when done.
              11. Serve with Spagetti (or other pasta, angel hair works well) and top with sauce and parmesan cheese.



              • #8
                Greek Salad (sort of)

                1. Spinach leaves (can be bought in a package)
                2. Calamatta Olives
                3. Cherry Tomatoes (with the vine)
                4. Cucumber
                5. Julianned carrots
                6. 2-3 pepperoncini (peppers - hot - optional)
                7. Feta cheese

                Toss. Add your favorite dressing. Enjoy.


                • #9
                  family recipes on the restaraunt site... check it.


                  • #10

                    Buy Sirloin, NY Strip or Porterhouse depending on your budget

                    Fry in pan to medium well (or to your taste)

                    Eat (steak sauce optional)



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kenpodog

                      Buy Sirloin, NY Strip or Porterhouse depending on your budget

                      Fry in pan to medium well (or to your taste)

                      Eat (steak sauce optional)


                      4-5 Bratwurst Sausages
                      garlic, chopped
                      Can of budweiser

                      Other ingredients:
                      wooden skewer
                      roasted bellpepper
                      seasoned tiny red potaos

                      Let sausage marinate in the above for a good hour or two.

                      Grill approximately 30 minutes.

                      Cut sausage

                      Skewer with bell pepper, sausage, potato

                      Drink as much budweiser as possible. Repeat


                      • #12
                        Okay, here's a quick and easy desert dish I use when people expect me to bake something fabulous, but I'm low on cash and time.

                        Get about 9 or 10 green apples, cut 'em up, add a bunch of powdered cinnamon and pour on a can of root beer. Bake for about a half hour on 350. YUM!!


                        • #13
                          I love making chili with corn masa dumplings. Just get masa harina (the kind with just corn and lime, no lard or anything like that), a little bit of soup stock, frozen corn, butter, salt and any herbs and spices and roll 'em up into big marbles or larger.

                          Originally posted by Tom Yum
                          Its a cold day. I'm gonna try an old recipe for chilli con carne.....


                          • #14
                            All right--best recipe ever. Saute some beef (cut in strips) in sesame oil, add a bunch of veggies (I used bell peppers, onion, garlic, ginger, and shitaake mushrooms) then add some coconut milk, a touch of hot sauce and a bit of fish sauce. YUM!!

                            If I was eating grains, it'd be perfect over some rice.

                            Slices of mango for desert.


                            • #15
                              This sounds like something I make often, except I add 2-3 tbsp palm sugar, canned tomatoes and curry instead of hot sauce. Everything else is the same.

