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10 Best Martial Arts Movies

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  • 10 Best Martial Arts Movies

    I was looking for some great martial arts movies to watch, and ended up with a decent list that I turned into an article. It includes the reasons why you would want to watch each one as well as links to movie trailers so you can check them out.

    Here's the link to the article:
    10 Best Martial Arts Movies of All Time

    For those of you who are ADD, here's the top 10 in short. (there are actually 16 in the article)

    #1 - Way of the Dragon
    #2 - Shaolin Temple
    #3 - Ong Bak
    #4 - Iron Monkey
    #5 - 5 Deadly Venoms
    #6 - The Seven Samurai
    #7 - Legend of Drunken Master
    #8 - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
    #9 - Kill Bill vol. 1
    #10 - Fist of Legend

    I'm sure some of you will agree with these and some will hate the list. Let me know what you think and I'll look into revising it later.

  • #2
    1. Shogun Assasin

    2. seven Samurai

    3. kill and kill again

    4. kill or be killed

    5. GymKata

    6. Master of the fatal flying guillotine

    7. enter the dragon

    8. The Octagon (saw it in the drive-in as a kid!)

    9. Breaker Breaker, gotta have a truck driving MA flick in there!

    10. Ong Bak


    • #3
      1. Bloodsport

      - I chose this as no. 1 because it was the closest thing to a real mixed martial arts tournament. Some of the memorable match-ups: monkey guy vs. sumo guy, kung-fu guy vs. other kung-fu guy, Paco, the muay thai fighter (he got up to the semi-finals!) vs. Van Damme when they trade kicks, Jackson vs. Chong Li (Jackson would have won if he didn't get cocky!) and of course, the facial expressions Van Damme makes when he remembers his Shidoshi's training at the final scene...

      2. Lion Heart

      - Another Van Damme MMA-NHB type movie, great fight scenes! Van Damme films lend themselves to re-winds to watch some of those great fight scenes.

      3. The Perfect Weapon

      - Jeff Speakman was like a 4th or 5th dan bb in kenpo. His hands were quick! Great fight scene where he fights those guys at the TKD gym.

      4. Angel Fist

      - Perfect movie for a lonely weekend...

      5. Enter the Dragon

      6. Big Trouble in Little China

      - More for the story and special effects and story, but there's some cool gong fu weaponry in it.

      7. Chinese Connection

      8. Enter the Dragon

      9. When the Tae Kwon Do strikes

      10. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

      - Hated all the flying and jumping, but otherwise a good MA-fantasy type film.


      • #4
        Not a martial arts movie per se, but the Hunted would definitely have to be up there for me. Awesome.

        I'll list my other nine soon.


        • #5
          1. Bloodsport
          2. Lion Heart
          Tom, what can I say, there go's all my respect for you !!

          But then again ;

          6. Big Trouble in Little China
          almost redeems you.

          It's gotta' be ;

          1. Enter the Dragon
          2. Way of the Dragon (Best choreographed fight ever ... by far)
          3. Kill Bill 1
          4. Game of Death (well, the 20 min's of reworked BL footage).
          5. Snake in the Eagle's Shadow
          6. Musashi Trilogy (I'll count all three here)
          7. Seven Samurai
          8. Karate Kid 1 & 2 (Two here too)
          9 Kiss of the Dragon
          10. Seven Swords

          Hurrah for them all.
          Last edited by Juicefree; 11-10-2006, 05:46 AM. Reason: Added quote line


          • #6
            1. ONG BAK Even though this is a not a "classic" I thought it was very motivating and it opened alot of people's eyes about muay thai.
            2. FIST OF LEGEND I saw this movie a long time ago and it made me decide to start learning MA. General Fujita is one of the best bad guys ever.
            3. THE CHINESE CONNECTION Awesome for its time.
            4. CROUCHING TIGER... More for the storyline than the actual fighting.
            5. DRUNKEN MASTER What can I say? I love this movie...


            • #7
              My favourite is definitly SHANGHAI NOON. It's a great comedy and a great fighting movie in the wild west.

              too bad the sequal was a total flop though.

