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Any Heathens, Heretics, athiest or agnostics?

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  • Any Heathens, Heretics, athiest or agnostics?

    Welcome all Ye awakened ones i noticed all these "any Christian" people threads and realized we were under represented...

    so anyway grab a bottle of yer favorite poison, a bowl of... well, whatever floats yer boat and TESTIFY...

  • #2
    ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! I'm a heathen pirate.


    • #3
      Yaaaaar matey! We be a villainous crew o' scurvy dogs indeed!


      • #4
        Hmmm i guess everyone is still asleep...

        Favorite alcohols and favorite reading materials for the unchained souls to enjoy...

        you know, Mezcal and the latest issue of Hustler

        or perhaps something more enlightening....A little sacred geometry perhaps? Anyone read "Points of Cosmic Energy" By Blanche Merz? Or Robert Billings "The Little Clowns" on The Mushroom? Terrance Mckenna is another MUST read on these subjects. He also has several spoken word "guided Trips" available from his live seminars...WHOOOOAA they are DEEEEP... wiring underneath the boardwalk and all.


        • #5
          Ahhh there you all are...we were all postin' at the same time you dogs


          • #6
            Scotch - Macallan, Laphroaig, Scapa; Guinness; Fin du Monde, Maudite (Quebecois micro-brew ); Gin - Bombay Sapphire, Tanqueray Ten; Stoli; Nihonshu (aka Sake); Mekhong (that Thai sugar-cane whisky; Canadian Club (any decent Rye); Any decent bourbon. Pretty much any distilled spirit.

            I read more ficiton than non-fiction - Haruki Murakami, Italo Calvino, Graham Greene, Mikhail Bulgakov, Don Delillo, Raymond Chandler, Herman Hesse, G. K. Chesterton, Angela Carter, Lawrence Durrell, Umberto Eco, Jim Thompson, Kobo Abe, Malcolm Lowry, T.S. Eliot.


            • #7
              The absolute MOST incredible essential item i have ever discovered is the will be stunned at its abilities...nothing they say about it is even close to how good it really is


              • #8
                YO YO YO...guess who's up in the hizzzz-izzzzz-iyyyyyyy

                "Muhammed" Ali mu'fuckin' G, here to repRUHsent, BOOYAH!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Garland
                  YO YO YO...guess who's up in the hizzzz-izzzzz-iyyyyyyy

                  "Muhammed" Ali mu'fuckin' G, here to repRUHsent, BOOYAH!
                  Ahhh the Mascot arrives


                  • #10

                    Foo...I be all up in yo grill like Ike to Tina.

                    white-suburban middle class style in dah HOOD...cuz I'm a ga ga ga gangsta, baby.

                    I be all bout eatin' peeps at easter.

                    ain't I wacky, groovy, and popin' fresh?

                    for those of you who think I'm being serious, please go to the nearest sharp object and sterilize yourself.


                    • #11
                      I'm high on Jaysoos!

                      Hey you know what the definition of agnostic is?

                      Somebody without the balls to be an atheist!

                      (I crack me up!)


                      • #12
                        Pascal's Wager

                        If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing (assuming that death is the absolute end), whereas if you correctly believe in God, you gain everything (eternal bliss). But if you correctly disbelieve in God, you gain nothing (death ends all), whereas if you erroneously disbelieve in God, you lose everything (eternal damnation). So the most sensible thing to do is to believe in His existence (just in case)

                        Decision Matrix...........Wager for God..........Wager against God
                        God exists.................Gain Eternal Bliss ..............Gain Eternal Misery
                        God does not exist...........Status Quo....................Status Quo

                        Wagering for God superdominates wagering against God: the worst outcome associated with wagering for God (status quo) is at least as good as the best outcome associated with wagering against God (status quo); and if God exists, the result of wagering for God is strictly better that the result of wagering against God. (The fact that the result is much better does not matter yet.) Pascal draws the conclusion at this point that rationality requires you to wager for God.


                        • #13
                          BURNNN THE BLASPHEMER!!!!! BURN! ER, wait... MAKE 'IM WALK THE PLANK!!!! ARRGGGHH!


                          • #14
                            Pascal draws the conclusion at this point that rationality requires you to wager for God.
                            Pascal's wager is only true if their is only one definition of GOD on the table. If I take the wager and become a catholic, and Boar Spear takes the wager and becomes born-again; according to both our beliefs, one of us is going straight to hell. On the other hand, Hindus don't believe in hell at all, although they do believe in 'GOD' - albeit defined a little differently. Pascal's wager fails entirely in that case.

                            Without meaning to start a monster thread of religion (there are already enough around here) I humbly suggest to the reader that spirituality is and always will be the most personal individual experience.


                            • #15
                              Well, I'm def. a heathen, and a heretic too by most standards I don't have time to make a big list or to wax philosophical right now but I'll post this short piece by one of my favorites:

                              well, that's just the way it is

                              sometimes when everything seems at

                              its worst

                              when all conspires

                              and gnawls

                              and the hours, days, weeks


                              seem wasted –

                              stretched there upon my bed

                              in the dark

                              looking up at the ceiling

                              i get what many will consider an

                              obnoxious thought :

                              it’s still nice to be bukowski.

                              -Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)

