okay here's the set up about a mounth ago I started a new job during which I recived a knee injury because I was tryimg to protect me destroyed ankle/feet so I started back on dr. perscribed steroids 9I had a bottle lying around, the job lasted only a 3 weeks befoe i was incapacviated do to my new knee injury but I had to keep taking the steroids to wak on it. Well during july my behavior got progressively more bizare but I thougt it was just due to too much alchohol(I drink 6 days a week due to my cronch pain the only otherchoice is to be a legally perscribed pain pill adict.but I've seen other people go throught that so I'm not interasted.) Anyway on july 3rd i start drinking during the day and continue on duringt the night untill 11pm when I decide to go to my local grocery store to get fire works(did I mention my home is across the parking lot from a police station.i go to the store and get the fireworks on my way back I notice 2 cops cars chasing me so I pull over. I'm outta that car and in the back of a cop car in record time then we go to the station. I say alot of crazy stuff to the cops they take me to jail(I'm still saying crazy stuffon the way there) they say let's get rid of this nut and hand me over to the jailers I'm still saying nutso stuff so they throw me in a bare cell basically naked and i spend the night listening to a guy Scream Oh jesus and kick his cell door. Moring comes and here's whee the story gets really nuts: I'm put in ad sec on the highest sucide watch ( I've already said some nutso stuff to the jail nurses) basically I'm wearing a smock and nothing elese. I can only leave my cell 1 hour a day to use the phone or shower and only be myself.Basically to get into ad seg you need to be nut,sucidal,fight with people or have been attacked.
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1 reason medical steroids for ma injuries/my 4th of july in jail
Originally posted by Blue Wave Gymokay here's the set up about a mounth ago I started a new job during which I recived a knee injury because I was tryimg to protect me destroyed ankle/feet so I started back on dr. perscribed steroids 9I had a bottle lying around, the job lasted only a 3 weeks befoe i was incapacviated do to my new knee injury but I had to keep taking the steroids to wak on it. Well during july my behavior got progressively more bizare but I thougt it was just due to too much alchohol(I drink 6 days a week due to my cronch pain the only otherchoice is to be a legally perscribed pain pill adict.but I've seen other people go throught that so I'm not interasted.) Anyway on july 3rd i start drinking during the day and continue on duringt the night untill 11pm when I decide to go to my local grocery store to get fire works(did I mention my home is across the parking lot from a police station.i go to the store and get the fireworks on my way back I notice 2 cops cars chasing me so I pull over. I'm outta that car and in the back of a cop car in record time then we go to the station. I say alot of crazy stuff to the cops they take me to jail(I'm still saying crazy stuffon the way there) they say let's get rid of this nut and hand me over to the jailers I'm still saying nutso stuff so they throw me in a bare cell basically naked and i spend the night listening to a guy Scream Oh jesus and kick his cell door. Moring comes and here's whee the story gets really nuts: I'm put in ad sec on the highest sucide watch ( I've already said some nutso stuff to the jail nurses) basically I'm wearing a smock and nothing elese. I can only leave my cell 1 hour a day to use the phone or shower and only be myself.Basically to get into ad seg you need to be nut,sucidal,fight with people or have been attacked.
I don't know what to say man, I'm speechless.
part 2
as soon as i get in the cell all I can hear is people banging on their doors and screaming at each other and reciting rap music(this a large metro jail that houses all kinds of criminals) the guy in the cell next to me spends his entire day and night threatening to kill and rape and the guy in cell 4, he also says he gonna make him eat him feces and drink his urine btw the guy in cell 4 hasen't eaten in 2 months so he can pertend to be crazy and get a ticket to the nut house instead of prison (just like the guy in the cell next to me who alreay has eaten his own feces and drank his own urine on occasion) his diatribe stars with: die number 4 die I hope you starve bitch, I'm gonna kill you bitch at which point he starts truying to break out of his cell by ramming the door.About the second day i'm there this guy startsa talking to me "hey #7 why are you in here "Who me I say" "Yea you" he says "and why do you got that smock on" so I tell him the story and he says dam they should just let you go fo your first dwi(I'm 29 and have never had so much as a speeding ticket before this) Any how we bewcome fast friends and I find that i have much in common with him via that same rap music and taste in booze.In fact he's actually quite brillant and has been acting nuts for a year so he gets sent to the nut house instead of prison he finds out he's gort his busticket to the nut hose on my last day band anounces to everone in earshot he dog I've got my oscar.I'm released 2 1/2 days after being arrested but instead of being released to the street I'm sent to a locked physc ward were they talk to me and find nothing wrong and release me(I musta said some insane stuff in jail) the moral of this story is the the jail physcricaist told me the you can have physcotic episodes and hear voices just from going on and off Dr. prescribed steroids like I did. i now have a criminal record, can't drive etc. and am on house arrest till my araingment on the 19th and stll on it til my sentencing. There's alot more bizzare and wierd details to this whole story but in the interast of time i've cut it down. If you want anymore info just ask but please remember never go on and off steroids and never drink and drive.
yeah i took some roids when i was lifting weights heavily and they can send you off big time, especially if youre drinking. Most people in the world never have seen a "roid rage" and have no idea how extremely violent and crazy it is. you may have went on a roid rage. If which case im surprised they didint kill you. as for jail, been there too, no need to get into wordgames with people, I let them talk all they want, any threat or touching me or heading my way was fight time. Talk didnt mean a thing, everyone talks big in there.
another strange thing there was some shemales in the jail when i was there, actually, after a few days they start looking pretty good lol
Nooo, Omaplata took steroids? Wow, stop the presses! I could have never guessed by his goonish, homophobic, moronic, thugish, wannabe tough guy posts that he would be the kind of person who would take performance enhancing drugs...
I truly am shocked
Originally posted by Blue Wave Gymokay here's the set up about a mounth ago I started a new job during which I recived a knee injury because I was tryimg to protect me destroyed ankle/feet so I started back on dr. perscribed steroids 9I had a bottle lying around, the job lasted only a 3 weeks befoe i was incapacviated do to my new knee injury but I had to keep taking the steroids to wak on it. Well during july my behavior got progressively more bizare but I thougt it was just due to too much alchohol(I drink 6 days a week due to my cronch pain the only otherchoice is to be a legally perscribed pain pill adict.but I've seen other people go throught that so I'm not interasted.) Anyway on july 3rd i start drinking during the day and continue on duringt the night untill 11pm when I decide to go to my local grocery store to get fire works(did I mention my home is across the parking lot from a police station.i go to the store and get the fireworks on my way back I notice 2 cops cars chasing me so I pull over. I'm outta that car and in the back of a cop car in record time then we go to the station. I say alot of crazy stuff to the cops they take me to jail(I'm still saying crazy stuffon the way there) they say let's get rid of this nut and hand me over to the jailers I'm still saying nutso stuff so they throw me in a bare cell basically naked and i spend the night listening to a guy Scream Oh jesus and kick his cell door. Moring comes and here's whee the story gets really nuts: I'm put in ad sec on the highest sucide watch ( I've already said some nutso stuff to the jail nurses) basically I'm wearing a smock and nothing elese. I can only leave my cell 1 hour a day to use the phone or shower and only be myself.Basically to get into ad seg you need to be nut,sucidal,fight with people or have been attacked.
drinking everyday may help your pain, but you are going to kill your liver real fast. marijuana is a much better alternative inmop, especially when used with a vaporizer.
and not only that, but marijuana prevents lung cancer too
Originally posted by bOoRadleyNooo, Omaplata took steroids? Wow, stop the presses! I could have never guessed by his goonish, homophobic, moronic, thugish, wannabe tough guy posts that he would be the kind of person who would take performance enhancing drugs...
I truly am shocked
you want some more attention NEWB? I took them for 2 weeks, 10 years ago, big deal. Wanna be? I told you bitch, you want to fight, come on down. Ill be in Vegas next week also, so if thats closer, Ill meet you there, bitch. After i kick your ass.........wait youre the guy with AIDS nevermind, im not touching you sicko testicle licking overwieght uneducated peabrained never been laid likes cocks in his ass retard. thats that, you dont desevere anymore of my attention knob
Originally posted by Cheesalicious
he he he
Originally posted by EmptyneSswhy dont you smoke some weed instead of taking alcohal, roids, or painkillers? surely its safer for you than any of the other shit you take, will help your pain, and most likely wont make you go nuts. you will just sit on the couch watching fresh prince of bel air reruns and eat alot of pizza instead of going ape shit and getting thrown into jail and an institute.
drinking everyday may help your pain, but you are going to kill your liver real fast. marijuana is a much better alternative inmop, especially when used with a vaporizer.
and not only that, but marijuana prevents lung cancer too
Famous line from a movie: "Nothing exceeds like excess"