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Question for Creationists

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tant01
    No need for this kind of DISRESPECT! In fact I find it reflects more about you than the person it's directed at.
    says the man who puts the smilie in so many posts right.


    • #32


      • #33
        .............. Just for you!


        • #34
          I dont care


          • #35
            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
            I dont want to persuade you or disuade you because i could care less about what you think or believe...I give up trying pump reality back into people that have been taught to believe in something from the moment they were born.
            ::::My corner has thrown in the towel::::

            Romans 1:18 [ God's Wrath Against Mankind ] The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,



            • #36
              Originally posted by nutter
              55% of Americans believe God (Christian god) created humans as-is right. The general gist is that they do not accept evolution right.

              So, creationists, did modern man live alongside T-Rex?

              PS. interesting survey

              OBVIOUSLY he did not live along side T-rex... Creationism doesn't even suggest that... are you ignorant, stupid, or a combo of both?


              • #37
                Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                Man did not live along side dinosaurs, that is ridulous! We slowly evolved from hominids whose ancestors were apes, and its proven too. Dinosaurs lived long before large primapes came along. When the dinosaurs lived, apes were very small and mouse like. If you still believe that "God" created us, then youre a gullable dummy.


                lol... I had over 2 paragraphs typed in response to this... and it deleted... blah... ill re-type in the morning...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by osopardo
                  Omnipotent = All Powerful; able to do what our finite minds in our very limited frame of reference would consider to be impossible. Creation of the heavens and earth in 6 days? Absolutely! If it so pleases Him to do so.

                  Omniscient = All knowing; Able to know and have an intimate understanding of EVERYTHING. He calls the stars by their names. He numbers every hair on your head (and my head, his head, her head, etc.). And that means knowing that number as it constantly changes!

                  Omnipresent = All present; He is everywhere. His presence is felt in the outermost reaches of the infinite universe He created and in your heart as you commit unpardonable crimes and hideous sins.

                  Omniexistent = He always was, always is, always will be. He inhabits eternity. I mean, you inhabit a crib, He inhabits Eternity! The concept of Time is different for Him than it is for us. The Bible states that to God a minute is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a minute. Time for Him is not linear. He exists concurrently in the past, present and future.

                  Did He create everything in 6 days? Did He create evolution? The real point is that He can, if He so pleases.

                  And the Bible is the "complete, inspired, revealed Word of God". God only knows what has not been revealed, either because we're not ready to receive it or it just simply isn't relevant to us.

                  ps> I once asked God to give me a million dollars. He replied, "Yes, in a minute."


                  I agree with all of this... though I have a more logical answer to those who don't want to belive that God could have just done all of this in 6 days...

                  The Hebrew word used to describe the day in "6 days" had three meanings... 1. A 12 hour period, 2. a 24 hour period, and 3. A period of time seperated by two seperate and significant events.....hmm.... sounds plausible to meee.... and ya know what.... dinosaurs and the earth being in exsistence for billions of years suddenly isn't so hard to believe...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                    Whatever, this debate is pointless because God and Satan dont exist! Please get it through your heads, i know when you guys were growing up, your parents and everyone else around you made you believe in Jesus and heaven and hell and all the other BS. Its not real. You and your lives are real, not some almighty God in the sky.

                    Please leave this post lol. Even Nutter, trying to stir up trouble with his idiotic, illogical ways isn't as bad as you.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Hikage

                      Bible. The fact that we have it.

                      In order to refute this, you need to rate the authenticity of it with the measures used to measure the authenticity of any other historical work. Good luck, let me know how that goes.


                      PS> I suggest reading The Case for Christ/ by Lee Stroebel. It is simple, well written, and incorporates many of today's best minds, both for and against.
                      lol haha... one of my fav books... That being said it has been well known amongst top archeologists and historians that the Bible has never been shown to be historically innaccurate and that most of the new testament was written by the people who gave the accounts(a historically amazing feat).


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Oooh! Ooooh! I know this one! Pick me, pick me!!
                        [DING]....Mike B for 500....


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                          What is: "He's both galactically ignorant and titanically stupid - with the IQ of a melting glass of crushed ice, the personality of diet water, and the appeal of runny poop?" Alex?
                          Haha! I laughed at that for a good minute lol... I hate resorting to personal insults as they are not logical nor reasonable... but some people are just so STUPID... there is no way to reasonably justify their statements... lol I've heard the crushed ice once before... but not with the melting glass lol... that was great.


                          • #43
                            Mike, I have a thread in boxing you should take a look at if you have some time. It's the Samuel Peter/Calvin Brock one.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              What is: "He's both galactically ignorant and titanically stupid - with the IQ of a melting glass of crushed ice, the personality of diet water, and the appeal of runny poop?" Alex?
                              You are Correct. Daily Double.

                              Other categories: "Innit mate" "Inmate" "nutter mating"


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                                You are Correct. Daily Double.

                                Other categories: "Innit mate" "Inmate" "nutter mating"

                                Attached Files

