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I'm a Corporate dude who works his tail off..

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  • I'm a Corporate dude who works his tail off..

    any other white collar folks in here?

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tant01
      Hey!!I thought you were a sailor!? ALL sailors recognize nip

      I expected numbers or kingoftheforest to ask if thats what that was but not you!!


      • #4
        I'm getting old.... the vision is not like it used to be. But my knife is still sharp!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tant01
          I'm getting old.... the vision is not like it used to be. But my knife is still sharp!
          I'm torn between "sounds like it could be a good thing" (according to Al bundy)

          And..."that just makes you scarier dont it?" lookout for the blind guy with the knives...


          • #6
            O kay, it's NOT THAT BAD... The image is missing a certain third dimension. Why just today I swatted a fly out of the air!

            GQ is pushing the onvelope with this one... Wonder if it will last?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tant01

              GQ is pushing the onvelope with this one... Wonder if it will last?
              Yeah at least he could post a pic of Milla nip optional


              • #8
                Originally posted by GQchris
                any other white collar folks in here?
                the only thing i have to say is stay away from the atkins diet. i know white collar folk are stuck in the office all day, and they cant workout and keep in shape so they have to resort to extremes like the atkins diet, were they starve their body of essential nutrients in order to not become obese. and make sure you lift some weights so your wrists dont become too limp from sitting in the office and pushing papers all day


                • #9
                  Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                  i know white collar folk are stuck in the office all day, and they cant workout and keep in shape so they have to resort to extremes like the atkins diet, were they starve their body of essential nutrients in order to not become obese. and make sure you lift some weights so your wrists dont become too limp from sitting in the office and pushing papers all day

                  Speak for yourself


                  • #10
                    White collars FTW!

                    Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                    the only thing i have to say is stay away from the atkins diet. i know white collar folk are stuck in the office all day, and they cant workout and keep in shape so they have to resort to extremes like the atkins diet, were they starve their body of essential nutrients in order to not become obese. and make sure you lift some weights so your wrists dont become too limp from sitting in the office and pushing papers all day

                    I am also a white collar. (Actually, right now I am wearing a white and blue striped shirt)

                    I often get weird looks for the concoctions I put together in the break room, and for the fact that I eat three lunches throughout the day, instead of Del Taco or some sort of crap like that once a day. But, I would rather get weird looks from my coworkers than disgusted looks from friends when I take off my shirt at the gym.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                      Speak for yourself
                      exactly, LOL, I'm the fittest man in my office..

                      not all white collar guys are obese couch potatoes..

                      and I never liked the atkins, that is a racist diet... I mean come on, no rice, no noodles, and if you're Italian, no pasta, that's b.s.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                        and make sure you lift some weights so your wrists dont become too limp from sitting in the office and pushing papers all day
                        BTW Paper can get heavy...(^__^)


                        • #13
                          Special exercises to stay fit at your desk.



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                          • #14

                            Do you guys think physical fitness programs should be a part of one's corporate life?

                            If so, should they be individual excercises such as weight training or team-building excercises that require mind and body?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tom Yum
                              Do you guys think physical fitness programs should be a part of one's corporate life?

                              If so, should they be individual excercises such as weight training or team-building excercises that require mind and body?
                              Holy shit no That would just mean that I'd have to spend even more time at work with my coworkers. If I had to put up with the talking monkeys at this company in the gym as well as at work I'd have gone postal long ago

