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ufo thread

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  • #61


    • #62
      nasa sts mission 80




      • #63


        • #64


          • #65
            You ARE an alien, aren't you Dick?


            • #66
              Originally posted by Garland View Post
              You ARE an alien, aren't you Dick?
              im a humble herbsman from california.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Garland View Post
                You ARE an alien, aren't you Dick?
                now that you bring it up, it is possible.....ever hear about the ancient knowledge found in the translations of ancient sumerian tablets??

                "Some authors believe that the observations of ancient astronomers provide proof that Nibiru is an actual planet or brown dwarf in our solar system. These claims are for the most part dismissed as fringe science or pseudoscience by the mainstream scientific communities of archaeology and astronomy. However evidence is slowly emerging to show correlations that cannot be dismissed.[citation needed] The ancient knowlege given to us in the Sumerian tablets portray elaborate celestial understandings incomprehensibly beyond ancient technological capabilities. In other words, the detailed graphing of our 9 currently recognized planets was created 6,000 years ago, while modern science has only discovered our outermost two planets in the last 150 years. The ancients simply did not have the technology to view the skies, namely powerful telescopes, yet they recorded size, position, and movement. They also include in their tablets the inclusion of a tenth planet roughly 4 to 8 times the size of the Earth, or rather, the size of Jupiter. It seems only recently modern science has confirmed what the ancients already held to be fact.[citation needed]

                According to proponents such as renowned historian, Hebrew scholar, author, speaker and archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin, one of only 220 scholars capable of translating the Sumerian cuneiform script, and Burak Eldem, the Nibiru appearing in Sumerian records correctly refers to a large planetary body. Their research proposes that it possesses a highly elliptical, 3630-year orbit. Such a planet would be approximately in the same orbit as 2000 CR105.

                According to these theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the twelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon). Its catastrophic collision with Tiamat, a planet that was between Mars and Jupiter, would have formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the Moon. This was the result of one of Nibiru's host satellites colliding with Tiamat, appropriately leaving half a planet, comparable to our Pangea ( our current knowlege of all the continents as one land mass), and leaving deeps rifts in the crust benath the pacific ocean. It was until recently thought impossible for such large celestial bodies to collide due to intense magenetic force, however, this concept has been given a new life since the introduction of the Orpheus Theory, and the simulation of a collision between objects such as our own earth, and an object half it's size.[2] It was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki of Sumerian myth, who, Sitchin claims, survived and later came to Earth. Sitchin has also transcribed that their travelling to earth was the result of their failing atmosphere (having since been drawn into our solar system from its cosmic passing, the atmosphere of Niburu was subjected to intense external stress from our sun). They came in search of gold particles used for it's reflective properties (recognized even today by Nasa who plate various objects including astronaut helmet eyeshields) to place in their atmosphere. According to Sitchin, they subsequently genetically engineered our species, originally as slave workers to work in their gold mines, by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus. The Anunnaki ("those who from hean came to earth" in Sumerian) came upon evolution on earth as it had been progressing for billions of years however, they desired to create a worker who could communicate and learn from them. After a slew of failed prototypes an Anunnaki goddess engineered a perfect specimen- the Adam. This was done using 80% of the Inferior specimen and 20% of the superior Anunnaki specimen. It is only recently that we understand DNA as having a double-helix nature, The Sumerians depicted their godess creator along with snakes in a double helix form with thin bars connecting between them in a spiral fashion. The intertwined snakes are also modern day representatives for the field of medicine.

                Sitchin says some sources speak about the same planet, possibly being a brown dwarf star and still in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,600 to 3,760 years or 3,741 years. Sitchin attributes these figures to astronomers of the Maya civilization. Many involved in research of this kind predict a return date of Nibiru passing Earth coinciding with the Winter Solstice of 2012; specifically at 11.11 UT, 21st December 2012. This also coincides with a rare alignment of the Earth, Sun and centre of the Milky Way [3], and is asserted to be likely to cause a pole shift. However, scientists argue that a planet with such an orbit would eventually either develop a circular orbit or fly off into space and overwhelmingly consider Sitchin's claims to be pseudoscience (oddly, the similar orbit of 2000 CR105 is accepted by scientists). A brown dwarf with a period of 3,760 years would be clearly evident through infrared and gravitational observations. And it has been. In 1993 Nasa launched the IRAS telescope which picked up the feint image of a large celestial body 3 times the distance of Pluto in our own solar system. Scientists of the time, confident in their findings claimed "all thats left is to name it". Almost nothing has been heard of the object since.

                Another interesting discovery also brought Nibiru into light recently. Eris, the largest known dwarf planet has been discovered on the 21st of October 2003, announced in July 2005 and officially named from 2003 UB313 to "136199 Eris" in 2006. Originally it was considered as the tenth planet of our Solar System, but in April 2006, according to the new, more precise definition of the term "planet", it has been designated as a "dwarf planet" along with Pluto and Ceres. Eris has an orbital period of 556.7 years, and currently lies at almost its maximum possible distance from the Sun (aphelion) and will enter Pisces in 2036."



                • #68


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                    now that you bring it up, it is possible.....ever hear about the ancient knowledge found in the translations of ancient sumerian tablets??
                    Yeah...either that or they practiced astrology and astronomy like the dudes at Chaco Canyon.


                    • #70
                      I thought UFO were US x planes

                      I rthink thats where the f22 rapture and other high tech planes were formed


                      • #71
                        I really could not be arsed reading through this entire thread. But here are a few points.

                        Funny how NASA release evidence of alien life forms whilst openly deny (i.e. "cover up" lol) it at the same time.

                        There are "unidentified flying objects" of course. But that is all they are - objects that fly but have not been identified. That does not make them the space craft of aliens.

                        I think there probably is alien life somewhere out there. But there is not one ounce of verifiable evidence that they have ever been here, despite silly clips and silly arses.

                        Aliens visiting Earth is the same kind of topic as ghosts, chi balls, no touch knock outs and the Loch Ness monster. People are so desperate to believe in something that drags them out of their muindane existencies that they will, quite literally, believe just about anything.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post

                          "Some authors believe..................

                          Yeah, and some authours are wankers.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                            Aliens visiting Earth is the same kind of topic as ghosts, chi balls, no touch knock outs and the Loch Ness monster. People are so desperate to believe in something that drags them out of their muindane existencies that they will, quite literally, believe just about anything.
                            no its not the same kind of topic because unlike all the other things you mentioned, these objects have been captured multiple times on USA government cameras and ive posted them. they arent rumors, or some footage taken in some hillbillies backyard. they are from government cameras from real nasa missions. i thought the whole ufo business was bullshit till i saw them appear again and again on footage taken from my own governments space agency cameras. show me footage of ghosts, chi balls and the lockness monster taken on government cameras during government missions.....cause i can show you substantial footage of the same kind of ufos appearing in at least like 10-15 different nasa missions.

                            this phenomenon is serious enough that it has drawn the attention of multiple branches of armed forces and intelligence agencies from many countries, britian included. you can research for yourself how many studies of the phenomenon were undertaken by various governments and agencies.

                            look at nasa mission sts 80. watch how those "ice particles" and "space debri" form a perfect circle above our earth. its interesting how those particles and debri arent affected by the earths gravitational pull, even as we see our own earth rotate underneath them. watch how they form a circle with one in the middle, and watch them all blink when their formation is complete lol. ice particles my ass.....

                            if nasa had proof of ufos and whatnot, why is it so hard to believe that this info would eventually be leaked? we all watched the footage of saddam getting hanged after it was leaked to the internet by someone who was there 5 minutes after it happened. so why is it so hard to believe this footage has been leaked?? the station manager who recorded these missions states that it his opinion that nasa leaked all this mission footage on purpose in order to start preparing people to the idea that we may not be alone after all.

                            after all the nasa footage you guys cant say that there isnt something incredible we are seeing in all these nasa clips. mabye not aliens per say, but these machines are real, they are huge, they are flying around our planet all the time at incredible speeds, and they have been captured multiple times on government cameras.

                            btw, nasa is one of the most incredible institutions on earth. a true icon of human ingenuity and innovation. same with the russian space programs, the most intelligent people on earth work for these institutions.


                            • #74
                              That must be the dumbest post I have ever seen on this forum.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                                That must be the dumbest post I have ever seen on this forum.
                                nice rebuttal.

                                take a look at some of the garbage you post on this site, you will see that surely there is worse. you are the british jubaji

