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why should i not wear or should wear satin jaacket?

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  • o what now i showed you the picture of me and now your making fun of it
    and i hate camera flash
    i sorry to tell you that you all are dum and no brain you like to troll and make fun of any person or thing you can and that is bad launage and makes people sick from matt blake


    • i was woundering if you could make me a diet menu like this for one or 2 weeks
      i know i asked it before,, but people gave me is to eat the same thing every day and nothing elase.
      this is the menu look like fill in the blanks i can give you my address in a p.m
      on monday for brkfast eat this__? at this time lunch eat this___?at this time___? snack eat this___? at this time___? dinner eat__? at this time___?
      and snack eat ___? at this time
      please enclude drinks to go with each meal and can you do it fir a week ot 2
      so i can print it out a do it for now on. i am 258 pounds only -1 tall
      and please now one make fun of this sercise matter o.k from matt blake


      • the photo is me i a in the shirt my causion gave me for my birthday i wore it to church to day and it is me and i am fat asking for help now you know who i am can someone help me. when i am that fat and short it was easy for me to get mad at people who made fun of me , and even having a learning problem i seem to do o.k at typing but i tell you when i can't spell well.
        and i am matthew sewell blake i have a new e-mail address matbla is not the address any more i got road runner .
        and if someone can help me i will feel better and i will not make fun of you
        but if you make funof me i might you know if some one pissed you off would you get mad. this is a serouse problem i have i live a lone no brother or sister
        my dad pased away on nov 9 -06 ten years agao my mom and 7 weeks later my brother died the same summer. and i am fat read the newsparper below o.k. from matt blake


        • thank this is want i was talking about and if some one want to finsih the menu it would be find they left off at wedensday you can start on thursday o.k. from matt blake


          • seriously matt, give me some tips on how to make my pecs and lats bigger. after seeing how big yours were in your photo i decided to buy massive ammounts of protein supplements in hopes of one day getting mabye just a fraction of the mass you have been able to put on your pecs and lats. which kind of protein supplements do you take matt? i think the blue one is the peter north kind, if you know what i mean.

            here matt, look at my protein suppelemts. do you like my supplements? which one do you think i should take first? should i take the second one on the left before or after my workout?? look at my protein suppelemts. thanks.


            • Hey my pal Matt, where have you been? Did you get your green belt yet?


              • no i am not taking karate anymore my teacher i did not like
                and it is tkd i am taking from matt blake


                • tom yum posted the photo reply on this photo in page 7 and where is the 3xl satin jacket in photo did someone or will some one send it to me i can wear it at home ha-ha but it could keep me warm o those cold ny days but i am not a girl does someone have one in a mans color i know it sounds like i am trolling but i sent a p.m and a reply no answer to this i am sorry for reply about this have a great day and try not to troll o.k from matt blake


                  • anyone one where to get the pink jacket in navy blue in 3xl and then i will be done if i get navy blue in 3xl in photo above from matt blake


                    • this topic is dead nowonw want to help that is o.k from matt blake


                      • Try this link, you will need a debit card or a credit card.


                        • theyu only have adult size m it is a closeout i wish it was 3xl but it is not from matt blake


                          • thanks whitebelt your the best
                            i did like this jacket in photo below i wish somwone would find me a size 3xl,,
                            i would like something from chirales river if i spelled it right my friend told me the name i not sure where to get it.
                            from matt blake


                            • have a good and safe week from matt blake

