"You Wouldn't Talk To Me Like That If I were a Man"
she is berating you in front of strangers for crap that is neither your responsibility, nor your fault, but dont let logic intrude on a good grilling, insult session...........
In most cases, men, you know it, any man talking to you in the manner that this woman is would have had his face punched in minutes, if not hours ago, but she thinks you are the problem..............
i dont mind punching a woman, if they deserve it, that is one of the most useful things i leanred form my sisters. that and how to block a groin kick............my sisters taught me a lot about how to block a groin kick and how to expect it even, especially, when you dont even deserve it..........heck, you have male genes, right???!?!?!?!?!?!
I was watching an episode of "Flip This House" the other day when a woman who was in supposedly in charge of a home renovation says, "she cannot stand having to babysit for grown men" despite the fact that she was not even at the job site...........how can a woman or a man, supervise a contruction site from their home? with no use of high tech gagdgets? in this case, the two grown men show up at the work site on a daily basis to do the vast majority of the work while the woman sits at home tending her baby..........nothing wrong with raising children, in fact, it is pretty admirable, but how does that qualify her to make the big bucks supervising home renovations, if she doesnt want to leave the house to monitor the progreess of the mold abatement, etc, then she ought to at least have more respect for those who are doing the hard work........(Note: the men in the show did not disparage the supervising women who were absent at the most crucial times of the construction and especially the woman who purchased the property without having viewed the inside.......
so here is the woman blaming the men for her own shortcomings.........she is ignorant of how to manage a construction project, but someone puts her in charge anyway.....
The other woman in charge of the poject, the realtor who bought the property, sight unseen, is pointing fingers in every which direction but at herself.......you buy a house full of mold with a gaping hole in the ceiling and then you look for blame when the costs of rehab overrun what was budgeted.............i got an idea, stick with what you are good at.........and that aint fixing houses.............
and know what scares me, we have taught how many men to act in this manner??!?!?!?!?!?!?