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10 ways to make a beer BETTER!

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  • 10 ways to make a beer BETTER!

    Wow my dad will love me for this! LOL.Has anyone tried this concoctions before? How to make BEER BETTER?

  • #2
    the only thing that makes beer better is weed, and everyone knows that already.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Tip: Stay away from dip when drinking beer.


      • #4
        I got another way. Buy two beers, one small can of the shittiest beer you can think of. And one of your favorite, drink the shitty beer first and then drink the good one, it'll taste twice as good as normal!!


        • #5
          I don't get it

          How can you make beer better ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Juicefree View Post
            How can you make beer better ?

            You can't, it's already nature's most perfect food.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
              You can't, it's already nature's most perfect food.
              Whiskey > beer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                Whiskey > beer

                Damn, you might be right but I couldn't say for sure without doing more research. Well, there's only one thing to do now. I'll investigate their comparitive benefits by consuming copious amounts of each, and I'll report back with my findings after the holidays


                • #9


                  • #10
                    re: Technique #5

                    ...tentacle porn?


                    • #11
                      Jaeger Bombs>Whiskey>Beer .


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by osopardo View Post
                        ...tentacle porn?
                        "Cola and beer is big in Japan"

                        After three years of hard drinking in Japan I can say that not ONCE did I ever witness anyone mix cola and beer.

                        As for the tentacle porn... no comment.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by osopardo View Post
                          ...tentacle porn?
                          you know, back in high school there was this one kid in our class who was really into all that hentai, anime stuff. this guy would spend all his time drawing these anime/hentai pictures of women getting raped and abused in all sorts of disgusting, horrific ways. and i specifically remember him showing us a graphic picture he drew of some anime female getting raped by a giant octopus and its many tentacles. this kid was pretty disturbed. the worst was this picture he drew of a woman whos body had been cut in half, and her upper body was pulled over a urinal and some man was taking leaking in it. this stuff was so disturbing, and he would draw that shit all day long. after a while he accumulated an entire portfolio that he called " vorn" (violent porn). it was an entire portfolio of nothing but pictures of anime women being raped and torn apart. his portfolio even had an index that labeled something like : Section 1 : Rape Victims , Section 2 : Dental fetishes , etc...... this guy was fucked up. then i remember one day his mom found his portfolio and saw all his drawings and from then on the made him go to a trade school were he could leave early in the day so he could be taken to daily therapy and counseling sessions lol. im telling you u guys, this anime/hentai shit is the most fucked up shit i ever seen in my life. the people who are into that shit have issues with women and themselves. im ashamed to even tell this story cause its so wack. i wish my high school years were spent doing something cool, or i wish i had gotten into smoking weed sooner so i wouldn't have had to bear witness to such utter bullshit


                          • #14
                            I know how I'd make a beer better

                            by sitting in my chairwatching pride fighting championship and having my girlfriend on my lap


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                              Damn, you might be right but I couldn't say for sure without doing more research. Well, there's only one thing to do now. I'll investigate their comparitive benefits by consuming copious amounts of each, and I'll report back with my findings after the holidays
                              Ok, just be sure to have transportation arranged - so you can gather your observations to and from the lab

