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Final Fu on Mtv 2

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  • Final Fu on Mtv 2

    I dont want to type up a whole summary of this show(on MTV 2, it just premiered tonight), so im gonna sum it up into a few words. Point-sparring. Gay. Bad concept...Its a show hosted by Earl Reyes Jr., who is a 'Martial arts expert'(stunt man). The contestants on the show have backgrounds either in TKD, hapkido, karate, or american KB.

    This show sucks badly...........Its an embarrasment to real MA practicioners.

  • #2
    i saw a commercial for that shit. i dont think they allow any contact to the face, only to the body. it looked pretty weaksauce.


    • #3
      This is an excerpt from an article about this bitch ass show;

      "You'll see some pretty brutal stand-up martial arts on the show," he said. "Virtually every martial arts style will be represented."

      Durbin will represent the Korean style tae kwon do and Japanese karate. Unlike other fight shows, like the Ultimate Fighting Championship, fighters were not allowed to take opponents to the ground. Although this hamstrung a number of the martial arts practitioners, Durbin said the show would still be entertaining and intense.



      • #4
        Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
        This is an excerpt from an article about this bitch ass show;

        "You'll see some pretty brutal stand-up martial arts on the show," he said. "Virtually every martial arts style will be represented."

        Durbin will represent the Korean style tae kwon do and Japanese karate. Unlike other fight shows, like the Ultimate Fighting Championship, fighters were not allowed to take opponents to the ground. Although this hamstrung a number of the martial arts practitioners, Durbin said the show would still be entertaining and intense.

        They want an EXTREME show??? HUH???
        **** that shit, I'll do a cross of the Ultimate Fighter, Bumfights...and' real...feedin' bitches to the LIONS.


        • #5
          This show is seriously offensive.........


          • #6
            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
            This show is seriously offensive.........
            God damn that's fucking's meant to be funny, right?

            The only show on MTV that's any good is Wondershowzen. Everything else is pure SHIT.


            • #7
              I couldnt help myself but to watch tonight's show. Wtf is up with all the backflips and kick ups? And is Earnie Reyes Jr. supposed to be some martial arts fighting guru? To me this show is the opposite of funny...while watching it(especially the 'fighting' part) i find myself pacing in front of the tv.....


              • #8
                chill killa, chill.


                • #9
                  It is in the best interest of true martial artists to disseminate misinformation about the nature of their skills....


                  • #10
                    At least they had some sorta showmanship involved, unlike Olympic Tae Kwon Do, which was really embarrassing!

                    I nearly choked on a mouthful of coffee as I watched this and heard; "...warning to both - head contact!" WTF!! head contact is not allowed?!?!?

                    And then all the bystanders calling out; " the head! watch the head!"

                    LOL!! Go ahead , pretty boiz! Keep training to NOT hit the opponent's head!


                    • #11
                      Now THIS is funny!

                      actually, no... WEIRD!

                      and it just goes on and on and on....


                      • #12
                        let me tell you about ernie reyes jr. his father owns the biggest chain of mcdojos ever. his father, ernie reyes senior has like over 30+ of his " Ernie Reyes West Coast Karate" mcdojos just here in california alone. theres one right around the corner by my house, and i actually attended it for 2 years when i was like 13 and the experience completely turned me off to martial arts until i was 18 and started training again. their monthly fees are way overpriced, they always pressure students into upgrading their memberships and buying better more flashy and more expensive West Coast Karate uniforms that looked weak as hell. and as for the training, it was mostly forms and flashy ass shit. then you had to pay more and more money for each belt test, it was rediculous. one of my friends who trained at ernie reyes for many years was about to get his blackbelt, but simply coulnt afford his blackbelt test so he quit martial arts for good and now spends his time doing cocain instead

                        and let me tell you, some of the students at his mcdojos think they are so badass. a few of them came into american kickboxing academy recently and attended the sparring class and tried to go real hard with some of us. we beat the shit out of these arrogant, ignorant assholes who just absolutely werent prepared to come to terms with the fact that training so long in a mcdojo had really left them unprepared for actual contact/sparring. one of these guys was a blackbelt from ernie reyes and he was so arrogant that despite getting his face bloodied and bruised he still wanted to go all out and try to prove himself.

                        they did the same thing in jiu jitsu as well. they came in trying to use pure athleticism and strength on their first time grappling with people and just refused to let go of their egos. i think they are brought up to think they are badasses at their mcdojos and dont realize how much their training lacks. everynow and then i watch ernie reyes students train from outside since its right by my house, and i just shake my head when i see their most advanced blackbelt students spending most of their time practicing mostly forms and doing the most basic shit. i think one time i might have seen them practicing something that was close to a parry drill, but it was only for 1 strike and they were going at pretty slow speeds.

                        heres his dads wack ass website. just look at this nonsense.

                        and look at that the guys in the clip of the mtv show. they were just tapping eachother with their fcking feet. its so weaksauce. i know a muay thai kickboxer who went to a similar standup martial arts competition were contact to the head was banned. he clinched with every one of the guys and delivered knees to their bodies till they dropped lol.

