First, let me say that I am definitely not a conspiracy theorist, but I certainly don't dismiss logical information even if it’s not popular. I was sent this link and I must say it packed with research regarding the twin towers, pentagon and flight 93. I live and NYC and remember that Tuesday morning it was crazy. I think the worst part (or least said) was the smell. The smell traveled more than 100 blocks and lasted for weeks (every 20 NY blocks is ~1 mile). Anyway, I always had a problem with how the twin towers fell; it did not seem correct considering the damage. Now, in my (potential) ignorance, there were “expert” explanations for why the building collapsed as it did. I was fine with the explanations because they seemed “logical”. After watching this film I am questioning again.
For those interested this is a film about 129 minutes, time well spent IMHO. No conspiracy theories but very good research and the questions come from the research. If you believe the government is not wrong or should not be question or cannot be open minded. This will be a waste of your time. However, if you are open-minded this will certainly be a good discussion topic.
Click films, then loose change 2nd edition. Can see from Google or divix
For those interested this is a film about 129 minutes, time well spent IMHO. No conspiracy theories but very good research and the questions come from the research. If you believe the government is not wrong or should not be question or cannot be open minded. This will be a waste of your time. However, if you are open-minded this will certainly be a good discussion topic.
Click films, then loose change 2nd edition. Can see from Google or divix