Dick, all jabs aside, you have no idea what I’ve done over there how many times I went into the darkest corners of harms way and risked everything to save an innocent Muslim (folks of middle eastern decent) in Bosnia and Iraq, and other areas of the region I have rendered aid to the injured when I didn’t have to. I have cried many tears and spent many sleepless nights over what I’ve witnessed. Don’t you go calling me a bigot racist.
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- Feb 2003
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The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by darrianation View PostDick, all jabs aside, you have no idea what I’ve done over there how many times I went into the darkest corners of harms way and risked everything to save an innocent Muslim (folks of middle eastern decent) in Bosnia and Iraq, and other areas of the region I have rendered aid to the injured when I didn’t have to. I have cried many tears and spent many sleepless nights over what I’ve witnessed. Don’t you go calling me a bigot racist?
its hard to believe you want to help people you call derogatory names to. your words on this forum are all i have to judge you on, so if you are going to use racial slurs than thats how you have presented yourself, as we cannot see who you truly are over a computer.
Originally posted by DickHardman View Postif you dont want to be called a bigot or racist then dont portray yourself as one with ignorant language.
its hard to believe you want to help people you call derogatory names to. your words on this forum are all i have to judge you on, so if you are going to use racial slurs than thats how you have presented yourself, as we cannot see who you truly are over a computer.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostDick, put yourself in the man's shoes and you'll see things in a different light.
so you are trying to say that going to iraq somehow gives you the right to drop racial slurs when you return?? wtf??
Originally posted by DickHardman View Postdamn tom, you are trying really hard to justify racism.
Unlike yourself Hardman, I can filter through the man's context and can handle jabs coming from alot of different angles; that's part of the benefit of life experience, growing up and being a man - something that college cheats alot of people out of.
Originally posted by DickHardman View Postso you are trying to say that going to iraq somehow gives you the right to drop racial slurs when you return?? wtf??
I'll bet you a beer that if you did, you'd come back with a brand new vocabulary, especially if you see combat!
Never did I say that its right to drop racial slurs.Last edited by Tom Yum; 05-08-2007, 01:17 PM.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostNope.
Unlike yourself Hardman, I can filter through the man's context and can handle jabs coming from alot of different angles; that's part of growing up and being a man, something that college cheats alot of people out of.
Are you planning on enlisting/commissioning and going to Iraq or Afghanistan or any other troubled place in the world?
lol...I'll bet you a beer that if you did, you'd come back with a brand new vocabulary!
Originally posted by DickHardman View Postsorry bro, nothing you say will ever justify racism. you can try to stand up for it all you want, use whatever excuse you can think of to try to justify it, its still wrong. too bad they dont teach any of that in college.
I'm probably one of the most culturally open-minded guys you'll ever meet and I can back that up.
One more thing...Last edited by Tom Yum; 05-08-2007, 01:26 PM.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
I'm probably one of the most tolerant guys you'll ever meet and I can back that up.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostOne more thing...-fu
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostDamn straight. I even tolerate thin-skinned emo teens like yourself lol
I have contacted Oprah and Dr.Phil and they will soon be posting in the forums on this very topic, stay tuned in to Defend.net for updates...............
Originally posted by Dick Softman View Postthanks for finally admitting to being a racist. you finally showed you true colors, .
Originally posted by Dick Softman View Postdespite all the talk about being a christian and whatnot. the christians i know dont support racism. .
Originally posted by Dick Softman View Postbut at least we know were you stand now.Last edited by Tom Yum; 05-08-2007, 02:38 PM.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostAnd you having shown yours for being a coward.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostI know where I stand and its certainly not on your side.