Is there something inherent in MA that creates such big egos as the ones on display here?
We've all seen it: Folks who just have to believe that their art or system or approach is the end-all-be-all, folks who just lose it if the image they have created by themselves of themselves is challenged in any way (this type has often trained more in the library than anywhere else), folks who hide behind fantastic claims that cannot be verified, folks who have constructed theories of how they demand the world to be and who take personal offense when acceptance of their personal dogma is not universal. And yes, folks who seem to think that they can build themselves up by knocking everyone else down (I know, I know).
Heck, even the folks who make an overly dramatic show of playing "I love all, for I have found the peace in my soul" are exhibiting their own manifestation of ego. Trying to wear their own image of themselves and loving the act a little too much.
I'm obviously no more immune to this than anyone else, but is it something about MA that draws people like this? Or does it create them? Or is just everyone like this?
We've all seen it: Folks who just have to believe that their art or system or approach is the end-all-be-all, folks who just lose it if the image they have created by themselves of themselves is challenged in any way (this type has often trained more in the library than anywhere else), folks who hide behind fantastic claims that cannot be verified, folks who have constructed theories of how they demand the world to be and who take personal offense when acceptance of their personal dogma is not universal. And yes, folks who seem to think that they can build themselves up by knocking everyone else down (I know, I know).
Heck, even the folks who make an overly dramatic show of playing "I love all, for I have found the peace in my soul" are exhibiting their own manifestation of ego. Trying to wear their own image of themselves and loving the act a little too much.
I'm obviously no more immune to this than anyone else, but is it something about MA that draws people like this? Or does it create them? Or is just everyone like this?