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look at me in jacket it has my name on it,,my real name on it

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  • #76
    your funny stop making jokes and help me out
    i getting mad i told my 6 friends to stay away from this site due to you all making fun of me for asking for some help
    your all sick get a life life is not all joking
    grow up and learn to do the right thing here
    i want no more joking or ha ha..ha or ant hing like that
    i wish some one would help me if they do they will be my hearo to get me a heavy satin jacket navy blue or black size 3xl
    and you know you would fell better about your self for helping some one instead of making fun of them for having a learnong disabilty dislexia the people that are joking do not care about handicaps or learning disabled people because they do not have one so please stop joking and look up dislexia i thank that is how it is spelled you need to grow up i know you do from matt sewell blake


    • #77
      Matt...long time no see...where you been buddy?


      • #78
        i been away for a while it is people like you and others
        all you do is joke about me and have nothing to do with someone topic and
        you make fun of people when they ask a serious question that is rude
        i did like this board but people all they do is thank i stupid and what i post is not real i not post a topic here for a while due to this problem from matt blake


        • #79
          Originally posted by matbla View Post

          i wish some one would help me
          Uh, what exactly are you wanting help with? This thread says "Look at me in my pretty blue satin (circa 1982) jacket!" it a "Members Only" jacket...ah that would be cool, of course David Hasselhoff would probably have realized he lost it by now...

          Do you know David Hasselhoff? He's an AWESOME singer...and he drives a SCHWEET ride...that talking car thing...


          • #80
            i am not a ningia or what you call it you do not know who i am
            because i am matbla matt blake you still make fun of me you the joke here
            i post a real topic and it is poeople like you that answer a topic with something from the past that hasd nothing to do with there topic and that not fun to read sorry from matt blake


            • #81
              i am sorry for seeming rude
              but some of you are even more ruder then i was,
              from the way you post bad and rude things from matt blake
              sorry againg can we get back to the topic and would some one please get rid or the the bad people reply to my topic and my rude reply and start the topic over right o.k i am sorry for
              the way the topic has gone bad and can we try to save the topic and board ?!?!? from mat blake


              • #82

                Do you still post on the new Tung Fu? I cant seem to find that forum anymore. Can you send me the link?


                • #83
                  i do not do that any more i can not find the link it not wroth looking for there
                  rude to me and many i would give it to you if i had it
                  want a satin jacket 3xl heavy weight navy blue or black any ideas of a place to get one
                  i wish i had that web site board for you i delete it when they said
                  rude things to me when i posted i got my yellow belt in karate today ,,,they siad with what kind of paint did you use to paint your belt yellow or
                  did you pure musterd on it so i gave up i better then them from matt blake


                  • #84
                    do you remember the name of the web site?


                    • #85
                      Hey! It's Matt Blake!!! Hiya Matt! Good to see you on the forum again, buddy! Good ol' Matt Blake! How've ya been, Matt!


                      • #86
                        look up tung fu o.k.
                        i am o.k i glad to be here only if you do not make fun of me
                        like you did a year ago that is why i left
                        did you find me a satin heavy satin jacket navy blue or black for me in size 3xl
                        please do not make fun of me for asking one more time
                        be carfull i do not want my topics locked again that why i left
                        for a while the way you maded fun of me and that my topics got locked
                        from matthew sewell blake


                        • #87
                          can you read my poet on my dad passed away nov 9-06
                          and read the clipping for the local newspaper from matt blake


                          • #88
                            i upset that your joking that my dad passed awy do you want me to joke when you dad or mom or someone passes away
                            i scanned a copy of the local newspaper the post star so you could read a little about my dad and now your joking about it. from a very unhapy board member matt blake


                            • #89
                              i am not

                              i am not stupid to flip the birrd it not nice to swear
                              why is it funny my dad passed away
                              please tell me from matt blake


                              • #90

                                Post a picture of you in one of the satin/nylon jackets you received from one of the tung fu members. The red one. Hold a sign up that says, "I am mat"

