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why should i not wear or should wear satin jaacket?

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  • #76
    i not waving at anythng ass
    you need to read my topic and answer it roght
    this is not a way to keep a topic going is it!!!
    and i thank my topic is a good topic even if you hate it
    please go bother some one elase please let other post replys here
    o.k. and leave this topic to some one who realy care about answering my topic with help you not a real friend to me you stuped to reply like that just to keep a topic going please stop and be an adult not a 1 year old
    from matt blake


    • #77
      are you near speaker heck island? I thank i see you standing outside in a white karate gi and a red sparring head protexccttoor


      • #78
        shut up you ass that has nothing to do with my topic
        i wish your banded from this site for the way you talkfrom matt


        • #79
          i know i can not spell tonight like you from matt


          • #80
            i'm a goo d speler!


            • #81
              lol matt blake is the only member of the forum ive ever seen to have a red box because of bad reputation points.


              • #82
                look at my topic and answer it right


                • #83
                  Originally posted by matbla View Post
                  look at my topic and answer it right
                  i think you should wear the smoking jacket, because i think smoking marijuana is cool matt. and that jacket has some guy smoking a big blunt on the back of it, so my answer on your topic is yes, you should get the blunt jacket. it will keep you warm while you smoke blunts on the way to karate class.

                  see that little jamaican guy matt, that coul be you, except you would be wearing your smoke blunts jacket and your kyle broflofski hat.
                  Attached Files


                  • #84
                    no i do not smoke and
                    no one has answered my question right
                    i told you somewhere i do not smoke and do not wear anything with smoking
                    so my topic had an answer but i told you i do not smoke or want any thing to do with smoking o.k. from matt blake


                    • #85
                      well, have you tried menthols? very refreshing. do you like menthols matt blake?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by osopardo View Post
                        well, have you tried menthols? very refreshing. do you like menthols matt blake?
                        menthonls wont get high as a kyte like a blunt will. theres no comparison. matt pm'd a while ago asking me for some blunt rolling tips so i know he likes to burn. thats why i say he should go with that jacket.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by EmptyneSs View Post
                          menthonls wont get high as a kyte like a blunt will. theres no comparison...
                          i meant for afterwards... first the blunt, then the kools. ahh I remember the good ol' days.... good times...


                          • #88
                            Dr Suess's child?

                            as I read more and more of Matts threads, All I can think is..

                            I do not like them in a box.
                            I do not like them with a fox.
                            I do not like them in a house.
                            I do not like them with a mouse.
                            I do not like them here or there.
                            I do not like them anywhere.
                            I do not like green eggs and ham.
                            I do not like them, Matt-I-am.

                            Someones been reading too much Dr Suess


                            • #89
                              To HELL with smoking jackets anyway...I want the days of funk I can fluff out my fro. My crazy ass whiteboy fro...and rock out to this type of shit everyday.
                              ever heard parliment funkadelic's "sunshine song"? that shit's for the generation I missed but would've done well in;


                              • #90
                                now yer talkin!

                                Ahh, the name is Bootsy, Baybee!

                                Ah we wan' da funk!
                                Gi' vus da funk!
                                Attached Files

