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ufo thread

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  • ufo thread

    "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us..." - US Astronaut Major Gordon Cooper

    "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs." US astronaut Scott Carpenter.

    i wanted to present some evidence of ufos for you guys to check out. i want to know what you guys think. ive seen a lot of footage and im going to post the most compelling footage ive found.

    heres a compilation of nasa footage
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    heres the famous tether footage from nasa.
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    you dont see much at first then stuff starts showing up. what i really want to draw your attention to are the objects that start showing up on the clip at at around 4:45. the are clearly pulsating disks. wtf do you guys think that is?? it looks nuts.

    heres a short clip from the tether video that clearly shows brightly pulsating ufos pass by

    heres a guy on some tv show discussing the tether footage
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    this video is nuts. they have people analyzing footage of a ufo that changes direction and appears to have had something fired at it. it also shows additional footage at the end that shows a craft very similar to the ones seen in the tether video.

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    interesting video with ufo footage.

    more nasa footage
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    footage from russian gov. migs intercepting ufo.

    theres so much different footage of these sightings that took place in mexico for days. they were captured on film by locals and gov officials for days in different parts of the city.

    so what do you guys think. is this all just space debri? atmospheric gases? sun shining off an ice particle?

  • #2
    i also want to draw your attention to the disclosure project.

    small preview.

    The Disclosure Project is a not for profit organization dedicated to disclosing, unclassifying, and conducting hearings related to shadow governments, UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and advanced technologies. Many (over 400) government, military, and scientific officials came forth May 9, 2001 in a national press club conference conducted by Steven M. Greer, M.D.

    you can watch footage from these press confrences here.

    whats being claimed by these people in the disclosure project press confrences sound way to crazy to be true. but the problem is, they are all ex military and air force people. people with reputations, not your average joes. here is the list of people who have come foreward and all are willing to testify before congress about what they have witnessed. its pretty impressive if you ask me. i may be a jackoff with no credentials, but what about these men ?

    Partial list of witnesses who came forward [1]

    * Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut
    * Monsignor Corrado Balducci, Vatican theologian
    * FAA Division Chief John Callahan, ex-Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA, Washington DC
    * Sgt. Chuck Sorrells, US Air Force (ret.)
    * Mr. Michael W. Smith, US Air Force
    * Commander Graham Bethune, US Navy (retired)
    * Mr. Enrique Kolbeck, Senior Air Traffic Controller
    * Dr. Richard Haines, NASA research scientist
    * Mr. Franklin Carter, US Navy
    * Mr. Neil Daniels, United Airlines Airline Pilot, ex-Air Force
    * Sgt. Robert Blazina (retired)
    * Lieutenant Frederick Marshall Fox, US Navy (retired)
    * Captain Massimo Poggi, senior 747 captain for Alitalia
    * Lieutenant Bob Walker, US Army
    * Mr. Don Bockelman, US Army
    * Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson, US Air Force (retired)
    * Professor Robert Jacobs, Lt. US Air Force
    * Colonel Ross Dedrickson, US Air Force (ret.)/AEC
    * Harry Allen Jordan, US Navy
    * Mr. James Kopf, US Navy/ National Security Agency
    * Lieutenant Colonel Joe Wojtecki, Strategic Air Command and Tactical Air Command
    * Staff Sergeant Stoney Campbell, US Air Force
    * Astronaut Gordon Cooper
    * Brigadier General Steven Lovekin, Esq., White House Army Signaling Agency
    * Merle Shane McDow, US Navy Atlantic Command
    * Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown (retired), US Air Force
    * Dr. Carol Rosin, manager, Fairchild Industries
    * "Dr. B.", scientist and engineer who has worked on top-secret projects
    * Lance Corporal John Weygandt, Marine Corp
    * Mr. Nick Pope, British Ministry Of Defense
    * Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defense
    * Security Officer Larry Warren, US Air Force
    * Captain Lori Rehfeldt, British Royal Air Force
    * Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army
    * Major-General Vasily Alexeyev, Space Communications Center, Russia
    * Master Sergeant Dan Morris, USAF (Retired)/ NRO Operative
    * Mr. Don Phillips, Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor
    * Captain Bill Uhouse, US Marine Corps (ret.)
    * Lieutenant Colonel John Williams, Air Force rescue helicopter pilot

    all these men testified about witnessing and being involved with ufo encounters. you can watch the videos for yourself and see what they had to say.


    • #3
      i was really hoping to get some feedback on my post. dont any of you guys have any opinions or points you would like to bring up? i really want to know what you guys think of the tether video, and the rythmically pulsating discs we see flying around at 4:45 on the video.


      • #4
        i think there only interested in MA not in UFO's=) but thx for sharing this thread i know u type it with heart


        • #5
          i just wanted to add that one of my favorite things about all the nasa footage is everytime an astronaut is speaking and a ufo shows up, you can immediately tell how disturbed the person speaking immediately becomes. some of the people speaking stop in midsentece when a ufo shows up or passes by, and then they try to play it off like nothings going on loll. some of the astronauts even try to zoom in and out and change angles after a ufo is seen, and still cant stop the camera from capturing them.

          and i dont know if any of you heard about the recent shuttle launch, but the shuttle atlantis returned from orbit because it was fallowed by a ufo lol. it was fallowed all the way up, and then all the way back down again. nasa held an entire press conference to say the object was just "debri". even the debri was at one point filmed as being 3 balls of light flying in a formation that created a perfect triangle, and even kept that formation for a period of time. at the conference nasa was saying these objects were just bits of foil flying off the shuttle or something.

          they cant deny it anymore, the need to come out with it already.

          the mexican government has already confirmed it and has made public all its evidence, though its not needed because of the thousands and thousands of pictures and videos of the mass ufo sightings that took place in mexico for many days at a time that were recorded by all kinds of people from all over mexico.


          • #6
            the evidence keeps stacking....

            please look at this video people. its nuts. it shows declassified footage from the mexican military. shows radar and video evidence. some of the footage that is shown i dont even know wtf to think.

            not only that, but the japanese have invented invisibility!!! the video shows how the japanese have used nano technology to create invisible clothing, and its a theory in how some of these ufos work. now people like me and tom yum can actually become invisible and go hang out in the womens locker rooms like we have always wanted to

            soldiers can now have active camo. but so can predators on the streets.


            this is nuts.


            • #7
              I dont care about the UFO stuff. But that invisable technology is pretty dope. Looked pretty visable to me though. Just imagine how much that technology will improve over the years. If that nano technology is put onto a flat or rounded, smooth surface, it will really be invisable. And only dumbasses think that shit is fake.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                I dont care about the UFO stuff. But that invisable technology is pretty dope. Looked pretty visable to me though. Just imagine how much that technology will improve over the years. If that nano technology is put onto a flat or rounded, smooth surface, it will really be invisable. And only dumbasses think that shit is fake.


                • #9
                  check out this 80 min documentary about ufos.
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  its pretty interesting, and has a lot of footage never shown before.

                  the evidence is undeniable.

                  god help us.


                  • #10
                    Extraterrestrials visits are real, so what? Is it really that hard to believe?

                    Only a fool would disregard this evidence.

                    After watching that video and doing some of my own research, alien visits and UFOs are very real. There's just too much hardcore evidence. Im really at a loss of words... Aliens have been coming to our planet for years. Their spacecraft have amazing performance that we cant comprehend. They obviously know alot of space travel and how to 'bend' space. In our lifetimes, we probably wont get to see them very much though. Again, only an ignoramous would think Alien visits and UFO's are fake(though alot of witness accounts and other UFO claims can be total BS). Do the research!

                    That Pheonix event was crazy, btw. Thats the closest these beings have come to revealing themselves to the world, imo.

                    And the ancient Mayas were visited by aliens too. All they did was study the skies and our ancient peoples(the Mayas, other ancient human civilizations, Aborigionies too) have recorded their sightings and actual physical encounters with these aliens. But all those stories are clouded in folklore now, making them hard to believe.

                    Aliens are real.

                    Sorry you got banned again EmptyneSs. Oma got banned too.


                    • #11
                      stack of evidence thickens...

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      implant removed from mans face is tested and found to be composed of materials so rare they have only been in a few meteorites on earth....

                      piece of material said to be found at roswell crash is revealed and tested....materials are not known to be from earth.........

                      "The 1976 Tehran UFO Incident was a radar and visual sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) over Tehran, the capital of Iran. The incident is particularly notable for the electromagnetic interference effects on aircraft near the UFO. Two F-4 jet interceptors independently lost instrumentation and communications as they approached, only to have these restored when they left. One F-4 also lost its weapons systems when it was about to fire on the object. The incident is well-documented in a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report with a distribution list that included the White House, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency (NSA), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Various high Iranian military officers directly involved with the events have also gone on public record stating their belief the object was an extraterrestrial craft."


                      The incident is regarded by a number of UFO researchers to be one of the premier UFO encounters ever recorded. Some researchers consider it strong evidence for the extraterrestrial origins of the UFO because there was a blackout on the F-4 just when it was going to fire and because of instrumental breakdowns on two different aircraft while they were on the chase. A military spy satellite also recorded this incident. The DSP-1 satellite detected an infrared anomaly during the time of this event that lasted for about an hour."



                      • #12
                        another documentary on ufos


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            if even one clip or picture out of all this evidence is real, the implications are staggering.


                            • #15
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

