Originally posted by Mr. Arieson
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Originally posted by Mr. AriesonAre you Asian?
If so, it totally blows my idea of who you are and what you look like in real life! I have this picture in my mind of some older white dude somewhere in the midwest, driving a ford station wagon with lots of american flags, yellow ribbons, NRA stickers and perhaps one of those little jesus fish icons eating the amphibian!!
An Asian dude driving a jeep, with two shotguns crossing each other on the back window, with an American flag tied to his radio antenna; XML-radio installed in his jeep with 11,000 radio stations to choose from and an "I break for Sumo" bumper sticker AND a yellow-ribbon
damn those oh-so convenient stereotypes...lolLast edited by Tom Yum; 04-24-2007, 07:37 PM.