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In Loving Memory of My Mom

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  • In Loving Memory of My Mom

    You gave me 29 wonderful years mom thank you, you will be forever missed.

    Patricia Ann Minor

    June 26 1945-December 14 2006

  • #2
    "For when you looked into my mother's eyes you knew, as if He had told you, why God sent her into the world - it was to open the minds of all who looked to beautiful thoughts. And that is the beginning and end of literature. Those eyes that I cannot see until I was six years old have guided me through life, and I pray God they may remain my only earthly judge to the last. They were never more my guide than when I helped to put her to earth, not whimpering because my mother had been taken away... but exulting in her even at the grave."

    J.M. Barrie
    Last edited by gregimotis; 12-15-2006, 04:03 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
      You gave me 29 wonderful years mom thank you, you will be forever missed.

      Patricia Ann Minor

      June 26 1945-December 14 2006

      That's got to be tough. I'm not sure what to say...

      Keep your chin up.


      • #4
        Blue wave - your mom sounds like she was a beautiful person and you will be able to cherish those memories. I am deeply sorry for your loss.


        • #5
          Sincere condolences. Our thoughts are with you my friend.


          • #6
            thanks to all

            Sorry I haven't read this thread much since I posted it tyring to keep going, but thanks guys.I realy appreciate your condolences
            God bless


            • #7
              Best of luck dealing with your sorrow. May the Gods in Heaven comfort and console you.


              • #8
                sorry to hear my mom died 9 years ago and my brother died 9 years ago
                and my dad dies nov 9-06 from matt blake


                • #9
                  Missed this thread the first go-around. Very sorry about the loss of your mother, Blue Wave Gym.


                  • #10
                    Hey, on a positive note - Britt is back


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear that, Blue. You're a good fella and I'm sure your mother was very proud to have raised you as a son. God bless.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                        Hey, on a positive note - Britt is back
                        Thanks for's mostly because I've been sick for week!


                        • #13
                          I am sorry for all who lost their parents.

                          What Islam says about parents.

                          When they walk as respect walk behind them.
                          When they sit as respect sit on the floor.
                          When they talk with you as respect look down like the people in the past use to look at the kings and queens. Indeed they are more than some king or queen.
                          When they leave their shoes outside by the door turn their shoes around so when they get back outside they don't have to turn their shoes around themselves.

