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Question for Creationists

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  • Question for Creationists

    55% of Americans believe God (Christian god) created humans as-is right. The general gist is that they do not accept evolution right.

    So, creationists, did modern man live alongside T-Rex?

    PS. interesting survey
    I believe in Creationism. Modern man lived along side T-Rex
    I believe in Evolution. Creationism is poppycock.
    I buy into some crazy theory whereby I reconcile Christianity with evolution
    I don't know what to believe

  • #2
    15 "Look at the behemoth, [a]
    which I made along with you
    and which feeds on grass like an ox.
    16 What strength he has in his loins,
    what power in the muscles of his belly!
    17 His tail [b] sways like a cedar;
    the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.
    18 His bones are tubes of bronze,
    his limbs like rods of iron.
    19 He ranks first among the works of God,
    yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.
    20 The hills bring him their produce,
    and all the wild animals play nearby.
    21 Under the lotus plants he lies,
    hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
    22 The lotuses conceal him in their shadow;
    the poplars by the stream surround him.
    23 When the river rages, he is not alarmed;
    he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth. 24 Can anyone capture him by the eyes, [c]
    or trap him and pierce his nose?


    PS> This is quite controversial and not all scholars are in accordance.


    • #3
      What do you believe Hikage?


      • #4

        PS> This is quite controversial and not all scholars are in accordance.[/QUOTE]

        The "behemoth" is clearly not a carnivorous reptilian. More likely a mammoth or some such... Extinct mammal. What a beast of burdon it may have been, docile and tame by comparison to some creatures.

        It is to wonder...


        • #5
          Man did not live along side dinosaurs, that is ridulous! We slowly evolved from hominids whose ancestors were apes, and its proven too. Dinosaurs lived long before large primapes came along. When the dinosaurs lived, apes were very small and mouse like. If you still believe that "God" created us, then youre a gullable dummy.


          • #6
            Omnipotent = All Powerful; able to do what our finite minds in our very limited frame of reference would consider to be impossible. Creation of the heavens and earth in 6 days? Absolutely! If it so pleases Him to do so.

            Omniscient = All knowing; Able to know and have an intimate understanding of EVERYTHING. He calls the stars by their names. He numbers every hair on your head (and my head, his head, her head, etc.). And that means knowing that number as it constantly changes!

            Omnipresent = All present; He is everywhere. His presence is felt in the outermost reaches of the infinite universe He created and in your heart as you commit unpardonable crimes and hideous sins.

            Omniexistent = He always was, always is, always will be. He inhabits eternity. I mean, you inhabit a crib, He inhabits Eternity! The concept of Time is different for Him than it is for us. The Bible states that to God a minute is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a minute. Time for Him is not linear. He exists concurrently in the past, present and future.

            Did He create everything in 6 days? Did He create evolution? The real point is that He can, if He so pleases.

            And the Bible is the "complete, inspired, revealed Word of God". God only knows what has not been revealed, either because we're not ready to receive it or it just simply isn't relevant to us.

            ps> I once asked God to give me a million dollars. He replied, "Yes, in a minute."



            • #7
              if he is omnipotent, then Satan is by definition immpotent, unless he derives his power from God. So God is in league with Satan.


              • #8
                Actually that does not follow. Just because got is omnipotent does not mean Satan is. Satan was created by God, and was given free will, when he wanted to become like God is when he was cast down.


                • #9
                  omnipotent right:
                  adj : having unlimited power ~syn: almighty, all-powerful

                  So if if Satan has independant power right, then God's power is by definition limited innit, so he would not be Omnipotent.

                  So if God is omnipotent right, then Satan's power is facilitated by God, who has the ability to remove/reverse that power.

                  So God is in league with Satan, simple innit.


                  • #10
                    Get the skeptic Society's "How to Debate a Creationist."


                    • #11
                      who said satan has power?

                      Satan had free will before the fall, not power. God gave satan the world and gave him dominion over it.

                      So no, you logic does not hold up.


                      • #12
                        Whatever, this debate is pointless because God and Satan dont exist! Please get it through your heads, i know when you guys were growing up, your parents and everyone else around you made you believe in Jesus and heaven and hell and all the other BS. Its not real. You and your lives are real, not some almighty God in the sky.


                        • #13
                          Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

                          I was not talking about belief, my post was to explain nutter's arguement was flawed as his statements do not follow.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                            Whatever, this debate is pointless because God and Satan dont exist! Please get it through your heads, i know when you guys were growing up, your parents and everyone else around you made you believe in Jesus and heaven and hell and all the other BS. Its not real. You and your lives are real, not some almighty God in the sky.
                            Blasphemer!!!!!! This herasy will land you in Hell mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nutter
                              Blasphemer!!!!!! This herasy will land you in Hell mate.
                              Yeah, right.

