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Bag repair

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  • Bag repair a complete ass, I left my heavy bag outside (the only place I had room for it) for the past winter, and have only started to really use it again this spring. The other day, I was showing a friend of mine how to throw a right cross, and I hit the seam where the bag attatches to the straps...and my fist went right through the canvas.

    The kid, not knowing any better, was all like

    but...I know that what happened was the result of a weathered and battered bag. Is there anyway to repair the seam, and if this happened up top, my worry is that if I fix the hole, it'll probably happen in another place there anyway to reinforce the material? (I've been thinking duct tape)

  • #2
    Your best bet is to duct tape the whole thing, top to bottom, then get a canvas sack like an army surplus duffel bag to cover the entire bag. Then more duct tape on the areas you hit the most.


    • #3
      I punched my bag and ripped it myself too, I just ripped the outside skin so I truned it around hoping it wouldn't get affected but then after some training I look behind and the whole thing is ripped from the middle. So I added whole new type of skin on top of it and had someone sew it on, I'll add pics to clarify once i find my posts showing my heavy bag before this happened.
      Here's my bag before I fixed it, I'll take a pic tonight of what it looks like now.


      • #4
        That thing ever swing and hit the tv set? Also it looks like it's too close to the wall. You ever hit the wall with your foot?

        Not criticizing, just wondering...


        • #5
          I just move the TV set whenever I want to hit it It isn't heavy so it doesn't require anything. And it is quite close to the wall but not as close for my foot to hit the wall. But the bag hits the wall almost everytime when I hit a low kick. Anyway here it is.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by osopardo
            That thing ever swing and hit the tv set? Also it looks like it's too close to the wall. You ever hit the wall with your foot?

            Not criticizing, just wondering...
            Ouch..I had that once because I changed bags, the new one was a bananabag specifically suited for low kicks, because its diameter is smaller I hit the wall with the point of my big toe...full force


            • #7
              You should be able to get a new one on sale--dirt cheap. They last forever indoors.


              • #8
                This is a picture of the bag

                the way it swings sucks...I always knock it over if I right roundkick, and if I teap it hard, it swings back and scares the shit out of me, because the way it rocks forward makes me think it's going to send the stand crashing on my head.

                and this is a close up of the tear

                and just for fun...this is what I use to train kali angles on, and carenza well as lightly kick to get the angles right, the curve of the tree is perfect for setting low left kicks.


                • #9
                  and THIS is where the magic happens



                  • #10
                    My girlfriend's making me grow out the goatee...I don't know if I like it's fuckin' RED man...RED...I'm Greek and German and Welsh...where the HELL do I get red facial hair from?!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Garland
                      and THIS is where the magic happens
                      So thats where you grapple!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blitz
                        So thats where you grapple!
                        yeah man...alot of trasitions from mount to guard...a little bit of kali-tudo too...mostly angle 5 thrusts.


                        • #13
                          I take it you don't like the back mount..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Garland
                            My girlfriend's making me grow out the goatee...I don't know if I like it's fuckin' RED man...RED...I'm Greek and German and Welsh...where the HELL do I get red facial hair from?!!
                            You type like a Brutha, I thought you were a Bro!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by elliotNess
                              You type like a Brutha, I thought you were a Bro!!!
                              Nope...I'm a couple shades off chalk, man.

