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American Presidents that were shot right.

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  • #46
    And either way, one missile would not cripple the US... THAT was ignorant.


    • #47
      So you are admitting you were wrong on the stopping ICBMs right mate?

      As for the devastation caused by ICBMs. Say China only fires four missiles, type JF-1 right. Each has a 50kt warhead, that's over three times that of Hiroshima. Plonk one of those on Manhatten... millions dead, millions more homeless, most big corporations loose a massive amount of infrastucture and whatnot. Most of the East coast unihabitable for years and years requiring mayor relocation programmes...

      And that's just China. What about France mate, they are enemies of USA right. Each Le Triomphant class SSBN will have like 16 nuclear missiles, each with 6 reentry vehicles each with its own 150kt warhead. So each sub carries 96 nuclear warheads totalling 14,400kts; equivilent to 960 Hiroshima bombs right.


      • #48
        you are missing the point nutter.

        So they take out all of new york. The US is a huge country. In a few minutes France would be gone. The would no longer be a threat. Due to the severe nature of such an attack, any country seeking to capitalize would also be hit by nuclear strikes.

        the same with China, The sub would be destroyed quickly, and then the populated area of china would burn.

        That is why no sane country will use nukes on another nuke owning country.


        • #49
          Originally posted by nutter
          Shooting a US president is contributing to society innit.

          I don't expect you to understand but the US Secret Service is not bound by borders.

          Keep it up dumbass!

          EF? You want this material on Mousel's Forum? By leaving it up it might indicate your approval somehow.

          Just a friendly suggestion, eh... Delete it and HIM! (Please)


          • #50
            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce

            That is why no sane country will use nukes on another nuke owning country.
            Thats the theory anyway....Red line? huh , Bush is an idiot, his advisors arent any better....dont be surprised when one of his miscalculations gets us nuked.


            • #51
              Originally posted by nutter
              So you are admitting you were wrong on the stopping ICBMs right mate?

              As for the devastation caused by ICBMs. Say China only fires four missiles, type JF-1 right. Each has a 50kt warhead, that's over three times that of Hiroshima. Plonk one of those on Manhatten... millions dead, millions more homeless, most big corporations loose a massive amount of infrastucture and whatnot. Most of the East coast unihabitable for years and years requiring mayor relocation programmes...

              And that's just China. What about France mate, they are enemies of USA right. Each Le Triomphant class SSBN will have like 16 nuclear missiles, each with 6 reentry vehicles each with its own 150kt warhead. So each sub carries 96 nuclear warheads totalling 14,400kts; equivilent to 960 Hiroshima bombs right.
              No, in fact I was telling you how I know I am right, and that when I can do the research I will back it up with hard facts. Till then, I'm just right lol.

              Yes, it would be devestating, but good luck GETTING THEM OVER HERE, much less luck landing them. Besides, we have friendly relations with China and France, and no we are not enemies... we are enemies of North Korea, maybe Iran, but not China and France.


              • #52
                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                Thats the theory anyway....Red line? huh , Bush is an idiot, his advisors arent any better....dont be surprised when one of his miscalculations gets us nuked.
                You're a dumbass.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tant01
                  I don't expect you to understand but the US Secret Service is not bound by borders.

                  Keep it up dumbass!

                  EF? You want this material on Mousel's Forum? By leaving it up it might indicate your approval somehow.

                  Just a friendly suggestion, eh... Delete it and HIM! (Please)
                  Amen bro, if it aint a crime, its gotta get you on the early boarding list for Rex 84 at minimum....cmon freedom of speech on the streets is gone thanks to Comrade Bush, you think the net isnt watched


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by J-Luck
                    No, in fact I was telling you how I know I am right, and that when I can do the research I will back it up with hard facts. Till then, I'm just right lol.

                    Yes, it would be devestating, but good luck GETTING THEM OVER HERE, much less luck landing them. Besides, we have friendly relations with China and France, and no we are not enemies... we are enemies of North Korea, maybe Iran, but not China and France.
                    I'm soooo looking forward to being educated by you mate. Here's some research for you on the current state of US anti-missile systems:
                    As for aircraft intercepting them, the only one with even a chance would the airborne laser which is at this time nowhere near an operational system. It's a bloody jumbo jet for christs sake, it couldn't scramble and fire within the time frame of an incoming ICBM strike.

                    Excessive force, yes USA could do over any country that fired ICBMs on USA but that doesn't mean that USA wouldn't be all but obliterated in the process. and even if you did nuke France right, they would have at least one SSBN afloat and if they were planning a surprise attack, probably three. So that's 288 nuclear warheads heading your way.

                    Tonto, get some perspective mate. And a life whilst you are at it maybe. Remember that contributing to society may mean in a negative way right.


                    • #55
                      Just because I don't agree with Nutter or his opinions doesn't mean I will delete his post.

                      I also do not ban people for being stupid as a rule. Otherwise I'd be pretty lonely around here.

                      While I find nutter to be annoying and his post contribute little to the forum, I am waiting to make a judgement. To date he has refrained from profanity, is partially on topic in a few posts, and a few threads have started a dialog.

                      Now his annoying posting style may get him booted and with the recent trolls i am a bit less tolerant than usual he hasn't yet crossed the line.

                      I've ban 8 people in the last 5 days. That's more than I have in the entire rest of my time as a moderator.

                      If you are concerned about the content send Tim a message. If he tells me to delete the stuff or ban him I'll be happy to do it.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by nutter
                        I'm soooo looking forward to being educated by you mate. Here's some research for you on the current state of US anti-missile systems:
                        As for aircraft intercepting them, the only one with even a chance would the airborne laser which is at this time nowhere near an operational system. It's a bloody jumbo jet for christs sake, it couldn't scramble and fire within the time frame of an incoming ICBM strike.

                        Excessive force, yes USA could do over any country that fired ICBMs on USA but that doesn't mean that USA wouldn't be all but obliterated in the process. and even if you did nuke France right, they would have at least one SSBN afloat and if they were planning a surprise attack, probably three. So that's 288 nuclear warheads heading your way.

                        Tonto, get some perspective mate. And a life whilst you are at it maybe. Remember that contributing to society may mean in a negative way right.

                        YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! Using wikipedi, or wiki news for a reference... are you outa your mind?! I can edit that article right now... in fact I did leave you a message nutter... (lets see if you can find it) The fact that normal people make posts, nothing is looked into, and even credible posts are frequently changed makes it nothing. And if you look, it was a simple mistake. Also, the last test intercepted 5/8 missles... and that was less advanced than this new software.... so it sounds not too bad to me lol.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by J-Luck
                          the last test intercepted 5/8 missles... and that was less advanced than this new software.... so it sounds not too bad to me lol.

                          You do realise that these anti-missile systems are not actually operation don't you?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by nutter

                            You do realise that these anti-missile systems are not actually operation don't you?

                            Actually there are some that are... their not talked about openly... and the source is the one you gave us, WIKINEWS!!! lol. But I looked that up on different news outlets and it seems to be consistent.


                            • #59
                              Wait... did you get the message I sent you on wikinews?(It was on the link you gave us). Click it, it says NUTTER BUTTER, or HI NUTTER BUTTER someone in bold letters on the page.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by J-Luck
                                Actually there are some that are... their not talked about openly... and the source is the one you gave us, WIKINEWS!!! lol. But I looked that up on different news outlets and it seems to be consistent.
                                Are you taking the piss mate. You can't give the source of your claim that the latest test was successful as you described because you are plain wrong mate. You also said that US aircraft would intercept the incoming ICBMs right: WHICH AIRCRAFT?????

