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what is up my dad passes away and you thank..

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  • what is up my dad passes away and you thank..

    my dad passed away on nov 9-06 and your joking about it
    my dad gave me a light weight satin jacket a few years ago
    he was trying to get ma a heavy sati jacket for christmas but he did not
    i scanned the copy of the glens falls post star our locla newpaper
    and post it on my dad passed away it was a sad month i had to go clean out his appartment for thankgiving it was not nice
    and i can not belive your joking about it it is unfair to belive it
    i reply to a topic my mom dided or in loving memoriy and say how sorry to hear i did not make fun of it because some one died i know how they feel
    i can not belive you do not care at all i sorry for postting any thing here
    your not my friends i lost my dad and your joking about it. i had to spen christmas alone and your joking i liked this board but now your joking at me for my dad passed away and i want to grant his wish to have me have a heavy weight satin jacket that he was going to get me for christmas my god what has te world come too from a unhappy board member matt sewell blake

  • #2
    why should i be banned for letting you all know my dad passed away it is no joke to lose someone in the family you are making me sick
    i had to spend holiday alone now because my family is gone
    my dad my brother and mom are now gone from matt blake


    • #3
      My sympathy to you if you are telling he truth on Blue wave's thread. If you are lying you have crossed the line of just being a are a sick, sick ASS!!


      • #4
        i am tellin the truch want to call the furnial home or my church gio ahead


        • #5
          i updatecd my topic


          • #6
            cmon jubaji, you arent even trying now.


            • #7
              who are you talking to from matt blake


              • #8
                inappropriate content


                • #9
                  stop treating like i am bad what did i do wrong? that's right nothing wrong
                  can you tel me what is so bad with the post?
                  i can't belive i am talking like this
                  from matt blake


                  • #10
                    Inappropriate content


                    • #11
                      i am sorry for posting this topic again a friend e-mailed me and asked if i
                      could put the news paper clipping under the topic for all to see
                      i do not want to be a troll or have it locked just let the topic go and let people read and reply to it if they want i will come up with better stuffin the futer o.k and what do you want me to post for a topic from mat blake


                      • #12
                        come on leave me alone i am good person i am not a troll and please stop picking on me for doing what a friend wanted me to do o.k
                        give me a break o.k i like this board so help keep me here and
                        please stop trying to make me be a troll or what every you say
                        i am a good guy i would not hurt anyone on this board
                        i am trying to do what is right and my friend asked me to post the newspaper clipping i said o.k if it was me i would not have but he is a good e-mail friend
                        so i wanted to keep him happy.
                        you my friend to and i wish we could be friends i will not reply to this topic
                        any more i was just letting you know why i posted it back up o.k my friend
                        from a happy board member and i want to do waht is right from matt blake


                        • #13
                          hey Matbla

                          Mr Arieson thinks I'm you !

                          Little does he know that our IPs address are majorly different !


                          • #14
                            thanks for the updated


                            • #15
                              Hi Matt, my condolences

